
Tren 101

Ya man, Tren is just so harsh that it will own your ass if you don't have your condition right and your shit together. Hell, it can still own your ass either way, but at least you have your best chance at handling the sides when you are more conditioned and your diet is right. Tren can wreck havoc on cholesterol, lipids, liver, and blood pressure. When bodyfat is higher it makes those things even worse.

Just giving my own experience, I have pretty much written off Tren now. It's just not worth it anymore for me

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

See? And this can happen!! This is what you need to get! It does mot happen to everyone, but if you are going to try it, start with Tren Ace!!! It has half life of 1 to 1.5 days, meaning if you have sides you can mot handle, just stop and is out of your sîstem fairly fast!! Then shoot me a PM and I take rest off your hands! Lol! But seriously, sweet spot too is debatable like 44 said! There is not one sweet spot to recommend for everyone! Mine is 400 to 600mg/week. Less than 400 and I see It taking longer for results, but more than 600 and Am having issue sleeping! At around 450/500mgweek? Am still me just with more growl, means workout is great, no issues of aggression or anger and libido intact, horny is raging and I pound you like even more of this animale self of mine!!

But I am lucky! Start out low and bring dose up slow of Tren ace an see what happens. Know what I can not handle?? DBOL! Stomach on knots, migraine head ache, nausea, wii or massive puke, diarrhea and muscle cramps! Things no one else I meet yet say they ever have! No two are going to have same reaction, just use common sense and Remember, Tren is most hardcore one out there!!! Noroc!!

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My 2 cents on TREN

Tren fights hard and minimize sides and have an effective have to fight back with everything you got
if you are not in top're more likely to have it kick your ass...or at the very least see minimal results
You can't do your "normal" work out...even if you think it's rigorous
You need to up your workout intesity to new highs ....
If you're not making new personal records ... you probably are not pushing hard enough

To reap the benefits of need to be more focused and dedicated than any cycle you have ever done before
There is no taking the easy road with Tren
My 2 cents on TREN

Tren fights hard and minimize sides and have an effective have to fight back with everything you got
if you are not in top're more likely to have it kick your ass...or at the very least see minimal results
You can't do your "normal" work out...even if you think it's rigorous
You need to up your workout intesity to new highs ....
If you're not making new personal records ... you probably are not pushing hard enough

To reap the benefits of need to be more focused and dedicated than any cycle you have ever done before
There is no taking the easy road with Tren

Absolutely spot on and agreed 100% Buen. Tren is a whole different animal than anything else out there

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Here's my Tren breakdown
Grip some Tren Ace, Test Ace, Mast Prop
Grip some Caber
Grip them gains
Grip your railing as you lose your breath walking up stairs
Lose grip with reality
Grip someone by the neck over a trivial incident

I could go on for awhile about gripping stuff.
I run tren at a high ass dose as well... it just doesn't do much for me at a low dose and the sides arnt bad. I wake up 4-5 times a night in a puddle of sweat and just get but ass naked and go back to sleep and then switch sides of the bed throughout the night. I get horney and hungry af all day... agression goes up and I have less of a tolerance for bullshit, it is manageable though. the benefits outweigh the sides in my case and that's on a dose that like 44 and NYR probably borderline insane.
Here's my Tren breakdown
Grip some Tren Ace, Test Ace, Mast Prop
Grip some Caber
Grip them gains
Grip your railing as you lose your breath walking up stairs
Lose grip with reality
Grip someone by the neck over a trivial incident

I could go on for awhile about gripping stuff.

LMAO... accurate af
I run tren at a high ass dose as well... it just doesn't do much for me at a low dose and the sides arnt bad. I wake up 4-5 times a night in a puddle of sweat and just get but ass naked and go back to sleep and then switch sides of the bed throughout the night. I get horney and hungry af all day... agression goes up and I have less of a tolerance for bullshit, it is manageable though. the benefits outweigh the sides in my case and that's on a dose that like 44 and NYR probably borderline insane.

I gave all my gear away to an orphanage and devoted my life to Natty Gainz... Yeah fuckin right.
Well hang around me for a while. Lol


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Do you really? Tren brings this out in you? Is amazing to me bow you can have 5 people, give them same deig and get 5 different reaction back!!

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all i know is that every time ive ran over 400 mg of tren, its been fucked up and everytime im at 400 or under, its been tremendous... 400 FOR ME is the sweet spot... im definitely not having emotional side effects again... no fucking way... too high of tren will absolutely do that to you and it can get bad quick... no thanks on that... its not worth it... for what? to get more sides and not enhance gains?? its stupid and pointless and i got greedy once, learned my lesson and won't do it again
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