
Trying to put a dream cycle together

RickRock said:
RickRock said:
"PHURIOUS" said:
1-5 var 30mg ed
1-5 adrol 50mg ed
1-16 sust 750 mg a week
1-16 deca 500mg a week
1-16 tren e 400mg a week
1-16 masteron 600mg a week
10-16 winny 50mg ed split into two am and pm
1-16 aromasin 12.5mg a day


I don't know if you are serious with this cycle or not bro, but it's completely wreckless and unnecessary. To me a dream cycle doesn't mean cramming as much shit as you can into a cycle. That's twice as much shit as I would ever run at once. More isn't better. Anadrol and Var at the same time? That's way too much toxicity from orals. And Tren and Deca at the same time? I wouldn't ever recommend two nandrolones at once. That sounds like a bad idea for anyone that isn't a very advanced user. I've never even ran two nandrolones at once. It's best to pick one or the other and run them at an effective dose. That could be a real problematic cycle. There is a correct way to structure things without being wreckless. This cycle is a very poor example in my opinion.

Those are all pretty standard dosages for each product. Not sure how u see that as wreckless. But ok. Everyone has their own opinion i guess. I used the products he had listed that he wants to use. Thats on him. Right?

I mean really everyone is their own man and they are gonna do what they wanna do no matter what we say. So why not steer them w standard dosages so that they dont just use all the products at high dosages.

Do you really think if you tell him to run just the sust and tren with the winny and some sarms he is gonna do that? No. He is gonna say ok ill do that and then go off and do whatever he wants.

We all know this. It happens time and time again.


The correct thing to do would be to advise people properly.mif they want to go against the grain and do things their own way, that's on them. But to blatantly give them wreckless advice is not acceptable in my opinion. I laid out for him a great cycle to use all of them compounds in a constructive manner rather than all at once, which I think is a much better, safer, and effective game plan rather than running a pro bodybuilder type stack that I wouldnt ever even consider myself

Ok bud. Im out of this one. Not enjoying being put down when i stick up for you all the time. Later.

Lets face the old days we didnt know shitski. It was very common to do 50mg dbol cycles for 8 weeks with no oct or pct. Today that might be wreckless. The fact is I nor anyone I know has any damage from it. Some laugh at pyramid cycles or ramp up ramp down, but tons of these cycles have been done. Some think it is crazy that I do sus and cyp together. Some think it is crazy that I always do test and deca together. One thing I can say about old school is that the cycles were never a big pot of soup. If there were 3 different aas in a cycle then that was a lot. Also very few cycles went past 12 weeks. So when I see cycles of 16 weeks I think of that as dangerous, but the fact is that a lot of folks do it. I still say if you can't grow on deca,test and dbol in 12 weeks then just take your toys and go home. Every time I ever into the trens, the adrol when it came out, the halo...every single one of those made me loose my well being. So to loose your well being is wreckless to me. If you loose your well being on deca, sus and dbol..then get your toys again. So I guess we all have different ideas as to what wreckless is.

What really is wreckless? Since I do not know anybody who killed themselves or made vegetables out of themselves, I do not really know what wreckless is. I only know what wreckless is to myself. AND I do know friends who drank too much and died, and made vegetables of themselves, and lived to be only 45 due to numerous health problems from alcohol. What all young guys need to keep in mind is that you have many more cycles to go in your lifetime. If you are going to blast the hell out of all of the aas before you turn 40 then you have nothing from 45 to 55 to 65. I say be conservative. Take enough to get results. Stop at 12 weeks, do not restart for another 12 weeks. Only add a new aas when the one you were using seems to not do the trick. Nobody is offering me 1 million dollars to put on 15lbs of muscle, so therefore I take no chances. This is about feel good mentally, physically and of course to look good. It is about being healthy too. Vibrant, full of piss and vinegar, being a character etc. Not about doing 1000mg tren and feel like shit but look real good.
RickRock said:
RickRock said:
"PHURIOUS" said:
1-5 var 30mg ed
1-5 adrol 50mg ed
1-16 sust 750 mg a week
1-16 deca 500mg a week
1-16 tren e 400mg a week
1-16 masteron 600mg a week
10-16 winny 50mg ed split into two am and pm
1-16 aromasin 12.5mg a day


I don't know if you are serious with this cycle or not bro, but it's completely wreckless and unnecessary. To me a dream cycle doesn't mean cramming as much shit as you can into a cycle. That's twice as much shit as I would ever run at once. More isn't better. Anadrol and Var at the same time? That's way too much toxicity from orals. And Tren and Deca at the same time? I wouldn't ever recommend two nandrolones at once. That sounds like a bad idea for anyone that isn't a very advanced user. I've never even ran two nandrolones at once. It's best to pick one or the other and run them at an effective dose. That could be a real problematic cycle. There is a correct way to structure things without being wreckless. This cycle is a very poor example in my opinion.

