As many of you know, i have been experimenting with adding deca and primo along with gw-501516 to my trt regimen... Test and deca are dosed between 125-150mg week... Primo is dosed at 200 mg week and gw-501516 at 20 mg per day... So far, this experience has probably one of it not my best... I feel unreal... I have more energy than I have had in such a long time... My strength is nearly triple what it was only a month ago... My cardio is unreal right now as I feel on top of the world in all these areas... I endured some very stressful times this year, starting with losing my dad who was my best friend and just everything to me, then the stress of my wedding and then some very bad personal stresses for several months, so needless to say it was a rough year... I finally feel like me again, except enhanced... I am trying to also show that you can get big gains on low doses... I am currently up 10 lbs. and my body fat is still 5%... I am extremely pleased thus far.. I will be adding SR9009 this week.. Here are the updated pics...
