
**Transformation Contest Log: Mycrosstobare**

Entry 12 Feb 2017

Good news, I am progressing towards my goal of 220 pounds with each week while still maintaining my waist size. I'm currently up to 209 pounds which is a 4 pound increase from where I started. My waist is still sitting at 36 inches, and I got my BF% checked which is sitting at 15%. Eating clean while bulking feels a lot better than doing a dirty bulk especially when it comes to the amount of energy I have to push through my workouts. The rest of my cycle should be arriving here in a few days, and then it's about to hit the fan and get out of control! In a good way of course.

I'm still working with a high rep program, rotating supersets with single sets, then back to supersets. However, with this bulk and being someone who has had issues gaining weight in the past, I have limited my time in the gym. By reducing my time in the gym and the amount of exercises, I am still getting a pump with the supersets but burning less calories. This makes it easier for me to eat food and replenish the lost calories and still be eating on a caloric positive. I definitely see me reaching my goal of 220 pounds by the end of this cycle, if not more. Then, the cutting phase will begin and the show prep!

I've also been adding this real cool, and new supplement which is a steroid (sarcasm) 5mgs of creatine to my shakes. With my gym time early in the morning, I usually make a shake when I get home while cooking breakfast just to have something to hold me over until the food is done. I just drink my shake straight out of the blender, as it consists of 4 oz of oatmeal (or 3/4 cups of carbo gain) 2 scoops of protein, 2 tbsp of peanut butter, and milk. When I get sick of drinking water, I drink some juice or throw another BCAA flavored drink in there to help break up the monotony of drinking the same thing over and over again. However, I still manage to hit a gallon to 1.5 gallons of water a day.
Entry 12 Feb 2017

Good news, I am progressing towards my goal of 220 pounds with each week while still maintaining my waist size. I'm currently up to 209 pounds which is a 4 pound increase from where I started. My waist is still sitting at 36 inches, and I got my BF% checked which is sitting at 15%. Eating clean while bulking feels a lot better than doing a dirty bulk especially when it comes to the amount of energy I have to push through my workouts. The rest of my cycle should be arriving here in a few days, and then it's about to hit the fan and get out of control! In a good way of course.

I'm still working with a high rep program, rotating supersets with single sets, then back to supersets. However, with this bulk and being someone who has had issues gaining weight in the past, I have limited my time in the gym. By reducing my time in the gym and the amount of exercises, I am still getting a pump with the supersets but burning less calories. This makes it easier for me to eat food and replenish the lost calories and still be eating on a caloric positive. I definitely see me reaching my goal of 220 pounds by the end of this cycle, if not more. Then, the cutting phase will begin and the show prep!

I've also been adding this real cool, and new supplement which is a steroid (sarcasm) 5mgs of creatine to my shakes. With my gym time early in the morning, I usually make a shake when I get home while cooking breakfast just to have something to hold me over until the food is done. I just drink my shake straight out of the blender, as it consists of 4 oz of oatmeal (or 3/4 cups of carbo gain) 2 scoops of protein, 2 tbsp of peanut butter, and milk. When I get sick of drinking water, I drink some juice or throw another BCAA flavored drink in there to help break up the monotony of drinking the same thing over and over again. However, I still manage to hit a gallon to 1.5 gallons of water a day.
Your shakes sounds like mine. I love adding quaker oats oatmeal cereal and PB in my shakes on postworkouts. Keep up the great work bro

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BigB15 for 15% off all orders
Your shakes sounds like mine. I love adding quaker oats oatmeal cereal and PB in my shakes on postworkouts. Keep up the great work bro

PM for any questions
BigB15 for 15% off all orders
Hell yea brother. It makes the shake more filling and hits more macros

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Entry 20 Feb 2017

Sorry for the delayed entry, I was travelling across country this week to see some family and take care of family buisness. I was able to workout during my travelling, but not as intense as I like too. With my schedule being off, it made for sticking to my diet a little harder than normal, because I don't like to eat a lot on the road. However, I was able to get in most of my meals for this bulk. I'm still feeling pretty good, and ready to kick this cycle off.
Thanks for the update bro. Glad to see you progressing towards your goal. Anxious to see your to follow!
Entry: 21 Feb 2017

Killed chest and triceps today with some calf work as well. I have actually taken to breaking down my leg workouts over the course of 4 days, so instead of doing all the leg muscles in one day and seeking medical attention for help to my car, I have split it up. So, for example, today I did chest and triceps with calves. Tomorrow I will kill back and biceps with a focus on my quads. Next time I hit chest and triceps, as I hit them twice a week, I will focus on glutes, so on and so forth. This does leave my lower half sore for longer periods of time, however, it has worked the best for me. I dropped a percentage off my body fat, which has me at 14%, but my weight stayed the same. Which is perfect as it made up for in muscle and loss of fat despite the bulk. I'm still 10lbs away from my goal, which I have no doubt with my current caloric intake and the upcoming cycle I will reach by the end of 12 weeks.

I'm back from travelling, so my schedule is not all jacked up as well so that will make for an easier time to stay on top of my current workout program and caloric intake. As always, appreciate everyone out there for the support and keeping me motivated through out this ordeal!
Entry: 21 Feb 2017

Killed chest and triceps today with some calf work as well. I have actually taken to breaking down my leg workouts over the course of 4 days, so instead of doing all the leg muscles in one day and seeking medical attention for help to my car, I have split it up. So, for example, today I did chest and triceps with calves. Tomorrow I will kill back and biceps with a focus on my quads. Next time I hit chest and triceps, as I hit them twice a week, I will focus on glutes, so on and so forth. This does leave my lower half sore for longer periods of time, however, it has worked the best for me. I dropped a percentage off my body fat, which has me at 14%, but my weight stayed the same. Which is perfect as it made up for in muscle and loss of fat despite the bulk. I'm still 10lbs away from my goal, which I have no doubt with my current caloric intake and the upcoming cycle I will reach by the end of 12 weeks.

I'm back from travelling, so my schedule is not all jacked up as well so that will make for an easier time to stay on top of my current workout program and caloric intake. As always, appreciate everyone out there for the support and keeping me motivated through out this ordeal!
I've heard of people doing legs like that and I like hitting my calves with chest also. There's an actual name for it but can't remember off the top of my head. Basically your forcing your pump from top to bottom or vice versa.

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BigB15 for 15% off all orders
I've heard of people doing legs like that and I like hitting my calves with chest also. There's an actual name for it but can't remember off the top of my head. Basically your forcing your pump from top to bottom or vice versa.

PM for any questions
BigB15 for 15% off all orders
Yea I can't remember the name of it either but it's working haha. Also got something in the mail today!!!

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That's an interesting way of doing legs. I'm sure you'll hit your goal. You still have 9 more weeks; just little over a lb a week. You got this!
Yes indeed. Plus I just got the rest of my cycle in the mail today so I can start it. I'm bouncing off the walls with excitement lol.

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Awesome!! Post some porn brother

PM for any questions
BigB15 for 15% off all orders

Pharmacom gains with SarmsX of course.

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