I'm currently running 350 mg test prop (week 8 pinning daily) and 50 mg havoc epistane (week 4) and I started to develop swollen and puffy nipples which seem to be growing a small lump. From the start of the test, I've been on 6.25 mg aromasin ED. Last week after noticing higher estrogen sides such as more bloat, I've upped the aromasin to 12.5 mg ED which has seemed to dry me out and keep my e2 in check (at least that's what I initially thought). The only issue is my nipples are still puffy and seem to be growing slightly each day even with the 12.5 mg aromasin dosage. 3 days ago i upped my dose again to 25 mg aromasin daily along with starting 20 mg nolvadex and 150 mg p5p daily to make sure the gyno doesn't worsen and that my prolactin is in check too. I just did bloodwork this morning primarily focusing on my estradiol, prolactin, SHBG, and progesterone to find the root cause of the gyno development, however i do find this really strange considering epistane is supposed to be somewhat anti-estrogen, my test dose is relatively low for a cycle, I'm pinning daily, and I've been taking a relatively high dose of aromasin to combat any high e2 sides.
Obviously I'll have to wait and see the bloodwork results, but I'm pretty confused in the meantime and wondering if anyone else has any suggestions/ a similar experience?
Background info: Currently sitting at 8-10% bodyfat conservatively (probably single digits), I eat a very clean and balanced diet without hardly any estrogen promoting foods, i train 6-7 days per week along with 4-5 days of cardio
Obviously I'll have to wait and see the bloodwork results, but I'm pretty confused in the meantime and wondering if anyone else has any suggestions/ a similar experience?
Background info: Currently sitting at 8-10% bodyfat conservatively (probably single digits), I eat a very clean and balanced diet without hardly any estrogen promoting foods, i train 6-7 days per week along with 4-5 days of cardio