Entry 3 Mar 2017
So my starting weight was 205 lbs, and now I am up to 216 lbs and still staying at 15% BF. My strength is still going up, thanks to the D Bol kicking in I'm sure. I'm still hungrier than ever, but I'm sticking with my diet and still consuming the amount of calories for a small country. Still keeping the meals clean, with the occasional cheat meal every other week.
I'm still killing it in the gym, definitely increases in weight that I can lift, however I am taking that slow as I know my joints aren't going to grow as fast as my muscles are. Going into a new month I am rotating what muscle groups I work, so this month it's chest and back, shoulders, and arms with a legs mixed in everyday except rest days. Still working different parts of the legs each day, with shoulder day being the day I knock out squat variations, so one day that week will be back squats and the second day that week I hit shoulders would be front squats. Core is mixed in there somewhere as well, which I typically do everyday regardless of a rest day or not.
I'm loving this bulk, and had a guy tell me at the gym I looked like I weigh 230. I just shrugged and nodded at him, lol. I'm not looking to be the biggest guy in the gym, I'm just looking to get the rest of my base set up, so when I start this cut I got more mass to chisel at and become more cut than last time.