I'ld like to introduce my self to the group.
46 years old
185 lbs (currently). I've been 199 lbs big and lean in the past.
BF 12%
I have done 8 cycles.
I've done Sustanon, Test, Tren, GH, Winstrol, Clen, primo, Anadrol.
Last cycle was 1 1/2 year ago.
Been working out 25 years.
I'll be doing a 14 week cycle. 4 week Dbol kickstarter, then cutting.
My goal is to put on some size the first month, getting lean and gaining muscle the following weeks. A physique competitor look. My occupation is based on me being big and lean.
My diet is Paleo with white rice and Sweet potato as my startchy carbs. All whole foods and protein shakes.
I eat always eat clean with 4 or 5 moderate size meals through out the day. Just bought a food scale to be more exact with portions.
I'll post my upcoming cycle soon. Thanks to Phurious this should be pretty impressive!
Just got my bloodwork done yesterday to figure out my base.
Big fan of Dylan's as well, I've watched all his stuff and admire his knowledge and great advice.
46 years old
185 lbs (currently). I've been 199 lbs big and lean in the past.
BF 12%
I have done 8 cycles.
I've done Sustanon, Test, Tren, GH, Winstrol, Clen, primo, Anadrol.
Last cycle was 1 1/2 year ago.
Been working out 25 years.
I'll be doing a 14 week cycle. 4 week Dbol kickstarter, then cutting.
My goal is to put on some size the first month, getting lean and gaining muscle the following weeks. A physique competitor look. My occupation is based on me being big and lean.
My diet is Paleo with white rice and Sweet potato as my startchy carbs. All whole foods and protein shakes.
I eat always eat clean with 4 or 5 moderate size meals through out the day. Just bought a food scale to be more exact with portions.
I'll post my upcoming cycle soon. Thanks to Phurious this should be pretty impressive!
Just got my bloodwork done yesterday to figure out my base.
Big fan of Dylan's as well, I've watched all his stuff and admire his knowledge and great advice.