
Sarms and Teenager

Keto sucks for bodybuilding especially without drugs . your glycogen is depleted and your training will suffer . carb cycling is the ticket for athletes keto is for sedentary fat fucks that don't exercise and no imtermitant fasting either spread out nutrion you have no storage mechanism for protein and excess when at an time its unneeded will just be turned too glucose and once that happens it can not be turned back too amino acids and has too either be burned or stored as fat . protein macros should be evenly divided through the day. There are a million studies that contradict each other . don't go by biased research go by proven methods when the keto fasting group gets on stage in Vegas I will listen too there opinion but as long as the top pros still use these methods so will I cause there proven too work

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Ok sir. Thank you so much. I will start with carb cycling. High protein moderate fat consistent throughout the diet and cycle carbs.
Lower fats you need essential fats but but In would keep them under 20 percent of your total calorie intake .and protein at around 40 percent .then your adjust carb up and down having a different deficit daily with one day at maintenance on your hardest training day ( legs ) .

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Lower fats you need essential fats but but In would keep them under 20 percent of your total calorie intake .and protein at around 40 percent .then your adjust carb up and down having a different deficit daily with one day at maintenance on your hardest training day ( legs ) .

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Sir, what do you think about the test boosters available on the market? Like animal test, animal stak and all other stuffs. And do you think I should use a fat burner??
Test boosters are garbage placebos too take your money . even the ones that work some only bring you up 20 percent from baseline that's 900 my if it was 700 this is not enough too create a more anabolic environment . a begginer test cycle of 500 mg a week will put you at 3500 to 4000 ng your not getting anywhere near half of that with a test booster . spend that money on food it will be more too your benefit.

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brother, please stop asking about anything that effects hormones, testosterone etc.. you are TOO YOUNG for it.. your diet questions were awesome and actually a really good read for everyone but you have to stop with the other questions on anything related to hormones and testosterone or i cannot allow you to be here.. we do not advise that kind of use to teenagers... if you want to get help for your show, ABSOLUTELY we are going to have your back and help you... gymjunkie gave you some stellar diet advice... keto is a very poor choice for bodybuilding and especially shows.. your diet is imperative at this point... if you need some diet help, i have my diet posted in which you can eat at a deficit and still gain muscle because of the nutrient set up... here is a link and my diet is listed on page 1...!-new-log-dylan-gemelli-11728.html
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