
Tren 101


Junior Member
I would like to find out as much as possible on what I would need , pinning info, pct info, and support info before I even attempt tren, age 31, weight 225, height 5,10... I have had about 4 cycles , not sure body fat but I could lose about 10 15 pounds lol, but anyway definitely looking to learn as much as possible, thank you

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First of all, we need ALL your stats!! OK?
Age: 31
Weight: 225
Height: 5 foot 10
Body fat?
Years lifting or body building?
Previous cycles?

Look, if your body fat is over 14 to 15%, you should not be doing Tren!!! You really need to get body fat down first!! Ten and steroids will do NOTHING to help you drop body fat. And in fact high body fat over 15% is FAAAARRR more easily converted into Estrogen, a female hormone, you do not want in excess!

Stat here!
bro, im not sure what exactly your getting at but i dont know a human alive that is going to sit here and go over tren with you from start to finish LOL COME ON! you know that most of us study it for months and even years before we use it... there's noone that can just give you a tren class... ive made COUNTLESS videos with tren involved... I make ALL of this videos and write ALL of these articles so noone asks questions like this... everyone is here to help, ABSOLUTELY, but NOONE is going to help pure laziness bro, noone...

here is a link that has all of my trenbolone videos... just look at my videos on tren to start... you need to watch them and then put together specific questions to ask and also, if you are overweight, or not in proper condition, DONT EVEN CONSIDER IT... steroids are not fat burners, not to be used by people that are not in good condition etc...
First of all, we need ALL your stats!! OK?
Age: 31
Weight: 225
Height: 5 foot 10
Body fat?
Years lifting or body building?
Previous cycles?

Look, if your body fat is over 14 to 15%, you should not be doing Tren!!! You really need to get body fat down first!! Ten and steroids will do NOTHING to help you drop body fat. And in fact high body fat over 15% is FAAAARRR more easily converted into Estrogen, a female hormone, you do not want in excess!

Stat here!
Been lifting 14 years, first cycle was test c, and sust, 2nd was test c and e, and anavar, 3rd cycle was dbol, test e, deca, 4th cycle was a cutting cycle , landed me at 210 very low body fat , kept all gains , always did pct, last two cycles was perfect pct , did gain 15 pounds Def not an issue when I decide to correct the diet and add cardio back, currently on test

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Dude. Your mean you want us to spoon feed your everything we have effort into learning?

How about educate yourself, and when your have ideas or specific questions , we can help.


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No I have learned many things about I have educated myself about, but I would like to learn as much as possible by ppl who have done it so no mistakes are made period is that really to much to ask for ? Obviously I would like to avoid any issues that some of you might have had when running it , I can read off the Internet all day but I rather would get as much info as possible from the ppl who ran it

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then all you have to do is ask a specific question or questions, not the way you put it... your way too vague... a vague questions gets a vague answer... we are all here to help but you have to help us help you man
Exactly.. "to much to ask for" actually to me it is to much to ask for. Be more specific. I'm obviously not the only person that interpreted it that way. Good luck bud

right and yes it actually is way too much to ask for when your asking someone to sit here and probably type an hour or more on what your asking... i certainly cant nor would do that... i get thousands of questions a week to answer and they are all specific questions which i answer all of them... for instance, you can say, whats the pinning schedule or what supports do i need etc? its not difficult to ask questions that like and its even easier to get us to answer them...
What's the best form of test to run with tren a, obviously the pinning schedule would vary with many different forms, as far as supports what would I need , I've read many different things , I had zero prolactin issues in the past but with a substance like tren I would like to make sure to use whatever is needed from the beginning , I want zero mistakes to be made , i want to get the most out of it , for example do u recommend a strictly test tren cycle or add a few more substances

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LOL yes, if we sat here on it, it would be a fucking novel

Treu! Ok dude, here goes mine! My sweet spot for Tren, is 450mg/week. This is no sides, aggression/anger, night sweats, loss of libido, (if anything goes into overdrive! I want to fuck anyone who let me just about!) but those symptoms have been reported by many!

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What's the best form of test to run with tren a, obviously the pinning schedule would vary with many different forms, as far as supports what would I need , I've read many different things , I had zero prolactin issues in the past but with a substance like tren I would like to make sure to use whatever is needed from the beginning , I want zero mistakes to be made , i want to get the most out of it , for example do u recommend a strictly test tren cycle or add a few more substances

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you would never run tren without caber or prami... i prefer caber because of the prami sides but prami is very very effective as well... generally, you want to keep esters the same but its not like you have to... i hate pinning for example so i rarely use short esters but either way, its not as though one is more effective than the other... also, you MUST keep estrogen/prolactin ratios in range or your fucked... so aromasin is very very necessary here as well... i keep my test and tren doses the same and i personally dont go over 400 mg of tren week... some go higher but if you want to avoid many of the sides and still tear shit up, thats the perfect dose...
Like I said earlier I do have more body fat then I normally would, but I cut out cardio completely due to a knee and back issue I've had which is safe to say a thing of the past, would u recommend mast and win? What orals have any of you used while on tren that worked great?

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you would never run tren without caber or prami... i prefer caber because of the prami sides but prami is very very effective as well... generally, you want to keep esters the same but its not like you have to... i hate pinning for example so i rarely use short esters but either way, its not as though one is more effective than the other... also, you MUST keep estrogen/prolactin ratios in range or your fucked... so aromasin is very very necessary here as well... i keep my test and tren doses the same and i personally dont go over 400 mg of tren week... some go higher but if you want to avoid many of the sides and still tear shit up, thats the perfect dose...
Thank you, I've read some people having such crazy side effects that they should abandon immediately, is that true

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yes thats why you use tren ace first so its out of your system quickly if you need to stop... you need to be under 15% to even consider steroid use in general and with tren, you need to be in more top condition...
I'm pretty sure I'm under 15 now, I'm not overweight, I was 210 5 months ago , still lifting still gaining, losing the 15 can be done in a month with cardio and diet , but thank you

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I'm pretty sure I'm under 15 now, I'm not overweight, I was 210 5 months ago , still lifting still gaining, losing the 15 can be done in a month with cardio and diet , but thank you

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I would venture to say you probably do need to cut down a bit before going the Tren route. Masteron and Winstrol you might as well forget about unless you are in single digits

What does your diet look like?

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A lot of your questions about Tren can be answered here:

Sweet spots and such are debatable IMO as some find great success with lower dosages and then there are guys like myself and NY that border on the brink of insanity as far as what one is capable of withstanding/tolerating. The best route of course is to step into the wading pool rather than jump in the Olympic pool head first. Safe is always better than sorry. As Dylan said caber, or prami is a must. Prolactin issues before, or not, you need to run it to avoid the inevitable with Tren.
I would venture to say you probably do need to cut down a bit before going the Tren route. Masteron and Winstrol you might as well forget about unless you are in single digits

What does your diet look like?

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

Diet , what's that Lol, mostly low fat , high protein , a shake or two a day , veggies , banana and yogurt, I'm gonna eat a lot cleaner I do have a few vices that need to go lol

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Diet , what's that Lol, mostly low fat , high protein , a shake or two a day , veggies , banana and yogurt, I'm gonna eat a lot cleaner I do have a few vices that need to go lol

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Ya man, Tren is just so harsh that it will own your ass if you don't have your condition right and your shit together. Hell, it can still own your ass either way, but at least you have your best chance at handling the sides when you are more conditioned and your diet is right. Tren can wreck havoc on cholesterol, lipids, liver, and blood pressure. When bodyfat is higher it makes those things even worse.

Just giving my own experience, I have pretty much written off Tren now. It's just not worth it anymore for me

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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