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shutdown - what does it feel like?


Hi Folks,

I'm on my first ever cycle of any nature. At this time it is a sarms only cylce (SR, MK2866, GW, LGD, S4 - typical dosage schedules).

I've obviously never experienced shutdown, until perhaps now - I've just completed my 6th week of the 12 week cycle.

Granted that my experience is very little, I'm wondering if what I'm experiencing is actually shutdown due to sarms, or if it is perhaps, something else - I've had quite a bit of emotional/psychological stuff going on as of late as well and that coincides with feelings of decreased libido. Thus far, I've attributed the lack of sex drive due to what I've been going through emotionally. However, I'm also wondering if Sarms are playing a role as well - and if so, what to do about it.

I've dealt with emotional challenges in the past and never lost sex drive to the extent that I have over the past two or three weeks.

Either way, I'd like to get back to feeling as normal as possible - dealing with the emotional issues is something I'm familiar with and working on. But, if there is a chemical thing going on (suppression), then I'd appreciate any advice I can get from the board to help with that as well.

I know DAA is recommended for the last 4 weeks of a cycle... would there be harm in starting early with it? Are there any other products out there that could help?

Thanks much in advance!
I cant tell you what shutdown feels like since Im a TRT guy but I can tell you that when I ran my SARMs cycle I hit some sort of weird wall right about where you are. Honestly, I think it was due to "burnout". Basically I was hitting it super hard to make the most of the cycle and eventually my body said "F This!!" A brief deload period helped.

On a related note, Ive read that SARMs are not supposed to cause shutdown but Im a firm believer that we all react differently to chemicals we put in our body. Perhaps you are experiencing a mild shutdown or perhaps its something else related to the stress. As recommended, I would hit the daa and do a mini PCT after the cycle. If you have baseline blood tests from before the cycle then you could get bloods after PCT and compare.
I cant tell you what shutdown feels like since Im a TRT guy but I can tell you that when I ran my SARMs cycle I hit some sort of weird wall right about where you are. Honestly, I think it was due to "burnout". Basically I was hitting it super hard to make the most of the cycle and eventually my body said "F This!!" A brief deload period helped.

On a related note, Ive read that SARMs are not supposed to cause shutdown but Im a firm believer that we all react differently to chemicals we put in our body. Perhaps you are experiencing a mild shutdown or perhaps its something else related to the stress. As recommended, I would hit the daa and do a mini PCT after the cycle. If you have baseline blood tests from before the cycle then you could get bloods after PCT and compare.

Thanks much!

This was a very helpful answer - I'll hit the DAA and was actually considering a deload period while I was in the gym today... I think 4 or 5 days off is about all I could stand though
Thanks much!

This was a very helpful answer - I'll hit the DAA and was actually considering a deload period while I was in the gym today... I think 4 or 5 days off is about all I could stand though

Might need a few full days off and then do next week lighter. It feels weird and wrong not pushing it but in the long run its worth it. Best of luck brother.
First of all, how can you guys say u cant get a shutdown from sarms? Thats basicly what Dylan says in all his yt video's that a mild shutdown is able to occur on a shitload of sarms.

Second of all, it depends where you got them. If you ordered from some shady website or unknown ones the chances are high ur taking prohormones or even mild anabolics instead of sarms dear friend.
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First of all, how can you guys say u cant get a shutdown from sarms? Thats basicly what Dylan says in all his yt video's that a mild shutdown is able to occur on a shitload of sarms.

Second of all, it depends where you got them. If you ordered from some shady website or unknown ones the chances are high ur taking prohormones or even mild anabolisc instead of sarms dear friend.

In my post, I said that perhaps he is shut down a little. I agree.............why would you do a PCT if there is no risk of shutdown. I would venture to say that the majority of guys dont respond with shutdown (and there is some anecdotal evidence and even some research that says shutdown risk is extremely minimal) but some guys may.

Good point on the shady sources. I had not thought of that perspective.
The only way you would know for sure is bloodwork, but yes some people can get affected a little bit more than others. Both S4 and LGD are suppressive to some degree, but not anything like steroids as far as shutdown goes. Most people do not experience any of the symptoms you are experiencing. It's hard saying exactly what's causing your issues, as it's possible that psychological issues can cause a domino effect on problems that you create that are not even there. That's pretty common. Whatever the case, it's perfectly fine to start DAA to see if that aids you a bit

Another option is adding in RAD-140 to your cycle which acts like testosterone and actually reverses and combats a lot of the issues you are having

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Thanks much,

I hadn't thought of adding RAD-140. I'll take a look into that as well as picking up some DAA.

Really appreciate all the concern!

As far as source, I purchased all of my SARMs through sarmsx - no worries about shady sources.

I ignored the first response to this thread as I know from doing my own homework on these boards and via Dylan's videos that there is a small possibility of some degree of shutdown. I actually found it remarkable that someone with nearly 2000 posts that has been on the boards for almost 9 months would actually state quite the opposite of what pretty much everyone else around here has to say about sarms and shutdown.
Thanks much,

I hadn't thought of adding RAD-140. I'll take a look into that as well as picking up some DAA.

Really appreciate all the concern!

As far as source, I purchased all of my SARMs through sarmsx - no worries about shady sources.

