Today at the gym there was a girl training and she looked like perhaps she was on a bulk, but her physical attributes were noteworthy. Pretty face, decent traps, arms probably sitting on 15" or 16" I guess, wide back, sweeping quads. She looked most impressive doing standing iso cable curls. She had a good look. Now to the flubberistic boyfriend she trains... errr, trains with. Dude looked like he could do about 12 push ups before he would have to pull out a inhaler. What is with this shit? How do women who care about their muscularity date someone that doesn't? Is it a project? He saw me assessing her physique and he looked at me like 'Are you checking out my girl?', I wasn't I was assessing her build, not lustfully looking. I was also baffled that she was with this dude when I noticed him. Wow... why do I see this scenario over and over again. I am so confused right now.
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