
Things I wonder, things I hate.


Active member
So I summed up my day/week/month and years and it's pretty much like this:
Wake up, go to gym, come home and shower, cook and chill. The only deviations are when I go somewhere like the mall, the car dealership, or the doctors office for an appointment. I literally have one friend and one associate outside of the gym. Hell in the gym I know two peoples names... the powerlifter I lift with sometimes and the older guy who always wants a spotter. Everyone else always wants to fist bump, or say things you'd expect to hear not so serious lifters to say. I literally have the gym as my sanctuary. Now granted I don't look like the friendliest of people I'm told and I find that having this look keeps people outta my face, but I am curious if outside of your you have relationships with people who aren't fitness minded?
Now onto things I hate... I hate the guys who lift in a manner all of us might consider "casually". They have that look that says 'yeah I go to the gym and curl 45's and bench 315 for 1 on a good day so I literally have to wear this too tight tank top, or tee. I hate the other Black guys who look as if leg day is a mortal sin. I also hate the people who hover around equipment and talk for 20 minutes in between sets as if other people don't want to use the thing. I despise people who ask if they can work in with you, but need to strip off almost all the plates...really bro? I also dislike the turd huggers that come up and ask you - the one serious lifter there at the time and the biggest guy in the gym- how many more sets do you have, when there are people on the other stations who obviously aren't as serious about training as you are (think tricep push down station and this a-hole wants to do kipping pullups is why he asked). I hate the people who bring their gf to the gym and get all paranoid whenever they have to be near you to do an exercise... dude you should dump her if you gotta act like that. Most of all I hate and loathe crossfitters... they serve no purpose, they're all small and have an attitude like what they're doing translates into lifting weights... bro, bumper plates are not true to weight. Lift the real stuff please.
I know this is a question followed by a rant, but I have to wait for this contractor to come take measurements of all my windows for custom blinds so I can't hit the gym till he shows up, measures and leaves so please forgive me... then answer the question please.
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You sound madder then a dog shittin tacks is too short......there is more to life and you proved it in your $0.02
I have some of the same complaints with the gym turds, I don't talk when im in the gym and almost snap when my old lady talks to me in the gym, cuz I have to pull my earphones out and say "WHAT"? and I have friends outside the gym that always talk about " I need to get in the gym" yoyo dieters etc. I got to church on sundays and that's about it I don't have but a friend or 2 in town but you know us military minded guys don't have to be all up under someone I can go without seeing someone for years and never talk to them but when I do bump into them its like we never left sight of each other. Good rant tho I hope you got some shit off your chest or use that in the gym to push harder lol
Everybody has their irritations but might be overboard.I have a very big life outside of the gym, and I do not mind the crossfitters or anyone else that is there.I am happy for them.I am not selfish so I share like I was taught as a boy. The only thing I don't care for at the gym is people wanting to hit me up for info when I am working out.I just tell them , when I am done you can have me for as long as you want.Even though they do not want to hear truth ,I tell them anyway. So don't ask me if you only want to hear what you want to hear.I tell them that.

I just came off of 2 bad back to back concussions (doc released me yesterday) and an amputated finger and I think my outlook is brighter than yours bro.
Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed.Happy times.. then go for it, sad times just take em as the come; the sad times always clear up.

Got to find some way to make that glass half full brother.Life is short.As a matter of fact it seems like I was just shooting fireworks and blowing the neighborhood up on New Year's Eve, and now it is almost May.One of my babies is a pro bike rider.My goodness time flies. I don't want to spend any time grouching and watching the fun pass me by.

That is my 10Cents.
I feel like this at times. I have a family, i have quite a few friends from high school that still lift but life is so busy we rarely get to workout together. Maybe twice a month a most. I used to workout with random guys and share machines in between sets to be nice, especially with younger guys that aren't as strong but now I Never do this. Its annoying, not everybody works as hard as the next guy and I noticing my workouts were suffering as a result at the expense of being nice or social. Life for me is work, family, meal prep, and gym. In that order. If I am on cycle I have skipped time with the wife just to hit the gym that day. I never put it in front of my kids though, they are more important. I feel more antisocial. I replaced all my idle time away from the gym/meal prep/cycle planning, kids, reading and learning about the human body, rehabilitation exorcise, yoga and forums too. I find it very rewarding.