I ignored the first response to this thread as I know from doing my own homework on these boards and via Dylan's videos that there is a small possibility of some degree of shutdown. I actually found it remarkable that someone with nearly 2000 posts that has been on the boards for almost 9 months would actually state quite the opposite of what pretty much everyone else around here has to say about sarms and shutdown.

the only 3 that you have no concern for any type of shutdown are GW, SR and MK677... i've always stated that any others require a mini pct and can cause slight suppression... eveyrone should always be aware of that... the suppression is minimal but regardless, its there and needs to be addressed...
Hi Folks,

I'm on my first ever cycle of any nature. At this time it is a sarms only cylce (SR, MK2866, GW, LGD, S4 - typical dosage schedules).

I've obviously never experienced shutdown, until perhaps now - I've just completed my 6th week of the 12 week cycle.

Granted that my experience is very little, I'm wondering if what I'm experiencing is actually shutdown due to sarms, or if it is perhaps, something else - I've had quite a bit of emotional/psychological stuff going on as of late as well and that coincides with feelings of decreased libido. Thus far, I've attributed the lack of sex drive due to what I've been going through emotionally. However, I'm also wondering if Sarms are playing a role as well - and if so, what to do about it.

I've dealt with emotional challenges in the past and never lost sex drive to the extent that I have over the past two or three weeks.

Either way, I'd like to get back to feeling as normal as possible - dealing with the emotional issues is something I'm familiar with and working on. But, if there is a chemical thing going on (suppression), then I'd appreciate any advice I can get from the board to help with that as well.

I know DAA is recommended for the last 4 weeks of a cycle... would there be harm in starting early with it? Are there any other products out there that could help?

Thanks much in advance!

There is a BIG difference between suppression and shutdown.I hope that you know the difference. Both my father and myself and 2 brothers have never had shutdown even when using heavy cycles of aas. Two of us never even had suppression. So I doubt that you are feeling a suppression even if you are suppressed. Now you mentioned emotion 4 times and sexual 3 times. It seems you might already know where your problem lies. I am just guessing and trying to help. You do also seem to use suppression and shutdown as synonyms....and they are not. If I am not making sense I am sorry.Still recovering from a concussion and have some brain fog.
are you not taking aromasin at all on this sarms run? if not I would because it sounds a little like high estro ,same shit happened to me but I was also on test and sarms. and believe me I did "bitch" out I was all emotional
Appreciate that...

Yes, I was using suppression and shutdown interchangeably. Thanks for pointing that out! Really appreciate it! I'll do my homework and be more specific going forward.

I do believe that my issues are more psychological than chemical. I'm just putting this out to try to eliminate or account for any other variables that may be coming into play in terms of the effects on emotions/libido that suppression might have while on a sarms cycle. As I'm on my first cycle of anything, ever, I felt it was something I needed some clarification on.
No, I'm not taking anything of that sort during my cycle.

In fact, I've never seen it included in a sarms-only stack anywhere on these boards so I hadn't even thought of it.

I do have a mini pct (clomid/gw) waiting for me at the end of my cycle.

Although I'm *not* leaning towards hormones playing the majority role here, I may go get bloods done as that really is the no-doubt way to know whats up. Also just kind of curious to see my counts mid-cycle anyways.
No, I'm not taking anything of that sort during my cycle.

In fact, I've never seen it included in a sarms-only stack anywhere on these boards so I hadn't even thought of it.

I do have a mini pct (clomid/gw) waiting for me at the end of my cycle.

Although I'm *not* leaning towards hormones playing the majority role here, I may go get bloods done as that really is the no-doubt way to know whats up. Also just kind of curious to see my counts mid-cycle anyways.

I understand where you are coming from bro. I would lean toward it not being the sarms. My daughter takes them and feels high and mighty on them. BUT you cannot rule them out either. There is no reason that you would have high or low estrogen, since you are not taking anthing that would raise it or lower it, and you do not need to. Estrogen feels almost the same when it is too high or too low, so just in case,if you are concerned,you could always get bloodwork done.
I hope you heal up soon!
The only way you would know for sure is bloodwork, but yes some people can get affected a little bit more than others. Both S4 and LGD are suppressive to some degree, but not anything like steroids as far as shutdown goes. Most people do not experience any of the symptoms you are experiencing. It's hard saying exactly what's causing your issues, as it's possible that psychological issues can cause a domino effect on problems that you create that are not even there. That's pretty common. Whatever the case, it's perfectly fine to start DAA to see if that aids you a bit

Another option is adding in RAD-140 to your cycle which acts like testosterone and actually reverses and combats a lot of the issues you are having

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

About this, I'm just wondering, does the RAD-140 reverse and combat the suppression at the source cause of suppression, or does it just nullify the symptoms of suppression, while not actually treating the suppression?
About this, I'm just wondering, does the RAD-140 reverse and combat the suppression at the source cause of suppression, or does it just nullify the symptoms of suppression, while not actually treating the suppression?

It's not going to reverse suppression by any means. What happens when people are suppressed without using testosterone is their libido is affected and they often feel run down and lethargic without drive or motivation. This is where RAD-140 can help by mimicking the effects of testosterone without actually taking testosterone, if that makes any sense to you

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I definitely want RAD 140 for my next stack. I'm currently using LGD.MK 2866 And S4. I'm on my 4th week and I do feel more tired then normal.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
I definitely want RAD 140 for my next stack. I'm currently using LGD.MK 2866 And S4. I'm on my 4th week and I do feel more tired then normal.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk

Try adding D-aspartic acid too maybe?

Nevermind, that should only be in week 9-12; unless you can add it in throughout the entire 1-12? I don't know. Anyone care to comment?
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I definitely want RAD 140 for my next stack. I'm currently using LGD.MK 2866 And S4. I'm on my 4th week and I do feel more tired then normal.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk

It would be a great addition, not to mention what it would add in terms of gains. It's an extremely powerful compound

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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