
Blood work throws a curve ball


Hi to All
I am a new forum member and have already had great advice and feedback ,thank you all who read and commented on my last few posts.
Taking advice i got my blood work done.....all is good with liver, Kidneys and test levels Also cholesterol in check.however i have a high tsh level and have been advised i may have HYPOthyroidism.
This is a shock but also answers a few questions for being tired and fatigued,blaming this on my job in construction industry,my age 44yrs etc.this is why i went hard in the gym to get energy levels up etc...I have already ordered a run of Enhanced super stack .1)Can i still run it now with thyroid meds?
2) Also my stack is being shipped in packs of 3bottles at a time to Australia....a week apart for shipping .time it gets here could be 2 that normal.? 3)im right in thinking not to start the stack untill ihave all the components together? the enhanced super stack?

any feedback from experienced forum members would be appreciated.
What are your actual levels though?

Free T3, T4, etc?

They'll usually want to do a few follow up tests as heaps of things can momentarily and temporarily throw the numbers out.
Been trying to get my head around this..old blood test from 2014 I asked the doctor for said results consistent with Hypothyroidism....2014 no one from the docs called to tell me now two years later its there again........Read the best way to look at it is if your driving a car and put your foot on the accelerator you move faster....well i need to push so fuckin pissed guys
Hi to All
I am a new forum member and have already had great advice and feedback ,thank you all who read and commented on my last few posts.
Taking advice i got my blood work done.....all is good with liver, Kidneys and test levels Also cholesterol in check.however i have a high tsh level and have been advised i may have HYPOthyroidism.
This is a shock but also answers a few questions for being tired and fatigued,blaming this on my job in construction industry,my age 44yrs etc.this is why i went hard in the gym to get energy levels up etc...I have already ordered a run of Enhanced super stack .1)Can i still run it now with thyroid meds?
2) Also my stack is being shipped in packs of 3bottles at a time to Australia....a week apart for shipping .time it gets here could be 2 that normal.? 3)im right in thinking not to start the stack untill ihave all the components together? the enhanced super stack?

any feedback from experienced forum members would be appreciated.

You are fine to run your sarms stack in conjunction with your thyroid Meds. There is no problem at all there. I would say you are fine to start the stack once you have all of your bottles together. Even though they tell you it could be up to 60 days, it's generally far less than that. That's just giving you a time frame range since international shipping can take long at times for various reasons. I'm sure you'll get everything very soon
thats last weeks results mate. TSH 12.8 and free t4 13.1 back in 2014....they have no t3 i said before they only just let me know about the results in my latest test.....they have given me Hypothyroid tablets to going to get a referral to a Endocrinologist.Does anyone have the same condition?
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