
**Transformation Contest Log: Mycrosstobare**

What's up brother. How's the sarms and Test treating ya?

PM for any questions
BigB15 for 15% off all orders
Subbed in and caught up with this log, great job so far, I like the way you have split legs up too, very interesting. Keep up the good work bro'. I'm cheering you on from the sidelines 🐒

It's never too late to reinvent yourself!
Sorry for the late post on my log ladies and gents. Been swamped building new furniture in the house and getting re enrolled into school.

Now then, back to the log portion of your regularly schedule viewing pleasure.

Entry 28 Feb 2017

So I got D Bol instead of T Bol due to T bol being out at the time, and I was not in the mood to look elsewhere. However, I'm still running an AI and liver protection as always, and will continue Aromasian through out the cycle. I'm only running 20 mgs of the D bol and it will only be for 4 weeks, so 3 weeks left. I'm noticing subtle gains, but damn I'm starving all the time and I'm eating like a child from a 3rd world country at an all you can eat buffet. Still maintaining my bf at 15 percent, and I'm expecting it may go up slightly due to water retention from the d bol. Also running 500 mg of test c as well, because straight orals is well we all know not of the brightest thing. Only into week one with that and I know it will be about week 4 to 5 when everything takes off.

Still doing the upper body / lower body split. With the SARMS and AAS my recovery has picked up so I'm hitting the gym 6 days a week instead of 5.

Overall feeling good and will be more app to post more updates with this break before school starts up.

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Cool, you must be all psyched about beginning your cycle. Just keep that diet nice & tight . Be careful with that all you can eat stuff too, I would get carried away & someone would have to do the same.
Cool, you must be all psyched about beginning your cycle. Just keep that diet nice & tight . Be careful with that all you can eat stuff too, I would get carried away & someone would have to do the same.
I'm definitely keeping the diet in check. Not to worried about going a little over my normal caloric intake as it's all clean and I'm bulking. However I hear ya, I want to go on an eating spree at the worst buffet ever lol

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Entry 3 Mar 2017

So my starting weight was 205 lbs, and now I am up to 216 lbs and still staying at 15% BF. My strength is still going up, thanks to the D Bol kicking in I'm sure. I'm still hungrier than ever, but I'm sticking with my diet and still consuming the amount of calories for a small country. Still keeping the meals clean, with the occasional cheat meal every other week.

I'm still killing it in the gym, definitely increases in weight that I can lift, however I am taking that slow as I know my joints aren't going to grow as fast as my muscles are. Going into a new month I am rotating what muscle groups I work, so this month it's chest and back, shoulders, and arms with a legs mixed in everyday except rest days. Still working different parts of the legs each day, with shoulder day being the day I knock out squat variations, so one day that week will be back squats and the second day that week I hit shoulders would be front squats. Core is mixed in there somewhere as well, which I typically do everyday regardless of a rest day or not.

I'm loving this bulk, and had a guy tell me at the gym I looked like I weigh 230. I just shrugged and nodded at him, lol. I'm not looking to be the biggest guy in the gym, I'm just looking to get the rest of my base set up, so when I start this cut I got more mass to chisel at and become more cut than last time.
Entry Mar 14

Hit my goal of 220lbs with a 15 percent body fat percentage. I still see definition in my muscles and feel awesome, which only means when I start my cut I'm going to be shredded like never before. Definitely feeling the d bol strength increase as I started destroying 315 on bench like I had been warming up with it.

Still doing a upper body and lower body split through out the week, but focusing on one major muscle group. Still keeping my diet in check as well, being my worst cheat meal was probably between the donuts one morning or a large pepperoni, bacon, sausage pizza with BBQ sauce.

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Hows it going brother? How have the last 2 weeks been? I bet your still murdering it, cant wait to hear how its been going!
I'm gonna get a more detailed post you today. Still killin it, got swamped with a new job and exams that just finished for school yesterday. I started into a cut last week trying to prep for a show so there was a tweak in diet.

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Happy Easter mycrosstobare. 10 days left on the contest my friend. Keep killin it bro coming down to the nitty gritty

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