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  1. B


    Don't forget about the hot tub SS.
  2. B

    Choosing the right steroids -1st cycle

    Start the ai from day one. Dbol gives me more trouble than anything else when gyno is the concern. Definitely run the proviron. I actually run it at 100 a day is I am not running mast. Good luck.
  3. B

    Npp & Tendons

    Re: RE: Re: Npp & Tendons Hahaha I am 41. My dad is 71 and said he still doesn't feel like an adult. me neither! I'm just getting started!
  4. B

    Npp & Tendons

    Re: RE: Re: Npp & Tendons As I said, I feel like the ew is probably optimal. The 800 every two weeks approach. is playing off of the long half-life EQ has. instead of dropping down to lower and lower weekly doses,. 800 every week is an effective dose. instead of lowering my dose, I have tried...
  5. B

    Npp & Tendons

    I have done doses of 800 every two weeks with EQ, and seem to keep repeating same benefits tendon wise. I'm not saying is a significant as every week injections. but it does seem to continue keeping me very vascular and enjoying healthy joints and tendons . I blast it big and let it run out...
  6. B

    Npp & Tendons

    Re: Npp & Tendons I am not going to say EQ will heal an injury by any means. but I feel like it is an important part of a tren cycle. Tren causes a person to get so strong, faster then the rest of the body can keep up with. Probably more people are injured during tren cycle than anything else...
  7. B


    I'm watching the mailbox every day for my phurious pack. Can't wait, it's suff I really need . And I know it's good!!!!
  8. B

    Tren E / Test E year round

    I think it's a bad idea. I ran tren for almost 2 years straight. Would run it way up for as long as I could stand it. Then drop it down to around 350 for a while. I finally just come off completely for a while. I feel a lot better coming off for a while. You can forget what normal is. Blast...
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