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  1. S

    enchanced super stack question

    Well ive just read this post above and have done the same...Thinking i was getting a 12week stack....ive been hit hard on the shipping costs to Australia...Even got my pct Coming over as well...Now i need more bottles...Can we get the Advertising tweaked to reflect this
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    Blood work throws a curve ball

    thats last weeks results mate. TSH 12.8 and free t4 13.1 back in 2014....they have no t3 i said before they only just let me know about the results in my latest test.....they have given me Hypothyroid tablets to going to get a referral to a Endocrinologist.Does...
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    Can i get my Clomid from here

    Ok thanks guys for fast reply..are there any differences to pill form against liquid.?
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    Can i get my Clomid from here

    My gathering my pct for my Enhanced says i can get it that pill form or liquid?
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    Blood work throws a curve ball

    Been trying to get my head around this..old blood test from 2014 I asked the doctor for said results consistent with Hypothyroidism....2014 no one from the docs called to tell me now two years later its there again........Read the best way to look at it is if your driving a car and put your foot...
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    Blood work throws a curve ball

    TSH was 10.5 and t4 was 13.2
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    Blood work throws a curve ball

    Hi to All I am a new forum member and have already had great advice and feedback ,thank you all who read and commented on my last few posts. Taking advice i got my blood work done.....all is good with liver, Kidneys and test levels Also cholesterol in check.however i have a high tsh level...
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    Just here reading

    Hi all hello from Australia. just here reading and sucking up the information on the threads.
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    Waiting time for Sarms

    on times and how much to take over course of the day
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    Waiting time for Sarms

    MY GOD i have just spent over a thousand Aussie dollars on the Enhanced Stack package...this is such an indulgence for me as i never spend much on myself.i hope its justified.and i will reap some good results....i will be going as hard as i can let me tell you. A few quick qs for Dylan or...
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    Advice on over 40s first cycle please

    Im in Australia and its the same as far as i know for getting private bloodwork...i had to beat around the bush in the Doctors...A days meal plan for me is breakfast. rolled oats or omelette with a proteinshake. mid morning a handfull or two of nuts a cuppa tea some bananas. Lunch is some...
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    Waiting time for Sarms

    Hi to all. After doing a bit more reading and youtube vids im leaning towards the Sarms....the reply i got about test cycles for over 40s about not making full recovery has me doubting thats the route i want to take... You must have shipped to Australia before how long does it takw,and how...
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    Advice on over 40s first cycle please

    Hi All been to Doctor (no other way to get results in Australia )will wait one week for results....on a good note my blood pressure is right were it needs to be.getting Liver,Kidneys,cholesterol,and test level. As for Sarms yes im interested but also a little alarmed with the feedback on s4...
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    Advice on over 40s first cycle please

    Thanks for advice Rick...will pick up some calipers for measurement.also book appointment with Doc..So am asking for tests on Test levels,liver,colesterol etc. thanks
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    Advice on over 40s first cycle please

    Hi to all.first time post. Is there any advice you may be able to put my way. Im 44yrs old 6ft tall,210pounds. Have always had a physical working life.i have been training three nights a week at gym for two years.Results have been fair. my goals are to continue to train at the gym and have a...
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