Those are all pretty standard dosages for each product. Not sure how u see that as wreckless. But ok. Everyone has their own opinion i guess. I used the products he had listed that he wants to use. Thats on him. Right?

I mean really everyone is their own man and they are gonna do what they wanna do no matter what we say. So why not steer them w standard dosages so that they dont just use all the products at high dosages.

Do you really think if you tell him to run just the sust and tren with the winny and some sarms he is gonna do that? No. He is gonna say ok ill do that and then go off and do whatever he wants.

We all know this. It happens time and time again.


The correct thing to do would be to advise people properly.mif they want to go against the grain and do things their own way, that's on them. But to blatantly give them wreckless advice is not acceptable in my opinion. I laid out for him a great cycle to use all of them compounds in a constructive manner rather than all at once, which I think is a much better, safer, and effective game plan rather than running a pro bodybuilder type stack that I wouldnt ever even consider myself

Ok bud. Im out of this one. Not enjoying being put down when i stick up for you all the time. Later.


Hey brother, don't take this the wrong way at all. I'm not hear to put you down, and in no way did I imply that. I respect your input, and always have. That's not going to change man. I just was not comfortable at all, when the OP said "ok PHURIOUS, that looks like a good cycle. Do I take all the sustanon at once?" which tells me he was ready to run this when I don't think it was the right move in any way, shape, or form. I can't justify that cycle bro. I just can't. I can't tell you one person I would ever recommend that to, so I saw the need to intervene and give my two cents. I still have no problem with you giving your side, and I gave mine. There are things we are going to have to agree to disagree on. That's life. I've always been a person that is conservative in this lifestyle with compounds, dosages, etc. It's a marathon and not a sprint. I'm not a more is better person. Never have been and never will be. I've accomplished more in the last 5 years than many guys have in ten years with twice the amount of gear I run in every cycle, so that is a mentality I stand by 100%
And remember this young lady? She has not been defeated in a cycle race in two years. She will not take even a supplement. She is here at my house talking with my wife, and reads me writing before and says.."hey Dr B...and you aren't reckless"? So she thinks every single person who has ever stuck themselves is crazy.
I had to correct her...I am wreckless...not reckless. So you see it is all relative. We all have different ideas of what bad is!


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RickRock said:
RickRock said:
"PHURIOUS" said:
"RickRock" said:
"PHURIOUS" said:
1-5 var 30mg ed
1-5 adrol 50mg ed
1-16 sust 750 mg a week
1-16 deca 500mg a week
1-16 tren e 400mg a week
1-16 masteron 600mg a week
10-16 winny 50mg ed split into two am and pm
1-16 aromasin 12.5mg a day


I don't know if you are serious with this cycle or not bro, but it's completely wreckless and unnecessary. To me a dream cycle doesn't mean cramming as much shit as you can into a cycle. That's twice as much shit as I would ever run at once. More isn't better. Anadrol and Var at the same time? That's way too much toxicity from orals. And Tren and Deca at the same time? I wouldn't ever recommend two nandrolones at once. That sounds like a bad idea for anyone that isn't a very advanced user. I've never even ran two nandrolones at once. It's best to pick one or the other and run them at an effective dose. That could be a real problematic cycle. There is a correct way to structure things without being wreckless. This cycle is a very poor example in my opinion.

Those are all pretty standard dosages for each product. Not sure how u see that as wreckless. But ok. Everyone has their own opinion i guess. I used the products he had listed that he wants to use. Thats on him. Right?

I mean really everyone is their own man and they are gonna do what they wanna do no matter what we say. So why not steer them w standard dosages so that they dont just use all the products at high dosages.

Do you really think if you tell him to run just the sust and tren with the winny and some sarms he is gonna do that? No. He is gonna say ok ill do that and then go off and do whatever he wants.