Occasionally I would get short periods of boredom and depression but I found that Yoga and getting regular massages have been amazing for stress relief as well as spending more time with my kids. Also finding a girl who actually lifts is amazing.

And yes I HATE it when dude show there obvious insecurity when they workout with there semi-hot girlfriends next to them. Me and my girl don't even do the same workouts most days usually on opposite sides of the gym. I don't even look to see if other guys are near her.
Most of all I hate other guys when they stare at ME lol. Always the dirty looks idk why maybe I'm paranoid too. Maybe you need a girl.
I learned not to take things so seriously sometimes. As for guys who come up to me to ask me questions, I do sometimes take a quick timeout to help them out because i remember when that was me and give them advice on what i have learned along the way. We all started somewhere. I have a large social life outside of the gym but I'd say a large majority of my friends do not go to the gym. Only 1 does and we started out together but now we go at different times. A lot of people say whats up to me in the gym and I try to be a friendly guy with all people, If someone asks if I'm almost done on say a cross cable for Chest, I'll ask them if they want to join in, Depending on my mood.

The only thing that does kind of bother me is the guys with the cute/hot girlfriends, Like I stated before, I try to be friendly with everyone and If a girl is saying Hi to me, Their boyfriends come running to interrupt or give me a dirty look. Bro, Don't get mad because your GF is looking at me through the Mirror. I avoid the conflict and keep on doing my thing. Sometimes i switch gyms that has mostly guys to avoid that shit. Although i dont hate it, It is a distraction when a cute girl wears spandex so tight that her cameltoe is basically perfectly showing and its basically riding up her ass. Im like fuck LOL!
I came off as really angry I guess and it is a part of my personality I guess. I grew up around people having to always watch my back and fight a lot, being a Marine didn't help with the social attitude either I guess. I have a great wife (although the majority of my in-laws suck ass) and I have a son getting ready to go off and play college football too. I just don't care for a lot of folks and really only enjoy conversing with like minded people who lift and or bodybuild. I'm not bodybuilder, but I like looking like an off season bb. I initially started lifting out of the love of it and it kinda grew into my way to blow off steam and frustration. I lift with anger and am extremely competitive in the gym. Maybe I'm an a-hole... maybe I just wanna lift and get big without the hassle of dealing with people. I do give advice to the young guys too if I see them doing something ate up, but prefer solitude. I do enjoy the living hell out of hot women in yoga pants though... I will take the time to appreciate a quality backside, or camel toe.

Another thing I dislike the piss out of... dad bods in tight tee's with a pot belly. Bro get a new shirt, or a new bod.
Everybody has their irritations but might be overboard.I have a very big life outside of the gym, and I do not mind the crossfitters or anyone else that is there.I am happy for them.I am not selfish so I share like I was taught as a boy. The only thing I don't care for at the gym is people wanting to hit me up for info when I am working out.I just tell them , when I am done you can have me for as long as you want.Even though they do not want to hear truth ,I tell them anyway. So don't ask me if you only want to hear what you want to hear.I tell them that.

I just came off of 2 bad back to back concussions (doc released me yesterday) and an amputated finger and I think my outlook is brighter than yours bro.
Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed.Happy times.. then go for it, sad times just take em as the come; the sad times always clear up.

Got to find some way to make that glass half full brother.Life is short.As a matter of fact it seems like I was just shooting fireworks and blowing the neighborhood up on New Year's Eve, and now it is almost May.One of my babies is a pro bike rider.My goodness time flies. I don't want to spend any time grouching and watching the fun pass me by.

That is my 10Cents.

Prior to 9/11 I had a friendlier attitude bro. All the deployments and shit made me into the butthole I am today. I used to not be this angry, but now the wind can change direction and I'm flying off the hinges. Lifting is the only thing I find peace in and I hate to have it screwed with ya know? I've never met you, but respect the hell outta you for your knowledge and ability to balance out life's daily grind. I'm just fortunate I don't have a need to work post military career because if I had to deal with people I'd be in trouble, or cheating on my old lady because ass always seems to find me when I'm near people too much. Lifting balances out all my evils.
Not much bothers me anymore, as long as people have gym etiquette I could give two shits about what others do.

I go in and get shit done, and stay focused. Don't let others bother you brother. Just do your thing and don't worry about anyone but yourself

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Not much bothers me anymore, as long as people have gym etiquette I could give two shits about what others do.

