
What Does Your Screen Name Mean?

I'm just a dirty old man....with a freaky Chester Molester side ...(I got N2Gaurd in my creepy 70's van with no windows! Wanna see?)

But the name comes from Wu Tang....I loved them back in the days.
The drenalin is a great bow. I would definitly consider getting one. Plus my draw is 28 or so. Wouldn't have to replace the cam on it in don't think.
How long have you had it?

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I actually got really lucky on the bow. I was on a hunting forum in the classified section and I seen where a guy had the drenalin for sale. Said $350. I was like I gotta jump on that so I told him I wanted to come look at it. Turns out that the guy lived like 10 minutes from me. I thought 350 was awfully cheap and something had to be wrong. Well I get there and the bow is still in the original packaging and never been opened. The cable ties were also still on the strings. He told me that he accidentally won it at an auction. Said opening bid was 350 and he bid on it lol well no one else bid! Said he just wanted his money back. I've had it for 2 years and I absolutely love it. It's one of the smoothest shooting bows I've ever shot. 29 draw 70 lb limbs.
I've had a Matthews for years. Need get something new since TX rained in my Bowtech dream.
Bow tech makes a very nice bow. If I ever get a new one I may consider the bow tech assassin. I'm a mathews man at heart rhough. It's all I've ever had.
I am a gatherer of knowledge in the silicon realms...the CybrSage. I am also known as The Sage of the Sands (for the same reason). The reason I used only 8 characters for my screen name is due to the limitations of the early days of the net...long before the graphical web came into existence.

I pieced together my first computer in the 80s...yeah, I have always been a computer geek. :)
Bow tech makes a very nice bow. If I ever get a new one I may consider the bow tech assassin. I'm a mathews man at heart rhough. It's all I've ever had.

I cant afford Matthews cuz I buy gear. lol I have a diamond rapture I bought from a Wounded Warrior that cant climb anymore.

However my screen name is a mix of a nickname Rock from my military days and mf is obvious mother fuckin hudd is a play on my last name
You learn a lot about people from they screen name explanations lol

I got mine from a nickname I had for many years.

I was invited to a party for a girls 21st and did know her but my mate did, we got drinking and turned up pretty late, it was a hot summer night and the rumor was someone had ordered her a stripper !
In I walked with just denim pants no top and it her drunk state she thought I was the stripper so she yells out well Hesnobradpit pit but he'll do !

And it stuck with me for years :)


Thats really funny.
At work they started calling me big swole. I'm the lead guy on the floor so call it floor chief then one day it went to chief swole and has stuck ever since
You learn a lot about people from they screen name explanations lol

I got mine from a nickname I had for many years.

I was invited to a party for a girls 21st and did know her but my mate did, we got drinking and turned up pretty late, it was a hot summer night and the rumor was someone had ordered her a stripper !
In I walked with just denim pants no top and it her drunk state she thought I was the stripper so she yells out well Hesnobradpit pit but he'll do !

And it stuck with me for years :)


OMG!!! I freaking love this one!! That is the best reason for a screen name that I have heard. Thanks for sharing that one man!!
same here!

hurricane was a nickname i got when i was in my early 20's .when me and my friends would go out drinking and i would always get in a fight. i think it was from the boxer hurricane carter or something, i cant remember lol
You sure it wasn't hurricane Peter McNealey.... that is the dude tyson destroyed after he got out of prison

Dbol Breakfast of Champions
Sorry to hear. But I like low gas prices haha!

I guess this is what they call a Zero Sum Game. Overall I feel blessed though, as others are hurting more than I am. Its all cyclical though man.

On a positive note, when our job count is down, I have more time for the gym. :-D
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