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  1. Ah_sui

    Tp and pip

    Thanks guys..i will be observing for one more week..if i find it still the same..i would purchase new ones..actually i pin on my delts the other day and felt the pip but it was not like what i I’ve felt when i pinned in the thinking I probably hit a nerve..”bad pinning” i...
  2. Ah_sui

    Tp and pip

    So how is your softball now bro?by just reading your post I can’t even imagine how you survived that..props to you bro! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Ah_sui

    Tp and pip

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Ah_sui

    Tp and pip

    Tnx for the rply @ccbram so sources is one factor..i’ll try to observe for one more week then if i still feel the same..I’ll try to purchase a different one then..thanks once again.. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Ah_sui

    Tp and pip

    Good day guys..just a quick question how do you guys do it? “Training while on pip?” Does it really hurt like hell?i’ve heard and watched some videos including dylan’s and did some research that propionate really is more painful that cyp and enanthate..but does it really hurt that bad that you...
  6. Ah_sui

    Aromasin from sarmsx

    Good day guys its been a while since i posted..i just want to ask a question regarding the liquid aromasin I purchased from sarmsx a year ago..i went to the website but unfortunately I don’t think they’re selling it anymore..anyway my question is how many mg/ml does it contain as i have...
  7. Ah_sui

    Need help with my cycle!

    Dylan offers a shit load of info on his youtube channel(s). Check it out. Take the rest of the weekend to learn a bit more! Be versed, very well versed before you start a cycle. I have no clue how difficult it is to get ancillaries such as Nolv, Clomid, HCG, Aromasin etc down under but if you...
  8. Ah_sui

    Timing of sarms dosing

    Heard a lot of good things about this combo..actually running it with sust 350mg/ week for 12 weeks as well..really excited for the results..of course with hard work and good nutrition..definitely will update you guys! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Ah_sui

    Timing of sarms dosing

    Ok..anytime during the day as long as it's consistent..copy cycle layout is: Lgd and s4 for 12 weeks..thanks watching your Youtube videos I really learn a lot from it..keep up the good job bro! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Ah_sui

    Timing of sarms dosing

    Good day Dylan and other bros on this forum, Just wanted to ask a question regarding the timing of sarms dosing..because based from what I researched and watched from dylan's videos dosing should be in the morning right?would there be any problem if i dosed it anytime through the day not only...
  11. Ah_sui

    Christmas Special from Roids24

    Any offers similar to this coming anytime soon? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Ah_sui

    Is Sarms bridge necessary??!!

    Thanks Dylan..i would like to ask if sarmsx does have any recomp stack only composed of LGD and S4?i don't think they have.. i already tried looking at the website..or should I purchase them separately?i prefer only this 2 as i plan to run them with test(400mg/wk) for 12 weeks..and i was...
  13. Ah_sui

    Is Sarms bridge necessary??!!

    Thanks for the info bro..can you pls expound a bit on sarms bridge..after which you would need a mini pct could you start your AAs cycle right after that mini pct or should you wait a certain amount of time before running your next AAs cycle..thanks a lot bro! Sent from my iPhone...
  14. Ah_sui

    Is Sarms bridge necessary??!!

    Bro is this the sarms bridge?this is pct right..sarms bridge is right after pct..if I'm not mistaken Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Ah_sui

    Is Sarms bridge necessary??!!

    Thank you for the advice..just wanted to clear this up.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Ah_sui

    Is Sarms bridge necessary??!!

    Just a quick question it really necessary to do a sarms bridge after pct or is it fine not to have one? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Ah_sui

    Thoughts on this 2nd cycle layout??

    I already gave u guys what u were asking for..please scroll above.. Age for almost 6 years..goal is more on the aesthetic side..workout 4-5 days per week depending on work playing basketball when i was young still plays sometimes and got a slight...
  18. Ah_sui

    Thoughts on this 2nd cycle layout??

    Thoughts on 2nd cycle?? How about test/susta and primo for 14weeks for both? Or Test/susta and s4 for 12weeks? Or Test/susta and eq 16weeks but this cycle is quite long Or last resort of Test/susta and tbol for 12weeks (but I'm not in favor of orals so this would be my last resort)
  19. Ah_sui

    Thoughts on this 2nd cycle layout??

    Sorry it was a honest mistake..its supposed to be weeks1-4 and weeks there any other clarification u guys want to ask?
  20. Ah_sui

    Thoughts on this 2nd cycle layout??

    Yes sir.. I'm 31 years old 84kg..been training for almost 6 goals is more on the aesthetic side rather than bodybuilding.. My 1st cycle was 12weeks of sustanon and test e.. Weeks1-4: sustanon 500mg/week Weeks6-12: test e 500/mg/week Weeks14-18:pct of only clomid 50/50/25/25 as I don't...
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