
Sustanon Cycle


New member
Hy Dylan,
first of all thank you for all that great informative content on YouTube, I really learnt a lot from you. I’m a viewer from Germany
So I am now exactly 6 weeks into my first ever cycle which is Sustanon 300 from Pharmacom Labs I inject 300mg once a week. I am 26 y/o, 6 Foot and 190 lbs at 14% bf pre cycle. I’ve gained about 50 pounds of muscle over the years so i would say I know how to train and how to eat.
However, my cycle doesn’t do anything so far. Zero strength gain, zero weight gain, zero side effects. I sometimes feel my libido and my energy is better but that could be placebo also. The gear should be legit according to the quality check code.

So my question here is, is it normal that Sustanon takes so damn long to kick in because of the big amount of very long esters? Or am I doing something completely wrong?
Welcome to the board....why 300 mg's ONCE a week?

Especially with Sust???

So my question here is, is it normal that Sustanon takes so damn long to kick in because of the big amount of very long esters? Or am I doing something completely wrong?

Sustanon is a composite of Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Testosterone Isocaproate and Testosterone Decanoate which are all testosterone, but with different esters that determine how quickly you reap the reward and lose the effect of. In other words Sustanon kicks in faster than some single esters of test, but it's half lives determine how long it is stable/effective in your bloodstream in simple terms. Most test only cycles aren't done with Sust simply for this reason IMO, true test is test, but I prefer prop, or enanthate. After 6 weeks you should've seen it kick in, but your dosing 1xwk is the culprit IMO. Go 2xWK say Monday and Thursday.

The 44 Board Rep and GAINZ Specialist
Hy Dylan,
first of all thank you for all that great informative content on YouTube, I really learnt a lot from you. I’m a viewer from Germany
So I am now exactly 6 weeks into my first ever cycle which is Sustanon 300 from Pharmacom Labs I inject 300mg once a week. I am 26 y/o, 6 Foot and 190 lbs at 14% bf pre cycle. I’ve gained about 50 pounds of muscle over the years so i would say I know how to train and how to eat.
However, my cycle doesn’t do anything so far. Zero strength gain, zero weight gain, zero side effects. I sometimes feel my libido and my energy is better but that could be placebo also. The gear should be legit according to the quality check code.

So my question here is, is it normal that Sustanon takes so damn long to kick in because of the big amount of very long esters? Or am I doing something completely wrong?

bro it is a combination of short and long esters. it has test prop in it lol thats as fast as it gets. after 6 weeks it shouldve kicked definitely. but i also agree you should be injecting 2x a week at least. i wouldve used cypionate for your first cycle in my opinion. not sustanon. but thats a thing of the past now. there are a lot of variables to account for here. hows your diet. hows your training. what exactly did you expect? to become superman on 300 test? so you gained absolutely no strength after 6 weeks on sustanon? are you sure you are dosing it properly? where are you injecting? do you inject same time same day every week? are you eating enough calories, getting enough rest?
bro it is a combination of short and long esters. it has test prop in it lol thats as fast as it gets. after 6 weeks it shouldve kicked definitely. but i also agree you should be injecting 2x a week at least. i wouldve used cypionate for your first cycle in my opinion. not sustanon. but thats a thing of the past now. there are a lot of variables to account for here. hows your diet. hows your training. what exactly did you expect? to become superman on 300 test? so you gained absolutely no strength after 6 weeks on sustanon? are you sure you are dosing it properly? where are you injecting? do you inject same time same day every week? are you eating enough calories, getting enough rest?

I'm now about 10 weeks (the thread was created by dylan from an email) in and I'm 100% sure that the gear was fake. Yeah you are right, injecting 2-3 times per week would probably be more optimal but come on....its 300mg of test of which 2/3 are long esters week after week and there is just nothing! I really mean NOTHING! Not a single rep on my compounds, not a single pound on the scale, no increase in energy or recovery, not a single side effect. I went from a skinny and super weak 135lbs to 190lbs 14% over the years naturally with OK strength stats ( repping 245 on bench, 315 on squats) so I would say I know how to train and how to eat when it comes to myself. I am also not expecting to become superman off of 300mg test, I just expected a little boost to help me to progress further in strength and lean body mass....

So although Pharmacom has a great reputation in the online world I don't know what else to say, it had to be a fake. On top of it not working at all, I got exactly 9 1ml shots out of a 10ml vial which they claim to have 10.5 ml! It could be my own fault as I did not buy from an official supplier....bought from 101fitnesspharma.

So anyways....this cycle ist fucked and I will need to get bloodwork to even know if I will have to PCT or not...
Alright man well not doubting your lifting experience but we know nothing about you. So just standard questions . Kind of like tech support. What are your stats bro?
Go get bloodwork done. That doesn't lie, and will tell you exactly if your gear is legit or not. Before speculating, I would do that because if the numbers come back good you are going to have to look at other factors. It's not even worth talking about without bloodwork really.
So although Pharmacom has a great reputation in the online world I don't know what else to say, it had to be a fake. On top of it not working at all, I got exactly 9 1ml shots out of a 10ml vial which they claim to have 10.5 ml! It could be my own fault as I did not buy from an official supplier....bought from 101fitnesspharma.

I believe that is why Pharmacom is so often faked, because of its rep.
you cannot make gains when injecting sustanon once a week... its 60% long ester and 40% short... what exactly would you expect... not to mention that unless you buy from a legit pharmacomm seller, there is A LOT of fakes going around... you would need to get in contact with darius, who is on the board here and go to him for help... pharmacomm has a long standing reputation so its clear you have bought a fake on top of the fact your using it completely wrong... you should do bloodwork as well to confirm this
So I am taking a second attempt now. Injecting 500mg of Test-E per week, split into two injections of 250mg each and 50mg of T-Bol per day for the first 6 weeks. Both Alpha Pharma. Taking 12.5mg Aromasin on injection days so far.
I will be exactly 3 weeks in with the test by tomorrow, and 16 days with the T-Bol (started it a few days later).
Will definitely get bloodwork this time after week 6 or 7.

When do you guys start to feel the effects of T-Bol? Feeling nothing out of the norm so far...
Tbol kicks in very fast for me. I would say within the first week I get some nice pumps and even strength increases. Everyone is different, but Tbol hits me pretty quickly
is it possible that someone does not respond to steroids, or only at very high doses?
People have different levels of response to compounds but it shouldn't be so drastic that it requires somebody takes high doses.

A lot of times people either have unrealistic expectations or have a problem elsewhere that contributes to lack of results

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
X2...usually VERY unrealistic expectations. Most commonly because the diet & training aren't in place 1st
was expecting these kind of answers :D
just thought i would feel at least something i am not used to after almost 3 weeks of 50mg tbol a day...
was expecting these kind of answers :D
just thought i would feel at least something i am not used to after almost 3 weeks of 50mg tbol a day...

For what it's worth I never really got much of anything from tbol myself. Some people just don't respond as well to certain compounds as others
By far what sarm looks the most similar to dbol WITHOUT the gyno syndrome?Ex Water is no problem
you would want to stack lgd and rad to get the most size and strength but if you want true dbol effects without the sides then you need test, tbol, rad and lgd...
is it possible that someone does not respond to steroids, or only at very high doses?

Ppl tend to think gear will have them looking like Phil Heath in six months and fail to realize it takes years upon years. Some of the best growth I've had was on a very mild cycle, but I mix it up depending on my goals.

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