so here I go short and sweet I'm in my late 20s nearing the 30 year mark. Man do I feel like I'm getting old lol. Anyways I'm about 6' 212 lbs not 100 percent sure on body fat but if I had to guess I'd say around 16-18% maybe a Lititle less. I've been working out for abut a good 5 years now mostly on and sometimes off for a short period as the excuse of (life) gets in the way. I've been doing pretty solid for a good period of time now as far as hitting the gym 6 days a week which is my goal, 4 days at the very least. As of now my diet is good I'm trying to be a lot more diet conscience sense I want to cut down a couple percent on the bodyfat. I've ran a cycle in my mid 20s taking the advice of a friend (we cycled together) come to find out he didn't know nearly as much as he made out to be and I'm just glad that I was able to bring my natural levels back and get my self naturally working again.I didn't know of this great forum at the time either I just took his word for everything... we didn't even do post cycle therepy
. Anyways I plan on running another cycle here in the very near future as I've been researching and taking as much advise as humanly possible and I believe I'm ready to do it effectively and responsibly. I leave it at that for now thanks for taking the time to see this thread
short and sweet post not so short lmao

short and sweet post not so short lmao