
Trying new SARMS ! New order made mk2866 Ostarine and GW501516 Cardarine


Last month I purchased mk677 and I was pleased with the effects and the company (PureEssenceReseach). It's indeed helping regulating my sleepingm with muscle hardening, and focus. However, mk677 benefits are long term. Thus, I won't make final comments until tested for several weeks/months.

After some researches, I have decided try more SARMS and today I ordered mk2866 Ostarine and GW501516 Cardarine from PureEssenceResearch.

I'll be keeping a log and posting it at later time. Since it's my first time trying those products, I'll run them separately for 1-2 weeks, then as stack. Otherwise, I won't be able to distinguish each product effect.The intent is to explore their effect separately before stacking them. Mainly to test how my body reacts to it.

Once explored all SARMS I'll be able to find the most beneficial stacks that works best for my body.

Looking forward to start my new SARMS research!
Last month I purchased mk677 and I was pleased with the effects and the company (PureEssenceReseach). It's indeed helping regulating my sleepingm with muscle hardening, and focus. However, mk677 benefits are long term. Thus, I won't make final comments until tested for several weeks/months.

After some researches, I have decided try more SARMS and today I ordered mk2866 Ostarine and GW501516 Cardarine from PureEssenceResearch.

I'll be keeping a log and posting it at later time. Since it's my first time trying those products, I'll run them separately for 1-2 weeks, then as stack. Otherwise, I won't be able to distinguish each product effect.The intent is to explore their effect separately before stacking them. Mainly to test how my body reacts to it.

Once explored all SARMS I'll be able to find the most beneficial stacks that works best for my body.

Looking forward to start my new SARMS research!

Glad to hear you picked those up bro, and I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback on them. You can actually stack those together no problem and have absolutely no problem distinguishing their benefits whatsoever. They are both very different and give very different results.

GW will substantially increase your endurance, give you clean energy, and give you some great fat loss benefits. It also works good to help your body use nutrients more efficiently.

MK-2866 will give you some nice added benefits in terms of lean muscle gain and strength. It also has some potent healing abilities for any joint issues or minor inflammation. It can also enhance fat loss to some degree by being in a heightened anabolic state as well.

As you can see, both are very different on what they offer and will give incredible synergy when stacked together for optimal results
Last month I purchased mk677 and I was pleased with the effects and the company (PureEssenceReseach). It's indeed helping regulating my sleepingm with muscle hardening, and focus. However, mk677 benefits are long term. Thus, I won't make final comments until tested for several weeks/months.

After some researches, I have decided try more SARMS and today I ordered mk2866 Ostarine and GW501516 Cardarine from PureEssenceResearch.

I'll be keeping a log and posting it at later time. Since it's my first time trying those products, I'll run them separately for 1-2 weeks, then as stack. Otherwise, I won't be able to distinguish each product effect.The intent is to explore their effect separately before stacking them. Mainly to test how my body reacts to it.

Once explored all SARMS I'll be able to find the most beneficial stacks that works best for my body.

Looking forward to start my new SARMS research!

very nice brother... i'll definitely be following and rick gave you a nice explanation on what each does... just keep in mind that mk2866 is not fast acting like some others... GW will take effect rather quickly but mk2866 takes 10-14 days to really show but after that, you will definitely see... in fairness to your research, that needs to be kept in mind... i'll be looking forward to your log... you seem very analytical and i have a strong feeling your assessments will be excellent...
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