
Need help with my cycle!


New member
Ok guys,

bit of a background (live in australia)

im 29 years old, been lifting for around 12years. Was very skinny to start of with at 6'2 i was only 65 kilos.

I been as far up as 110kg with lots of weight gainer shakes.

However for the past 4 years or so I am now down to around 91 kilos with roughly 10-15% body fat.

I can bench pretty heavy for a natural guy, can throw up 55kg dumbells for incline bench for example for good 8 reps.

ANyway just got my first TEST-E vile. and 20 x 50mg Clomid tabs. I also have a bottle of 10mg capsules of anavar.

1. Can somoene please tell me how I should be injecting this test? twice a week? on what days etc. (I got told every 5th day for 1ml until it runs out?)
2. Should I bother taking anavar with my Test E?
3. How should I take my Clomid bearing in mind i only have 20 50mg tabs at the moment. (i.e should itake it 2 week after my last test shot and how much per day etc)?

Thanks guys
dude i just want help for my cycle? any suggestions?

if you really must know its probbaly between 10 - 12

Well it hasn't been thoroughly thought out... I'm sorry man I'm just trying to make sure you have all your shit straight so someone can help you optimally. You have clomid tabs instead of reliable sarmsx, anavar isn't highly recommended for men in this forum, and if this is your first cycle and you don't know how you'll react you should get some aromatase inhibitor like aromasin so you can help prevent gyno
dude i just want help for my cycle? any suggestions?

if you really must know its probbaly between 10 - 12


OK, before this gets too far; here's how this works:

DON’T argue with the vets who respond to your thread. You came here for advice and you got it. We’re not here to sugar coat anything. If you want to take it to the next level you’re going to need some balls and a thick skin. You don’t always get the answer that you were expecting.
Well if your first cycle I'd say test only. Not suggesting use of Anavar however I believe dosage typically 50 mg daily. I may be off on this. No need for AI with Anavar but for sure have something like Aromasin on hand when running test which aromatizes. Oh yeas, liver protection is a good thing as well.

There is a ton of stuff to learn and lots of sources. i'd say first thing is put down the needle (for now) !

On the forum home page in the right margin is great info on many AAS compounds and SARMS. Start there.

Dylan offers a shit load of info on his youtube channel(s). Check it out. Take the rest of the weekend to learn a bit more!

Be versed, very well versed before you start a cycle.

I have no clue how difficult it is to get ancillaries such as Nolv, Clomid, HCG, Aromasin etc down under but if you do not have proper "weaponry" don't go into battle or you will be crushed in ways you cannot fathom

That's about all i have to say
Dylan offers a shit load of info on his youtube channel(s). Check it out. Take the rest of the weekend to learn a bit more!

Be versed, very well versed before you start a cycle.

I have no clue how difficult it is to get ancillaries such as Nolv, Clomid, HCG, Aromasin etc down under but if you do not have proper "weaponry" don't go into battle or you will be crushed in ways you cannot fathom

That's about all i have to say[/QUOTE]

Very well said..

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Ok guys,

bit of a background (live in australia)

im 29 years old, been lifting for around 12years. Was very skinny to start of with at 6'2 i was only 65 kilos.

I been as far up as 110kg with lots of weight gainer shakes.

However for the past 4 years or so I am now down to around 91 kilos with roughly 10-15% body fat.

I can bench pretty heavy for a natural guy, can throw up 55kg dumbells for incline bench for example for good 8 reps.

ANyway just got my first TEST-E vile. and 20 x 50mg Clomid tabs. I also have a bottle of 10mg capsules of anavar.

1. Can somoene please tell me how I should be injecting this test? twice a week? on what days etc. (I got told every 5th day for 1ml until it runs out?)
2. Should I bother taking anavar with my Test E?
3. How should I take my Clomid bearing in mind i only have 20 50mg tabs at the moment. (i.e should itake it 2 week after my last test shot and how much per day etc)?

Thanks guys

Bro, your first cycle should be test only. Anavar is for women anyways, so don't even think of using that. What does your diet consist of? Diet is the biggest key to success in all of this.

For your cycle, you need to do things right. I would add some sarms in to your test, and you need to make sure your pct is correct. Here is how I'd do it

Get all your SARMS and pct from

1-12 Test E 350mg per week
1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.


Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK-2866 25mg ED
GW 20mg ED
dude i just want help for my cycle? any suggestions?

if you really must know its probbaly between 10 - 12

i can tell you something right now, that attitude right there, thats not going to get you any help and certainly not from me... fucking 10-15% is a HUGE range and it makes A HUGE difference in what and how you run your cycle... so since you want to be a prick about it, good luck man! you have a lot of balls coming and asking for people to take time to help you and then someone brings up a very very significant point and that's the thanks he gets... nice bro... since everyone OWES you right?
i can tell you something right now, that attitude right there, thats not going to get you any help and certainly not from me... fucking 10-15% is a HUGE range and it makes A HUGE difference in what and how you run your cycle... so since you want to be a prick about it, good luck man! you have a lot of balls coming and asking for people to take time to help you and then someone brings up a very very significant point and that's the thanks he gets... nice bro... since everyone OWES you right?

Sorry it came off the wrong way, I don't have attitude and if it came across that way I apoligise to all members who have tried to help me.
I do realise 10-15% is a huge range.
No one owes me anything. I guess I just wanted to direct information in terms of exactly what I should be doing with my Test and Clomid that I have.

Sorry once again if I offended anyone.
I'll repeat one more time.

Put down the needle and read lots as well as view Dylan's you tube videos..

For fuck sake i'm in the medical profession and know less than some members here regarding this shit. I am more than wiling to admit my lack of knowledge in regards to some of these issues concerning "gear" and ask for help. Best of all there is tons of help here.

I believe you are looking for the answer you are looking for..." yeah, bro pin 250 c.c 2x a week and good to go. it's a bit (or in some cases a lot) more complicated.

Again, put down the fucking needle and learn all you can.Then when you think you know it all you'll be surprised at how much you don't know.

Just sayin.
Sorry it came off the wrong way, I don't have attitude and if it came across that way I apoligise to all members who have tried to help me.
I do realise 10-15% is a huge range.
No one owes me anything. I guess I just wanted to direct information in terms of exactly what I should be doing with my Test and Clomid that I have.

Sorry once again if I offended anyone.
i can help you bro, thats what im here for... you came across wrong but i appreciate your response... maybe you can post a pic so i can gauge where you are at... i do things with pure precision... so i want to make sure you are safe and accurate in EVERYTHING you do bro...
i can help you bro, thats what im here for... you came across wrong but i appreciate your response... maybe you can post a pic so i can gauge where you are at... i do things with pure precision... so i want to make sure you are safe and accurate in EVERYTHING you do bro...

Like I said, Tades101, lots of help here. just listen and learn. It appears to me that Dylan knows this shit so let him guide you, grasshopper.
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