We all know this. It happens time and time again.


The correct thing to do would be to advise people properly.mif they want to go against the grain and do things their own way, that's on them. But to blatantly give them wreckless advice is not acceptable in my opinion. I laid out for him a great cycle to use all of them compounds in a constructive manner rather than all at once, which I think is a much better, safer, and effective game plan rather than running a pro bodybuilder type stack that I wouldnt ever even consider myself

Ok bud. Im out of this one. Not enjoying being put down when i stick up for you all the time. Later.


Hey brother, don't take this the wrong way at all. I'm not hear to put you down, and in no way did I imply that. I respect your input, and always have. That's not going to change man. I just was not comfortable at all, when the OP said "ok PHURIOUS, that looks like a good cycle. Do I take all the sustanon at once?" which tells me he was ready to run this when I don't think it was the right move in any way, shape, or form. I can't justify that cycle bro. I just can't. I can't tell you one person I would ever recommend that to, so I saw the need to intervene and give my two cents. I still have no problem with you giving your side, and I gave mine. There are things we are going to have to agree to disagree on. That's life. I've always been a person that is conservative in this lifestyle with compounds, dosages, etc. It's a marathon and not a sprint. I'm not a more is better person. Never have been and never will be. I've accomplished more in the last 5 years than many guys have in ten years with twice the amount of gear I run in every cycle, so that is a mentality I stand by 100%

Well i see what u r saying. I do have a few things. One i thought this was a hypothetical dream cycle with those products being used. So gave dosages based on that. 400mg of tren w some deca isnt really going to hurt. Yes i know its two nandros but ran properly can compliment each other. Obviously im not saying run 1000mg of tren and 800mg of deca. That to me is more deckless or aka pro type cycle as they do stupid things all the time. I personally dont use adrol. But i mnow alot of guys run it alot higher than 50mg. Some ive seen 100. So i thought 50mg plus the 30mg var as a good pwo boost.

Ya when i saw the qustion about injecting the sust all at once i became a little concerned too.

Mine was more of a this is how could use all of these together if one so chooses.

But i didnt feel it reckless. More just a monster cycle. And yes i know its a marathon. Lol. I say that all the time. But guys will do what they want as we all know so i teied to lay it out in a way that would somewhat non taxing. But still dreamy.

RickRock said:
RickRock said:
"PHURIOUS" said:
"RickRock" said:
"PHURIOUS" said:
1-5 var 30mg ed
1-5 adrol 50mg ed
1-16 sust 750 mg a week
1-16 deca 500mg a week
1-16 tren e 400mg a week
1-16 masteron 600mg a week
10-16 winny 50mg ed split into two am and pm
1-16 aromasin 12.5mg a day


I don't know if you are serious with this cycle or not bro, but it's completely wreckless and unnecessary. To me a dream cycle doesn't mean cramming as much shit as you can into a cycle. That's twice as much shit as I would ever run at once. More isn't better. Anadrol and Var at the same time? That's way too much toxicity from orals. And Tren and Deca at the same time? I wouldn't ever recommend two nandrolones at once. That sounds like a bad idea for anyone that isn't a very advanced user. I've never even ran two nandrolones at once. It's best to pick one or the other and run them at an effective dose. That could be a real problematic cycle. There is a correct way to structure things without being wreckless. This cycle is a very poor example in my opinion.

Those are all pretty standard dosages for each product. Not sure how u see that as wreckless. But ok. Everyone has their own opinion i guess. I used the products he had listed that he wants to use. Thats on him. Right?

I mean really everyone is their own man and they are gonna do what they wanna do no matter what we say. So why not steer them w standard dosages so that they dont just use all the products at high dosages.

Do you really think if you tell him to run just the sust and tren with the winny and some sarms he is gonna do that? No. He is gonna say ok ill do that and then go off and do whatever he wants.

We all know this. It happens time and time again.


The correct thing to do would be to advise people properly.mif they want to go against the grain and do things their own way, that's on them. But to blatantly give them wreckless advice is not acceptable in my opinion. I laid out for him a great cycle to use all of them compounds in a constructive manner rather than all at once, which I think is a much better, safer, and effective game plan rather than running a pro bodybuilder type stack that I wouldnt ever even consider myself

Ok bud. Im out of this one. Not enjoying being put down when i stick up for you all the time. Later.


