I have a mess in me body I take test -400 for 2 years 1 mL every 4-5 days my sexual appetite is very done I’m thinking to take pct what you recommend for me ? I really need your help Dylan
I like urs videos help me a lot
So you cycled 400mg of test for two years and now want to come off or you were on 400mg of test as a TRT protocol which to mention is incredibly high in that case...
i cant help you dude... this is absolutely insane... you need to get bloodwork done and go to your doctor... you have done way too much damage... i dont know what you expect me or anyone else to do... what you did was far beyond abuse... there's nothing i can do... i can tell you to run a huge pct but i highly doubt that will do anything right now.. you need bloodwork done so you can see just how much damage you have done...