
SARMs for ligament/tendon repair


New member
Hey all

Currently running a standard LGD/S4 SARM's stack. 3 weeks in a seeing some good strength gains so definitely looking forward to the result at the end of the cycle. Question i have is i ruptured my Achilles tendon about 15 months ago playing squash. I have done the rehab etc but would like to know if there is a SARM i can add to my stack that would also specifically increase tendon strength?

current stats: 35yo/85kg/~15% bf/experienced lifter
goals (in order of priority): gain strength on deadlift/squat, all round muscularity, cut a couple of BF % (this would be nice but not a priority - will run a SARMs cutting cycle after this cycle)
cycle: LGD 10mg once a day/S4 25mg AM - 25mg PM (3 weeks into cycle)
mk2886 is my personal fav for healing. 4 weeks generally gets rid of this nagging shoulder tendinitis when it flares up. Nothing else works for me.
Mk677 and mk2866 have both done wonders for me on healing. Its an incredibly powerful combo
Mk677 and mk2866 have both done wonders for me on healing. Its an incredibly powerful combo

Have you had any tendon problems in the past its helped with?

Awesome, thanks guys - really appreciate the advice.

Dylan, i assume shipping the POST CT product to Australia is no problem?
Have you had any tendon problems in the past its helped with?

Awesome, thanks guys - really appreciate the advice.

Dylan, i assume shipping the POST CT product to Australia is no problem?
i get tendinitis from tennis and from all the increases in weights on cycle and mk2866 works EVERYTIME... Yes, POST CT most certainly can be shipped to australia brother
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