Hey brother, don't take this the wrong way at all. I'm not hear to put you down, and in no way did I imply that. I respect your input, and always have. That's not going to change man. I just was not comfortable at all, when the OP said "ok PHURIOUS, that looks like a good cycle. Do I take all the sustanon at once?" which tells me he was ready to run this when I don't think it was the right move in any way, shape, or form. I can't justify that cycle bro. I just can't. I can't tell you one person I would ever recommend that to, so I saw the need to intervene and give my two cents. I still have no problem with you giving your side, and I gave mine. There are things we are going to have to agree to disagree on. That's life. I've always been a person that is conservative in this lifestyle with compounds, dosages, etc. It's a marathon and not a sprint. I'm not a more is better person. Never have been and never will be. I've accomplished more in the last 5 years than many guys have in ten years with twice the amount of gear I run in every cycle, so that is a mentality I stand by 100%

Well i see what u r saying. I do have a few things. One i thought this was a hypothetical dream cycle with those products being used. So gave dosages based on that. 400mg of tren w some deca isnt really going to hurt. Yes i know its two nandros but ran properly can compliment each other. Obviously im not saying run 1000mg of tren and 800mg of deca. That to me is more deckless or aka pro type cycle as they do stupid things all the time. I personally dont use adrol. But i mnow alot of guys run it alot higher than 50mg. Some ive seen 100. So i thought 50mg plus the 30mg var as a good pwo boost.

Ya when i saw the qustion about injecting the sust all at once i became a little concerned too.

Mine was more of a this is how could use all of these together if one so chooses.

But i didnt feel it reckless. More just a monster cycle. And yes i know its a marathon. Lol. I say that all the time. But guys will do what they want as we all know so i teied to lay it out in a way that would somewhat non taxing. But still dreamy.


I know what you are saying man. You are a good bro, and I know you would never intentionally advise anyone on anything that would be detrimental to them. I do see your points that you made, and I respect those points. you know you are good with me man. We are all different on ideas, but that's what it's all about here.Offering different sides and in the end, people will make a choice on what they want to follow.
RickRock said:
RickRock said:
RickRock said:
"PHURIOUS" said:
"RickRock" said:
"PHURIOUS" said:
1-5 var 30mg ed
1-5 adrol 50mg ed
1-16 sust 750 mg a week
1-16 deca 500mg a week
1-16 tren e 400mg a week
1-16 masteron 600mg a week
10-16 winny 50mg ed split into two am and pm
1-16 aromasin 12.5mg a day


I don't know if you are serious with this cycle or not bro, but it's completely wreckless and unnecessary. To me a dream cycle doesn't mean cramming as much shit as you can into a cycle. That's twice as much shit as I would ever run at once. More isn't better. Anadrol and Var at the same time? That's way too much toxicity from orals. And Tren and Deca at the same time? I wouldn't ever recommend two nandrolones at once. That sounds like a bad idea for anyone that isn't a very advanced user. I've never even ran two nandrolones at once. It's best to pick one or the other and run them at an effective dose. That could be a real problematic cycle. There is a correct way to structure things without being wreckless. This cycle is a very poor example in my opinion.

Those are all pretty standard dosages for each product. Not sure how u see that as wreckless. But ok. Everyone has their own opinion i guess. I used the products he had listed that he wants to use. Thats on him. Right?

I mean really everyone is their own man and they are gonna do what they wanna do no matter what we say. So why not steer them w standard dosages so that they dont just use all the products at high dosages.

Do you really think if you tell him to run just the sust and tren with the winny and some sarms he is gonna do that? No. He is gonna say ok ill do that and then go off and do whatever he wants.

We all know this. It happens time and time again.


The correct thing to do would be to advise people properly.mif they want to go against the grain and do things their own way, that's on them. But to blatantly give them wreckless advice is not acceptable in my opinion. I laid out for him a great cycle to use all of them compounds in a constructive manner rather than all at once, which I think is a much better, safer, and effective game plan rather than running a pro bodybuilder type stack that I wouldnt ever even consider myself

Ok bud. Im out of this one. Not enjoying being put down when i stick up for you all the time. Later.