I go in and get shit done, and stay focused. Don't let others bother you brother. Just do your thing and don't worry about anyone but yourself

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

I gotcha and do for the most part...just when someone is bullshittin on something I need to do is when I get the case of the ass. Can't wait to try tren in about 3-4 more cycles from now lol.
I gotcha and do for the most part...just when someone is bullshittin on something I need to do is when I get the case of the ass. Can't wait to try tren in about 3-4 more cycles from now lol.

You know when you think about it, this lifestyle can ostracize you. We are the screwballs, the outsiders. We do not fit in because our lifestyle is not typical America. We live,eat,sleep,piss, and dream of this lifestyle. I just look at it this way. When I am in the grocery I am a grocery shopper. When I am home I am a husband and Daddy. When I am in the gym I work hard. I just make it a point to fit in with whomever I am with. When I am with my dad and brothers we talk constantly about this lifestyle. You can't let this lifestyle ostracize you from life bro. Consider yourself exceptional because I can tell you this....all of those different people you may hang out with sure as shit know you ARE exceptional.
The camel toes are always showing up right where you are working out because they see you as exceptional. So man..just enjoy it.

And bro...before you start tren you might want to check in with I wish the best for you man.
You know when you think about it, this lifestyle can ostracize you. We are the screwballs, the outsiders. We do not fit in because our lifestyle is not typical America. We live,eat,sleep,piss, and dream of this lifestyle. I just look at it this way. When I am in the grocery I am a grocery shopper. When I am home I am a husband and Daddy. When I am in the gym I work hard. I just make it a point to fit in with whomever I am with. When I am with my dad and brothers we talk constantly about this lifestyle. You can't let this lifestyle ostracize you from life bro. Consider yourself exceptional because I can tell you this....all of those different people you may hang out with sure as shit know you ARE exceptional.
The camel toes are always showing up right where you are working out because they see you as exceptional. So man..just enjoy it.

And bro...before you start tren you might want to check in with I wish the best for you man.

Well fuuuck... if cameltoe's are a side caused by gear I'm never stopping lol. I appreciate the words of wisdom, I'm always aware of the possibilities of potentially missing out on the enjoyable things in life because of my affliction to this lifestyle, the hard part is giving AF sometimes. I can and do appreciate family time and I take weekends off just so I can chill with them. My wife started working out and I supervise her routine so we even get time together then. My son works out mostly on his own now, but he does the routine I drew up for him. There's no further bonding possible with him for the moment as he's in his feeling grown phase and spreading his wings.
Well fuuuck... if cameltoe's are a side caused by gear I'm never stopping lol. I appreciate the words of wisdom, I'm always aware of the possibilities of potentially missing out on the enjoyable things in life because of my affliction to this lifestyle, the hard part is giving AF sometimes. I can and do appreciate family time and I take weekends off just so I can chill with them. My wife started working out and I supervise her routine so we even get time together then. My son works out mostly on his own now, but he does the routine I drew up for him. There's no further bonding possible with him for the moment as he's in his feeling grown phase and spreading his wings.

I tell you man I am so fucking jaded with teenagers in particular, the last 10 years ive dealt with 4 boys now 24,22,20 and 16 they all think they know everyfuckingthing. plus we are a blended family so everytime we try to instill values or morals our exes do the exact opposite to try to befriend the, I tell them I aint your fucking friend I am here to raise responsible young adults when you have a job and pay your own bills we can have the friend talk, I just want to fucking rage on their asses, I feel like im being held hostage in my own house sometimes I cannot wait for 2 years to pass so the last one out is out for good.
I tell you man I am so fucking jaded with teenagers in particular, the last 10 years ive dealt with 4 boys now 24,22,20 and 16 they all think they know everyfuckingthing. plus we are a blended family so everytime we try to instill values or morals our exes do the exact opposite to try to befriend the, I tell them I aint your fucking friend I am here to raise responsible young adults when you have a job and pay your own bills we can have the friend talk, I just want to fucking rage on their asses, I feel like im being held hostage in my own house sometimes I cannot wait for 2 years to pass so the last one out is out for good.

