
Thoughts on test prop as kick start

I also got a small bit of gyno on my left side.I've added Nolvadex and gone to 25 mg aromasin ed hoping to fix the far I'm still screwed.

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I'm getting ready to add mast and Superdrol to my cycle for 6 weeks and need to balance this issue out.

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I'm getting ready to add mast and Superdrol to my cycle for 6 weeks and need to balance this issue out.

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The mast will help with the e2, but gyno is a separate matter. If you have real gyno, chances are you can only stop it from getting worse. Surgery is really the only option of true gyno, given it has had time to actually form and isn't in the "pre-stages" where it may or may not be actual gyno... if that makes sense.
Yours sounds like a small flare up. Back off of the prop for 2 weeks. DONT run the HCG for 2 weeks either. HCG can cause gyno and bad water retention. Even in small doses. Double up on the aromasin and see where you are in a week or 2. I've knocked out so many painful lumps in a week or 2 simply by reducing my test dose and upping my aromasin. I've got it down to a science. Really never needed the harsh stuff like letro anymore. The number one thing is getting to work on it as early as you can. Waiting is the worst thing. You should worry far less about being shut down right now than gyno. Gyno first. Then think about bringing the boys back.

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Definitely drop that HCG man. That's only going to make things worse. You can leave the Nolva in, but that HCG is only going to cause you more issues if you continue on it

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I just started the hcg a week ago and it always brings the boys back.are you saying drop it because of the lump I have?

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The mast will help with the e2, but gyno is a separate matter. If you have real gyno, chances are you can only stop it from getting worse. Surgery is really the only option of true gyno, given it has had time to actually form and isn't in the "pre-stages" where it may or may not be actual gyno... if that makes sense.

^Exactly what he says is true
I just started the hcg a week ago and it always brings the boys back.are you saying drop it because of the lump I have?

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Yes, because HCG increases estrogen activity big time, which is not a good thing with your current Gyno condition

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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