
Source Help


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I’m having trouble finding a reliable and trustworthy source for the SARMS LGD-4033 and MK-677. Are the products on this site pure/the real deal? How can I know?
I’m having trouble finding a reliable and trustworthy source for the SARMS LGD-4033 and MK-677. Are the products on this site pure/the real deal? How can I know?

bro, there is feedback everywhere on them... its easy to know how... i stand by that a million percent... has the best quality you can find

what are your stats and goals? age/height/weight/body fat? goals? i can set up your cycle for you...
I’m having trouble finding a reliable and trustworthy source for the SARMS LGD-4033 and MK-677. Are the products on this site pure/the real deal? How can I know?
Read the reviews in this site it's all legit and I'm sure everyone who bought sarms from sarmsx will vouche for the product. If you need help just ask?

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I’m having trouble finding a reliable and trustworthy source for the SARMS LGD-4033 and MK-677. Are the products on this site pure/the real deal? How can I know?

You won't find any better source out there than

They are the highest quality and purity available, and all the positive feedback on this forum alone speaks for itself
I have done sarmsx lgd 4033, GW, Rad140, mk 2866 and mk677

They are top notch, had an amazing experience with all of it.

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These guys have done EXTREMELY well with sarmsx and our prime examples of what hard work, dedication and the quality products combined can achieve..
I was 225 lbs now at 205 in 12 weeks cardio eating clean and sarms that work no doubt you have have your diet in check if losing weight is your goal or if you are trying to gain sarms will help but there is no miracle pills but sarms are insurance to enhance it better this is my opinion. Sarmsx the Bently of sarms peace love and happiness
i was 225 lbs now at 205 in 12 weeks cardio eating clean and sarms that work no doubt you have have your diet in check if losing weight is your goal or if you are trying to gain sarms will help but there is no miracle pills but sarms are insurance to enhance it better this is my opinion. Sarmsx the bently of sarms peace love and happiness

hell yeah man!
I was 225 lbs now at 205 in 12 weeks cardio eating clean and sarms that work no doubt you have have your diet in check if losing weight is your goal or if you are trying to gain sarms will help but there is no miracle pills but sarms are insurance to enhance it better this is my opinion. Sarmsx the Bently of sarms peace love and happiness

absolutely brother... those are serious results! i love it... your setting a really strong example for others as well... excellent bro and im very proud of your accomplishments thus far! you have plenty more to come
ya I started at about 240 35% bf down to 210 maybe sitting just above 15% now I started june 2015 loving the shit love the feeling I have all around love friendship hahaha
mr clean or mr lean?

a combination of both... ive been watching rock since he started... the man has made serious progress both physically and with his knowledge... if we could only get him to stop talking like a fucking alabama crimson tide fan, he would be the man but hey, noone is perfect.. =) Roll OVER tide...
and thanks for the support and compliment boss man. lol I will make it to 12 or 10% bf one of these days and I think I will be good there just once in my life then ill have glamour shots made, maybe get me a wig like Fabio on horse or some shit hahahaha
we gon roll over everyone this year lmao

well i will never argue that you guys are basically the team to beat every year but there's flaws this year you havent had... guaranteed to still be a tough team but i see teams that could give big problems... no way on earth alabama would beat clemson this year... no fucking way... they will be right there at the end of the season again though, i just see some teams that have the ability to knock them off more so than in previous years... that LSU game is going to be serious this year... LSU is fucking loaded... its going to be a great year regardless... im going to quite a few games this year brother... oregon vs. washington at oregon and iowa vs. northwestern and iowa vs. michigan... i am fucking pumped...
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