Suddenly I feel like buying someone a Coke and a smile... damn bro. I feel you though, my kid has it too good in comparison to how I came up. My dad didn't play, he worked a lot and wouldn't tolerate half the shit I do. I just try to take what I thought was good from my upbringing and mix it with my own style, but honestly sometimes I wanna go captain caveman on that ass. Nothing like someone with an opinion that lives the good life on your dime. He knows how to tone it down when I get pissed, but it shouldn't come to that ya know? Lil' fucker said he can't wait to go to college so he can do as he pleases... what a dumb ass. I reminded him that he'll still need me to keep gas in his tank and food in the fridge. Kids just think they have it all figured out. When i graduated I had my plan... Marines and my own pay checks. My son has plans too... they just involve my financing him for 4 more years. He thinks I'm made of money... he forgets that his mother manages to spend a fair portion of it as well. Besides... I got gear to buy my damn self. I'll choose gear over spoiling him any day.
or they will vote for dipshits like Bernie thinking that shits free. I know man my 16 year old we gave him a car pay the insurance and his phone told him he needed to get a job a few days a week lo and behold now he needs to see a counselor that his dad is taking him too cuz he is too stressed out to get a job says he doesn't have time I said what about the 4 hours or more after school I see yo ass on the computer or fucking xbox. fuckin lazy fuckers man I swear im getting a motorhome and leaving as soon as his ass is out lmao they will never find us.
or they will vote for dipshits like Bernie thinking that shits free. I know man my 16 year old we gave him a car pay the insurance and his phone told him he needed to get a job a few days a week lo and behold now he needs to see a counselor that his dad is taking him too cuz he is too stressed out to get a job says he doesn't have time I said what about the 4 hours or more after school I see yo ass on the computer or fucking xbox. fuckin lazy fuckers man I swear im getting a motorhome and leaving as soon as his ass is out lmao they will never find us.

So fucking classic. I told my wife once he's grown and done with college we should move to the Caribbean, or Panama and live like royalty. I feel your pain. Here's one for son and his longtime girlfriend wanna go to college together. She's a great girl thus far so when we were on a recruiting visit I talked to the recruiting coordinator and let them know it was a joint venture. If they wanted my son, they'd have to do something to help her out as well. Done deal, no strings attached. Both go to college together and he gets to play ball... exactly what you asked for courtesy of dad and a generous school. Well after the trip (we took his girlfriend too) they get back and say that they are willing to go to community college to be together because that's what she knows she can cover school cost wise. I just got you hooked up and shook hands on this and you wanna back out??? WTF. I told the both of them "NO". 1. his ability not only helped him, but her as well. 2. Who the fuck chooses community college over a 4 year school? 3. He needed to grow the hell up and realize that HE is the one making the sacrifice either way and that if she truly wants to be with him they will be together wherever it takes them. I bust my ass on both of their behalves. I pay for their tests, tutoring, school visits and all. We've all gone together like family with her so she is just as much a part of it as he is. Not like her folks would've taken her. I chewed their asses bro. She's a sweet girl, fine as hell, but guess what? In my house being a man means you make the decisions, if not then I guess he has the pussy in the relationship. End result, they're going where I allow. I am working 3 closer programs that want my boy, but she either shits, or gets off the pot.
I suppose that I was lucky having a mother and father that were both athletes, worked out, ate correctly, and did everything together as a family. We lifted together,ate together. I guess it also helped that dad made a dam good salary yet didnt give a shit about money.He only cared about his family. Mom played college volleyball and pitched in baseball. When I was in Little League the kids on the street and my brothers were always looking for someone to throw batting practice to us. One day my mom said she would throw to us. We all laughed and snickered at her. She put her glove and commenced to wiff every single one of us.
I try to be the same way with my kids as my Dad was with us. Since it was all boys we spent lots of time with him.

Today I got my boy jacked!! build-muscle-mass.jpg
I suppose that I was lucky having a mother and father that were both athletes, worked out, ate correctly, and did everything together as a family. We lifted together,ate together. I guess it also helped that dad made a dam good salary yet didnt give a shit about money.He only cared about his family. Mom played college volleyball and pitched in baseball. When I was in Little League the kids on the street and my brothers were always looking for someone to throw batting practice to us. One day my mom said she would throw to us. We all laughed and snickered at her. She put her glove and commenced to wiff every single one of us.
I try to be the same way with my kids as my Dad was with us. Since it was all boys we spent lots of time with him.

Today I got my boy jacked!! View attachment 1595

lmao zeke is that really your fucking kid? that is awesome
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