
Thoughts on this 2nd cycle layout??


Good day sirs
I would like to seek some good advice from you good gentleman as you guys are very much experienced regarding this the title says this is my 2nd cycle, first I would like to ask which you guys suggest among the following which would be best/reputable of a source that would ship internationally as i am staying here in asia and I heard and researched that there are a lot of scam and faked sources and reps out there..i was thinking roids24,hippocampus and pharmacom..any other great sources you guys would suggest?

Secondly, this is the layout i was thinking for my 2nd cycle:
12 week cycle of sustanon and boldenone..being this as only my 2nd cycle I'm thinking of only using 2 compounds..
Week 1-12 : 400-500mg/week of sustanon
400-600mg/ week of boldenone
12.5 mg every other day of liquid aromasin( sarmsx this what ihave on hand)
Weeks 11-14 : hcg 1000 iu per week
Weeks 15-16 : 50mgs/day of clomid & 40mgs/day nolvadex
Weeks 17-18 : 25mgs/day of clomid & 20mgs/day nolvadex
Weeks 15-18 : 12.5mgs aromasin every other day, gw501516 20mg/day & mk2866 25mg/day..

Thank you in advance for your feedbacks and advice!more power to all of you!
Good day sirs
I would like to seek some good advice from you good gentleman as you guys are very much experienced regarding this the title says this is my 2nd cycle, first I would like to ask which you guys suggest among the following which would be best/reputable of a source that would ship internationally as i am staying here in asia and I heard and researched that there are a lot of scam and faked sources and reps out there..i was thinking roids24,hippocampus and pharmacom..any other great sources you guys would suggest?

Secondly, this is the layout i was thinking for my 2nd cycle:
12 week cycle of sustanon and boldenone..being this as only my 2nd cycle I'm thinking of only using 2 compounds..
Week 1-12 : 400-500mg/week of sustanon
400-600mg/ week of boldenone
12.5 mg every other day of liquid aromasin( sarmsx this what ihave on hand)
Weeks 11-14 : hcg 1000 iu per week
Weeks 15-16 : 50mgs/day of clomid & 40mgs/day nolvadex
Weeks 17-18 : 25mgs/day of clomid & 20mgs/day nolvadex
Weeks 15-18 : 12.5mgs aromasin every other day, gw501516 20mg/day & mk2866 25mg/day..

Thank you in advance for your feedbacks and advice!more power to all of you!
Eq needs to be run 16 weeks at least

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You need to post your COMPLETE stats;

Body fat %
Years of training
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run)
PCT for each cycle
Supplements (if any)
General idea of nutrition
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.)

Be honest; don't write what you think we want to hear

Also; read this:

You need to post your COMPLETE stats;

Body fat %
Years of training
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run)
PCT for each cycle
Supplements (if any)
General idea of nutrition
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.)

Be honest; don't write what you think we want to hear

Also; read this:

Yes sir..
I'm 31 years old 84kg..been training for almost 6 goals is more on the aesthetic side rather than bodybuilding..
My 1st cycle was 12weeks of sustanon and test e..
Weeks1-4: sustanon 500mg/week
Weeks6-12: test e 500/mg/week
Weeks14-18:pct of only clomid 50/50/25/25 as I don't have that much knowledge about about pct yet during that time..

Any other good advice on which better compounds to be run on the 2nd cycle coz I don't want to run it too long..12weeks the most..and I'd rather use injectables rather than orals..thanks once again..
Yes sir..
I'm 31 years old 84kg..been training for almost 6 goals is more on the aesthetic side rather than bodybuilding..
My 1st cycle was 12weeks of sustanon and test e..
Weeks1-4: sustanon 500mg/week
Weeks6-12: test e 500/mg/week
Weeks14-18:pct of only clomid 50/50/25/25 as I don't have that much knowledge about about pct yet during that time..

Any other good advice on which better compounds to be run on the 2nd cycle coz I don't want to run it too long..12weeks the most..and I'd rather use injectables rather than orals..thanks once again..
Of u dnt want to run longer than 12 weeks. U need to find something else besides EQ

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk
Yes sir..
I'm 31 years old 84kg..been training for almost 6 goals is more on the aesthetic side rather than bodybuilding..
My 1st cycle was 12weeks of sustanon and test e..
Weeks1-4: sustanon 500mg/week
Weeks6-12: test e 500/mg/week
Weeks14-18:pct of only clomid 50/50/25/25 as I don't have that much knowledge about about pct yet during that time..

Any other good advice on which better compounds to be run on the 2nd cycle coz I don't want to run it too long..12weeks the most..and I'd rather use injectables rather than orals..thanks once again..

Please re-read COMPLETE stats and post what's missing.

Why did you take a 2 week break during your 1st cycle?
Please re-read COMPLETE stats and post what's missing.

Why did you take a 2 week break during your 1st cycle?

Sorry it was a honest mistake..its supposed to be weeks1-4 and weeks there any other clarification u guys want to ask?
Thoughts on 2nd cycle??

How about test/susta and primo for 14weeks for both?
Test/susta and s4 for 12weeks?
Test/susta and eq 16weeks but this cycle is quite long
Or last resort of
Test/susta and tbol for 12weeks (but I'm not in favor of orals so this would be my last resort)
No one is going to give you advice until you post your COMPLETE stats.
No one is going to give you advice until you post your COMPLETE stats.

I already gave u guys what u were asking for..please scroll above..
Age for almost 6 years..goal is more on the aesthetic side..workout 4-5 days per week depending on work playing basketball when i was young still plays sometimes and got a slight injury from it on my left composes of chicken breast..ground beef..eggs..oats..rice..pork sometimes..pasta..
1st cycle was mentioned above 12weeks of sustanon and test e..1st 4 weeks was susta and followed by test e until end of cycle..pct was only clomid 50/50/25/25..last cycle ended last mid October this includes pct..
You didn't post your diet until now. You know that diet is 90% of the game right?

Have you had bloods done since your cycle ended?

18% body fat at your weight = over 30 pounds of fat on your frame. Not good for AAS. You're increasing your risk for adverse side effects.

First step would be to get a blood draw IMO.
How about test/susta and primo for 14weeks for both?
Test/susta and s4 for 12weeks?
Test/susta and eq 16weeks but this cycle is quite long
Or last resort of
Test/susta and tbol for 12weeks (but I'm not in favor of orals so this would be my last resort)
these are all good cycles but you have to be in the right condition first bro.. your getting too far ahead of yourself... if your in shit condition or at least condition not conducive for steroid use, not only are you at a far higher risk for side effects but your hindering progress in a major way... the point in steroid use is that you have MAXED out your potential as a natural athlete.. you are FAR from that bro... you need to get in better condition first... this is a marathon, not a sprint... you can do whatever you like but your will never achieve a fraction of what you should the way your doing it...
I already gave u guys what u were asking for..please scroll above..
Age for almost 6 years..goal is more on the aesthetic side..workout 4-5 days per week depending on work playing basketball when i was young still plays sometimes and got a slight injury from it on my left composes of chicken breast..ground beef..eggs..oats..rice..pork sometimes..pasta..
1st cycle was mentioned above 12weeks of sustanon and test e..1st 4 weeks was susta and followed by test e until end of cycle..pct was only clomid 50/50/25/25..last cycle ended last mid October this includes pct..

You aren't in the right condition for steroid use bud. Bodyfat is way too high. You need to get that down and probably work on getting a better diet together.

Have you considered sarms? They are great for helping you shed bodyfat, and I'd be happy to help,you set up a sarms cycle
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