Re: Will I keep my gains? The most abused and misunderstood questions known to man...
Great post as always, Dylan.
Not experienced, these are simply my opinions.
I completely agree on this info. When tapering off, You must maintain as close to the rest, diet, intensity, volume, cardio and work ethic you did while on a cycle. Doing so is ensuring you can keep up with what gear has brought you. Also, do your absolute best to MAINTAIN STRENGTH. No powerlifting style routines are needed, but if you were db pressing the 100's on gear, try and maintain at least the 90-100's while off. If you are losing strength, possibly regressing back to where you were before gear then you may be losing gains. I also believe a proper pct which is strong will secure the likelihood of keeping your gains safe. Even if you go back to a cruise, keep using aromasin.
The diet should always have a proper amount of essential fatty acids for hormone health, moderate carbohydrates and high protein. Sometimes it is a smart thing to keep the bulk of carbs pre/post workout while coming off. This can ensure enough energy to train. I'd also recommend a higher caffeine consumption while off for energy within the gym. No pre workouts, black coffee or tea. Supplementing BCAAs would be wise and throwing in ostarine.
Great post as always, Dylan.
Not experienced, these are simply my opinions.
I completely agree on this info. When tapering off, You must maintain as close to the rest, diet, intensity, volume, cardio and work ethic you did while on a cycle. Doing so is ensuring you can keep up with what gear has brought you. Also, do your absolute best to MAINTAIN STRENGTH. No powerlifting style routines are needed, but if you were db pressing the 100's on gear, try and maintain at least the 90-100's while off. If you are losing strength, possibly regressing back to where you were before gear then you may be losing gains. I also believe a proper pct which is strong will secure the likelihood of keeping your gains safe. Even if you go back to a cruise, keep using aromasin.
The diet should always have a proper amount of essential fatty acids for hormone health, moderate carbohydrates and high protein. Sometimes it is a smart thing to keep the bulk of carbs pre/post workout while coming off. This can ensure enough energy to train. I'd also recommend a higher caffeine consumption while off for energy within the gym. No pre workouts, black coffee or tea. Supplementing BCAAs would be wise and throwing in ostarine.