
Thoughts on test prop as kick start

Just want to know peoples thoughts on using test prop as kickstart to a test e cycle .Thinking of running basic 13-week cycle of test e & Winstrol. I have used Test e four times in the past, but it is 5 to 6 weeks till I start to feel it. Personally I don't know if it's a good idea to run two types of test at the same time. Possible cycle could look like this

Test E 1-3 300mg/wk
4-12 500mg/wk
Test Prop 1-3 100mg
Winstrol 9-13 50mg/ED

I would say kick starting with test prop is pointless in my most humble opinion. Whatever you out here is not advisable by me at all. To me if you want to have the most synergy with your winstrol just run it with prop. Not the winny for 13 weeks but in the beginning start the winny as your kick start. Are you going to PCT? Really stating your goals, your stats, your history helps everyone help you.

I always kicked with an oral, but not anymore. It is very popular now to kick with prop . The guys I know swear by it. I have never tried it because I am in no hurry, plus I think that if you really want to kick then prop would be preferable to an oral IMO.
The guys I know use the prop for 4 weeks right along with their long chains. That kind of is what Sustanon is, and was made for that purpose. Prop in there for the kick and long chains for the long haul. Definitely doable.
There is even a Tri-Tren for the same has Tren-A, Tren-E, and Tren-H in it. The A for the kickstart and the E and H for the long haul.
Age 31
Ht 6.1
Weight 90kg
I am a amateur rugby player and I have done 4 cycles.

1st Test E 250mg 8/weeks
2nd Test E 250mg 12/ weeks
3rd Test E 500mg 12/weeks
4th Sustanon 250 500mg 12/weeks & Winstrol 25mg 4/weeks

For new cycle.
My on cycle support
1-14 arimidex
1-13Cycle assist
8-13lipid stabil
PCT 14-17
Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
MK-2866 25mg
GW501516 25mg
There is even a Tri-Tren for the same has Tren-A, Tren-E, and Tren-H in it. The A for the kickstart and the E and H for the long haul.

Yeah and it is popular too. It seems to be a trend now to mix up as many length chains as you can. I know a guy who does the 3 trens, then test prop,test cyp,test undec and then npp/deca.
Just want to know peoples thoughts on using test prop as kickstart to a test e cycle .Thinking of running basic 13-week cycle of test e & Winstrol. I have used Test e four times in the past, but it is 5 to 6 weeks till I start to feel it. Personally I don't know if it's a good idea to run two types of test at the same time. Possible cycle could look like this

Test E 1-3 300mg/wk
4-12 500mg/wk
Test Prop 1-3 100mg
Winstrol 9-13 50mg/ED


i dont like kickstarting with test prop here either... i find it the same way stretch does... what are your goals from the cycle?
I've found prop and primo var and proviron on a long run works great
If you are cutting

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A lot of people always use an oral like dbol or anadrol,etc. as a kick starter.Just a thought.

Yes that is correct and has been for years. As people get tired of orals, they want to feel the test asap. I have not ever tried this,but I guess I would choose prop over an oral...if I needed a kickstart. I just don't see the need.
You have gw in your pct if your cutting id run it all the way through youll loose more fat and feel better training ina deficit also have heard it has a positive effect on lipids and the winny is going too have a negative effect on them so it would give some positive counter action
I wouldn't be a fan of kick starting with prop because of all of the extra aromatization. That could be problematic if you didn't have your AI dose dead on

I just let the long Ester build up and rise as its intended

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I wouldn't be a fan of kick starting with prop because of all of the extra aromatization. That could be problematic if you didn't have your AI dose dead on

I just let the long Ester build up and rise as its intended

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

Totally agree.. I personally had this happen with me. I won't do it again either. Too damn estro sensitive
Does prop cause fast shut down? Please elaborate. Reason I ask is important having some issues with this and need to get it balanced out.

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To the OP if you have all of this and plan on running it I think Rick Rock and GymJunkie gave you two really good pieces of information. I hear what people are saying about kickstarting with prop but remember Rick said possibility to cause more aromatization hence you need your AI dosed correct or else it can cause sides (you want to feel your best don't you). As for Gymjunkie's comment on running GW throughout the entire cycle and PCT is correct and you will only cut much more effective especially after kickstarting with winny and not prop.

Now please consider this:
The purpose in my mind for switching esters is to increase the plasma levels and this is how it should work. I don't think kickstarting with prop is as productive as switching to prop the last few weeks of the cycle. Why is this you may ask? Well this gives a chance for the longer ester to diminish and the shorter ester to take over which prop is renowned for causing an increase plasma levels quickly compared to Enth or cyp which takes time to build. This why you can give a bit of punch going through those weeks 10-12 where myostatin might be trying rear its head.

This is just my opinion, I'm not a scientist but at this point I think I can say finishing with prop might be the better way to go. Re-think the cycle and possibly simplify the cycle and break it up into two separate cycles even. I find that throwing the kitchen sink at a goal sometimes isn't always the best course of action. The saying less is more is true and this is true in being able to listen to your body better in order to understand where you need to work on or grow more. Again just my thoughts

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To the OP if you have all of this and plan on running it I think Rick Rock and GymJunkie gave you two really good pieces of information. I hear what people are saying about kickstarting with prop but remember Rick said possibility to cause more aromatization hence you need your AI dosed correct or else it can cause sides (you want to feel your best don't you). As for Gymjunkie's comment on running GW throughout the entire cycle and PCT is correct and you will only cut much more effective especially after kickstarting with winny and not prop.

Now please consider this:
The purpose in my mind for switching esters is to increase the plasma levels and this is how it should work. I don't think kickstarting with prop is as productive as switching to prop the last few weeks of the cycle. Why is this you may ask? Well this gives a chance for the longer ester to diminish and the shorter ester to take over which prop is renowned for causing an increase plasma levels quickly compared to Enth or cyp which takes time to build. This why you can give a bit of punch going through those weeks 10-12 where myostatin might be trying rear its head.

This is just my opinion, I'm not a scientist but at this point I think I can say finishing with prop might be the better way to go. Re-think the cycle and possibly simplify the cycle and break it up into two separate cycles even. I find that throwing the kitchen sink at a goal sometimes isn't always the best course of action. The saying less is more is true and this is true in being able to listen to your body better in order to understand where you need to work on or grow more. Again just my thoughts


Good post! Plus finish with prop means start pct sooner.
To the OP if you have all of this and plan on running it I think Rick Rock and GymJunkie gave you two really good pieces of information. I hear what people are saying about kickstarting with prop but remember Rick said possibility to cause more aromatization hence you need your AI dosed correct or else it can cause sides (you want to feel your best don't you). As for Gymjunkie's comment on running GW throughout the entire cycle and PCT is correct and you will only cut much more effective especially after kickstarting with winny and not prop.

Now please consider this:
The purpose in my mind for switching esters is to increase the plasma levels and this is how it should work. I don't think kickstarting with prop is as productive as switching to prop the last few weeks of the cycle. Why is this you may ask? Well this gives a chance for the longer ester to diminish and the shorter ester to take over which prop is renowned for causing an increase plasma levels quickly compared to Enth or cyp which takes time to build. This why you can give a bit of punch going through those weeks 10-12 where myostatin might be trying rear its head.

This is just my opinion, I'm not a scientist but at this point I think I can say finishing with prop might be the better way to go. Re-think the cycle and possibly simplify the cycle and break it up into two separate cycles even. I find that throwing the kitchen sink at a goal sometimes isn't always the best course of action. The saying less is more is true and this is true in being able to listen to your body better in order to understand where you need to work on or grow more. Again just my thoughts

Thanks mate great post
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