
Winstrol first cycle help


New member
I have a few questions that I couldn't find on your videos or blogs. This is going to be my first cycle, I know you recommended test for the first one but I'm really trying to lose some body fat. My questions are..What time of the day do I take it? You said 50mg a day I have 10mg pills so how many do I take at a time? I also am going to take liver support during and post cycle. I'm also wondering what, when, how much of post cycle meds do I take? I can't do any shots I'm doing all oral. I also have proviron I was going to take during for sex drive. And I also got tren oral but you said not to take for your first. So I believe that is all my questions I would appreciate it a lot if you could answer them I want to keep as much gains on and fat off as possible. Thanks a lot!
You don't use steroids to lose bodyfat. Get in shape and train natural for a few years before running any roids.
Winstrol won't burn fat or help you lose weight !
Diet is the only way
As for a "helper"
Try running SR90009 and GW
I have a few questions that I couldn't find on your videos or blogs. This is going to be my first cycle, I know you recommended test for the first one but I'm really trying to lose some body fat. My questions are..What time of the day do I take it? You said 50mg a day I have 10mg pills so how many do I take at a time? I also am going to take liver support during and post cycle. I'm also wondering what, when, how much of post cycle meds do I take? I can't do any shots I'm doing all oral. I also have proviron I was going to take during for sex drive. And I also got tren oral but you said not to take for your first. So I believe that is all my questions I would appreciate it a lot if you could answer them I want to keep as much gains on and fat off as possible. Thanks a lot!

oh boy... STEROIDS ARE NOT FAT BURNERS... you have absolutely no reason whatsoever to be using steroids... there's literally noone here that would recommend you to use steroids.. i know your probably under the common misconception that steroids are these magic drugs that will get you into some excellent condition but thats a joke... not even close to accurate and YOU DONT USE STEROIDS TO LOSE WEIGHT...

what are your stats? age/height/weight/body fat? there are alternatives... start by reading my articles on sarms here...

let me know your stats and i can set you up a nice sarms stack
Oh wow so you watched the videos and you still decided to do an oral only cycle of winny. And u bought methyl tren. Yay another one who doesn't read or listen. Steroids don't burn fat. So if you're FAT try this thing called a diet. It works wonders

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I always believe in this order of importants when entering the fitness/bodybuilding world

2- Genetics
3- diet
4-training routine

.winny, var, proviron, mast are coumpounds that shine at 10% bodyfat or less

.with that said, AAS/PH/DS supplementation should only be used when all of the above are completely understood , Supplementation is just that , Supplementing the foundation of hardwork to enhance what you have built naturally

Just my humble opinion ...
IMO winstrol should be used towards the end of a competition cycle. Just my opinion. 2-3wks max.

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why the fuck did you buy oral tren for ???
you need to protect more than just your liver, and I hope you have a proper pct with Serms, and why are you running an oral only cycle, your going to hurt yourself if not now, in the long run.
IMO winstrol should be used towards the end of a competition cycle. Just my opinion. 2-3wks max.

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i agree with using it at the end of a cycle but 2-3 weeks is pointless... not sure where your coming up with that
I'm 23 about 11% bf have been training for 4 years

bro, seriously.. what the hell are you doing? just stop ALL OF THIS NONSENSE right now... your only 23... your want to use METHYL TREN! or an ORAL ONLY CYCLE or for that matter, any cycle at all... this is just a mess man... just a mess... heres a far better option... you can get everything at

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout and non workout days, all at once in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
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