
sarms stack


Right now I've been on mk677 for my 5th month now and I'm cycling it with rad140 and gw501516. What are your thoughts on this stack and how long should I stay on it?
Thank you
PS : I love your videos
Right now I've been on mk677 for my 5th month now and I'm cycling it with rad140 and gw501516. What are your thoughts on this stack and how long should I stay on it?
Thank you
PS : I love your videos

what are your stats? age/height/weight/body fat?

how long have you been running rad and gw?

most importantly, where did you get your sarms?
Right now I've been on mk677 for my 5th month now and I'm cycling it with rad140 and gw501516. What are your thoughts on this stack and how long should I stay on it?
Thank you
PS : I love your videos

MK-677 is best ran long term at a minimum of 6 months, but GW and RAD need to be cycled off after no more than 16 weeks. Do a pct for the RAD and then after 2-3 weeks you can start again.

Let us know your stats, and where your sarms are from. I certainly hope you got them from Sarmsx. MK-677 especially is often faked by other sarms companies

what are your stats? age/height/weight/body fat?

how long have you been running rad and gw?

most importantly, where did you get your sarms?

IM 51, 6'2", 230, about 16% BF

Im on my first bottle of rad 140 and just started my second of GW. My first bottle of GW i got from enhanced athlete and the rad I got from a local nutrition store here. How does one know if their sarms are legit or not???

Thx, Jeff
you buy them from that would be the only place to get sarms. what are your results so far? with what you got?
I started with 3 months of MK677 and LGD4033, after 3 months got off the 4033 and stayed with the 677 cuz i know thats a longer term thing. I got stronger and added about 10-15 pounds of good weight. everyone noticed a diff, thought i was taking steroids, lol. The main thing is I don't feel like I've noticed the healing effects of the 677 that everyone talks about.. Any ideas on why and what I can do or change?
I started with 3 months of MK677 and LGD4033, after 3 months got off the 4033 and stayed with the 677 cuz i know thats a longer term thing. I got stronger and added about 10-15 pounds of good weight. everyone noticed a diff, thought i was taking steroids, lol. The main thing is I don't feel like I've noticed the healing effects of the 677 that everyone talks about.. Any ideas on why and what I can do or change?

you may be mixing mk677 with 2866 the 677 is for fullness endurance and muscle gain. mk2866 is more for healing and recovery
IM 51, 6'2", 230, about 16% BF

Im on my first bottle of rad 140 and just started my second of GW. My first bottle of GW i got from enhanced athlete and the rad I got from a local nutrition store here. How does one know if their sarms are legit or not???

Thx, Jeff
I wouldn't trust any of them sources man. I know enhanced athlete is one of the worst, and stuff sold in nutrition stores are in capsules which you don't want with sarms. Doesn't work like that. You want the liquid oral suspension from

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
is bio tech labs diff than isarms products?

yes it is very different... they dont have sarms bro...

you were not experiencing what you should on 677 because you didnt actually have it... a local nutrition store? fuck bro... ask 44yogearhead about the local nutrition store experience... im sure he can fill you in nicely on "the local nutrition store"

as far as enhanced athlete... hes a well known scumbag everywhere... his actions are despicable and who in the fuck knows what you got from him...

you ARE correct about running 677 for a longer period of time but bro, not knowing what your running, i would HIGHLY recommend getting your bloods done and seeing what kind of effect this garbage has had on you... i would discontinue use if i were you... i can help point you in the right direction for the best sarms you can find but i would never continue as you are right now...
Thx Dylan, I just bought some 2866 and rad 140 from Good choice?? Also since I've been on 677 for 6 months you're saying I should keep on that as well right??
Is that a good stack and what can I expect to see as far as results from these 3 sarms???
Thx Dylan, I just bought some 2866 and rad 140 from Good choice?? Also since I've been on 677 for 6 months you're saying I should keep on that as well right??
Is that a good stack and what can I expect to see as far as results from these 3 sarms???

Most definitely a good choice bro. I'm running mk677 right now and I have to say, it's my favorite amount them all. Run those 3 and you have a great combination
ok couple questions Dylan...... why do we need to cycle off 2866 if its for healing? wouldn't we want to take this longer term as well? and if we do need to cycle off, what is the cycle time you recommend to be on and off??

Wondering why 677 is 2 times the cost of all the other products and there is no package discounts.......

These products are coming from over seas so how do YOU and WE know the quality of them for sure??

Thx Bro
the billing is from overseas, the product comes from America. and the price difference is because the raws for 677 are waay more expensive and you don't want your body to build up a tolerance so 12 weeks max for 2866, mini pct and 3 week break then back on
Ok the 677 comes from the US but how do we as consumers know the legitimacy of the products as compared to the same products from a diff company?
Maybe this is a question for Dylan himself........
well because there are thousands of people on this board using sarmsx sarms and log it and we are not paid spokesmen for them lol
no i haven't tried any other companies but there are plenty on here that have and have had shitty results or itchy nips or gyno and a host of other problems. sarmsx was the first ones i ever bought and have gotten great results for over a year so there is no fuckin way i would order from anywhere else lol i stick with what i know with quality
not to mention i trust Dylan and he stands behind them and i know if there was an issue he wouldn't back them as he has proven in the past with other companies
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