
Is Sarms bridge necessary??!!


Just a quick question it really necessary to do a sarms bridge after pct or is it fine not to have one?

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you can do whatever you want bro but its going to be far more difficult to hold any gains and you are not going to have the same performance in the gym etc... noone ever said you had to but it will benefit you in a very high extent... its generally a no brainer but you can do whatever you want
you can do whatever you want bro but its going to be far more difficult to hold any gains and you are not going to have the same performance in the gym etc... noone ever said you had to but it will benefit you in a very high extent... its generally a no brainer but you can do whatever you want

Thank you for the advice..just wanted to clear this up..

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Just a quick question it really necessary to do a sarms bridge after pct or is it fine not to have one?

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In no way is a sarms bridge required, but many people take this time to try and make more progress which is why they are so beneficial and popular. Staying natty versus being on sarms is obviously going to be night and day on what you can do for making more gains, losing fat etc...

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Just a quick question it really necessary to do a sarms bridge after pct or is it fine not to have one?

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This is what the bridge will look like. Bro. In my opinion it's like working all week and not going in to pick up your paycheck without the bridge.

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Are big muscles necessary? No, but it sure helps our chances... chances at whatever lol

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This is what the bridge will look like. Bro. In my opinion it's like working all week and not going in to pick up your paycheck without the bridge.

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Bro is this the sarms bridge?this is pct right..sarms bridge is right after pct..if I'm not mistaken

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Is jelly required with peanut butter no but it sure makes it a great addition to the sandwich.

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What he is doing is using GW and MK2866 during PCT which is also a great idea but is not a SARMS bridge.

As I understand it a SARMS bridge would be ran between AAS cycles.

So you would PCT, then take something like 4 weeks off everything, then run a SARMS stack to bridge the time between your next AAS cycle.

I am running a SARMS only cycle right now after being out of the gym for quite some time, if you check out my log I have before and afters at 60 days in on the cycle, SARMS are killer man =)

Thanks for clearing that up brother. I was just wanting to show the importance of SARMS. As even when run in your PCT your getting more bang for your buck. And we know we all like that.

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What he is doing is using GW and MK2866 during PCT which is also a great idea but is not a SARMS bridge.

As I understand it a SARMS bridge would be ran between AAS cycles.

So you would PCT, then take something like 4 weeks off everything, then run a SARMS stack to bridge the time between your next AAS cycle.

I am running a SARMS only cycle right now after being out of the gym for quite some time, if you check out my log I have before and afters at 60 days in on the cycle, SARMS are killer man =)

Thanks for the info bro..can you pls expound a bit on sarms bridge..after which you would need a mini pct could you start your AAs cycle right after that mini pct or should you wait a certain amount of time before running your next AAs cycle..thanks a lot bro!

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Thanks for the info bro..can you pls expound a bit on sarms bridge..after which you would need a mini pct could you start your AAs cycle right after that mini pct or should you wait a certain amount of time before running your next AAs cycle..thanks a lot bro!

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Your pct after an AAS cycle is just a pct. It is not a sarms bridge even though it does contain sarms.

The sarms bridge takes place after pct, which is any sarms stack suited to meet your goals to run in between aas cycles. You would do a mini pct after your sarms bridge before starting your next aas cycle

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
here you go bro... here's a video i did on sarms for bridging... watch this and then let me know your goals and i'll help you set up a bridge stack...

Thanks Dylan..i would like to ask if sarmsx does have any recomp stack only composed of LGD and S4?i don't think they have.. i already tried looking at the website..or should I purchase them separately?i prefer only this 2 as i plan to run them with test(400mg/wk) for 12 weeks..and i was thinking of GW and S4 for my bridge..would this plan be fine?thanks bro and more power to you!Its good that you have been adding some workout videos in your YouTube channel as well!

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Thanks Dylan..i would like to ask if sarmsx does have any recomp stack only composed of LGD and S4?i don't think they have.. i already tried looking at the website..or should I purchase them separately?i prefer only this 2 as i plan to run them with test(400mg/wk) for 12 weeks..and i was thinking of GW and S4 for my bridge..would this plan be fine?thanks bro and more power to you!Its good that you have been adding some workout videos in your YouTube channel as well!

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thanks for the support bro! i really appreciate it... they dont have a stack to buy HOWEVER you can buy them on a discount from the discount page... here are the links...
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