is this your first cycle?
lol...lemme have a go at this NY...
what is your height, weight, and body fat percentage? - 4' 3", 340 lbs, 70%
What is your diet? Macros?- See food and Macro-roni and cheese
What is your age and gender?- 14 and undecided until next season of I am Caitlyn
Are you now, or could you become pregnant? - swallowing won't get one in the oven right?
What is your training history? - I rode one once.
What is the goal of this aas use? - swoleness, baldness, small nuts and gyno
Is your motivation just to be swole as fuck like ny? - swoler
Have you done all the proper homework on your proposed “aas use”? - dammit homework!?!?!?
(you better have because ny wife getting tired me spending so much dayum time doing it for you.)
what is an ancillary?- The local Moose lodge?
Are you aware oral only cycles are dumb as shit?- who rides a bike with their mouth????
Choose one: Twinkies or hoho's? - You're effin kindin right? Who chooses only one?
Do you have any history of drug or alcohol abuse? Meth, Crack, Raw, 420 and Smack, but I totally abstain from alcohol.... it'll kill ya
Are you aware of the cost of a cycle, including diet, ancillaries, gym dues, etc? Oh hell yeah
is your family aware of your choice to get swole as fuck like ny? - they'll figure it out while I'm eating all the groceries
Are you aware, that even though aas may help get you get swole as ny, aas are not fat burners. Stop being lazy and go for a run. - running to the fridge, then the coach bro