Hey brother, don't take this the wrong way at all. I'm not hear to put you down, and in no way did I imply that. I respect your input, and always have. That's not going to change man. I just was not comfortable at all, when the OP said "ok PHURIOUS, that looks like a good cycle. Do I take all the sustanon at once?" which tells me he was ready to run this when I don't think it was the right move in any way, shape, or form. I can't justify that cycle bro. I just can't. I can't tell you one person I would ever recommend that to, so I saw the need to intervene and give my two cents. I still have no problem with you giving your side, and I gave mine. There are things we are going to have to agree to disagree on. That's life. I've always been a person that is conservative in this lifestyle with compounds, dosages, etc. It's a marathon and not a sprint. I'm not a more is better person. Never have been and never will be. I've accomplished more in the last 5 years than many guys have in ten years with twice the amount of gear I run in every cycle, so that is a mentality I stand by 100%

Well i see what u r saying. I do have a few things. One i thought this was a hypothetical dream cycle with those products being used. So gave dosages based on that. 400mg of tren w some deca isnt really going to hurt. Yes i know its two nandros but ran properly can compliment each other. Obviously im not saying run 1000mg of tren and 800mg of deca. That to me is more deckless or aka pro type cycle as they do stupid things all the time. I personally dont use adrol. But i mnow alot of guys run it alot higher than 50mg. Some ive seen 100. So i thought 50mg plus the 30mg var as a good pwo boost.

Ya when i saw the qustion about injecting the sust all at once i became a little concerned too.

Mine was more of a this is how could use all of these together if one so chooses.

But i didnt feel it reckless. More just a monster cycle. And yes i know its a marathon. Lol. I say that all the time. But guys will do what they want as we all know so i teied to lay it out in a way that would somewhat non taxing. But still dreamy.


I know what you are saying man. You are a good bro, and I know you would never intentionally advise anyone on anything that would be detrimental to them. I do see your points that you made, and I respect those points. you know you are good with me man. We are all different on ideas, but that's what it's all about here.Offering different sides and in the end, people will make a choice on what they want to follow.

Just forget it. I contradicted both of you, so that is how it goes sometimes. Not one of us agrees here. Besides it is a loaded theoretical question that has many answers, and we all know that there is no "dream" cycle invented yet. So this is an exercise in imgagination. Anyone has that amount of gear must know something.
For sure plus none of us truly has it all fogured out. We are always learning new things and new combos and all that. I definatly dont know it all by far.

Re: RE: Re: Trying to put a dream cycle together

nico72 said:
Hey brother, can you do me a small favor and turn your caps lock off? It makes it look like you are yelling at everyone lol. Thanks buddy
Y'all telling me I can't run 10,000mgs on my bulk cycle?!?! Dang back to the chalkboard for me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: RE: Re: Trying to put a dream cycle together

Achilles87 said:
Y'all telling me I can't run 10,000mgs on my bulk cycle?!?! Dang back to the chalkboard for me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Over 20 weeks that's only 500mg per week brother!! LOL
Re: RE: Re: Trying to put a dream cycle together

RickRock said:
Achilles87 said:
Y'all telling me I can't run 10,000mgs on my bulk cycle?!?! Dang back to the chalkboard for me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Over 20 weeks that's only 500mg per week brother!! LOL

20 weeks? You guys are reckless.... 12 max. 16 maybe...totally out of control here!
Re: RE: Re: Trying to put a dream cycle together

RickRock said:
nico72 said:
Hey brother, can you do me a small favor and turn your caps lock off? It makes it look like you are yelling at everyone lol. Thanks buddy

Re: RE: Re: Trying to put a dream cycle together

SpikedEggnog said:
RickRock said:
nico72 said:
Hey brother, can you do me a small favor and turn your caps lock off? It makes it look like you are yelling at everyone lol. Thanks buddy


lol...he didnt listen and took all that gear! Now he is yelling at us.
drb_iac said:
RickRock said:
LOL you guys are hilarious

Yeah bro...laugh a lot.In the blink of an eye you will be old. Laughing is therapy

I agree with you there buddy. You may have a few years on me, but I'm no young spring chicken anymore myself. I try to live life to its fullest everyday
Re: RE: Re: Trying to put a dream cycle together

RickRock said:
Achilles87 said:
Y'all telling me I can't run 10,000mgs on my bulk cycle?!?! Dang back to the chalkboard for me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Over 20 weeks that's only 500mg per week brother!! LOL

I forgot to put 10,000mgs a week on my bulking cycle sorry that might make it more crazy lol.
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