
Sustanon Cycle

Ppl tend to think gear will have them looking like Phil Heath in six months and fail to realize it takes years upon years. Some of the best growth I've had was on a very mild cycle, but I mix it up depending on my goals.

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Ppl tend to think gear will have them looking like Phil Heath in six months and fail to realize it takes years upon years. Some of the best growth I've had was on a very mild cycle, but I mix it up depending on my goals.

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I've had amazing growth and strength gains in my natty days, so yeah maybe I'm expecting a bit too much. Went from 135lbs to 190-195 @14-15%. Unfortunately after age 26 I really felt a dip in strength, energy, recovery and overall performance levels...
sorry guys for my noob behavior...

I had a big strength increase in my squat workout today, bodyweight went up while looking leaner and I had a sick lower back pump which was almost it seems to be working :D
Hello guys,
I wanted do give an update on my cycle, as I am coming close to the end of week 8 right now. Cycle has been 500mg Test-E/week and 50mg Turinabol/day for six weeks.

My experience with Turinabol:
+ steady strength gains
+ lean and vascular look
+ about 5lbs dry gains

- stupid pumps during weeks 5 and 6 to the point where they were counterproductive to my workouts
- took almost 3 weeks to notice effects

As I finished the Turinabol I really felt the Test taking over. I did a quick and easy Saliva test at home for free testosterone and estradiol. Samples were taken at the beginning of week 8, about 35 hours after last injection and last aromasin dose of 12,5mg. I have to say that I bumped up the test to 600mg mid week 5, so last shot was 300mg. Test is Alpha Pharma Testobolin 10ml vials. Batch No.: TBX15001 / Mfg. Date: Dec 2015 / Exp. Date: Nov 2019.
Results came back today. I was very pleased on the one hand, on the other hand I was shocked. Here are the results:
Bildschirmfoto 2017-02-17 um 16.55.30.png
Bildschirmfoto 2017-02-17 um 16.55.01.png

Keep in mind, saliva tests measure free testosterone only. Pre cycle result was 77 pg/ml, so that's an 8x increase.
I was taking 12,5mg Alpha Pharma Aromasin 3x per week up to this point. I was expecting the high estrogen, as I woke up with a bloated face the morning after I took the samples. I immediately took a dose of 25mg that day and 12,5mg on the following. The bloat disappeared and my joints started to feel achy, so at least I know that the Aromasin is working. I'm going to continue with 12,5mg every day and drop the test back to 500mg.
I really want to switch to 300mg test + 300mg NPP, as this is the compound I have the most interest in. But I will wait till I have figured out the right AI dose for me.
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