Sorry it's been a while since I've updated this thread the move threw me off a bit. So it's week six and my squats just finally really went up. I hit a pr 385lbs and that was after four sets at 315 so I'm sure I can hit 405 easy on fresh legs and when I squat I go all the way down and don't lock out up top. I like to keep constant tension. If I'm at the end and I don't feel I can complete the reps I'll rest pause but try not to. I think I'm weighing 216 now definitely lost a good bit of belly fat. I took RickRocks advice and picked up GW501516. Its been a week on cardarine and I'm noticing I'm always hungry. Hard to stick to my diet with this hunger I've been cheating a bit but I just hit cardio a little extra on those days. Basically my strength is the most pronounced effect on this cycle but my goal was to recomp and not worry too much about mass. I really want to see how lean I can get with this cycle without losing any muscle.