
Sarms and Teenager


Hello everyone. Here are my stats: 18 years old, 5 foot 11 inches, 82 kgs. Previously was 10-12% bf and now i am at 17-18 after a bulk. My strength has obviously improved and i have a improved muscle mass and quality. 2 years of serious and consistent weight lifting. Have a proper knowledge of macros and all nutrition. I wanted a help from anyone who would guide me to a successful career. First time in my country, a teen bodybuilding competition is going to be hosted and I wanna participate and also get a good placing. I am not going to use steroids but obviously with your help and support, I want to use Sarms. Specifically, I want to use Sarms to build muscle and strength and drop body fat to stage ready at the same time. I know sarms are not fat burners and I have to work on my diet and my training. Thank you all for your help and guidance.
You really need too focus on nutrition and diet . during a bulk if you have never competed you should actually get leaner by adding lean body mass and not gaining much fat. The fact you body fat percent went up so high on your bulk means it was very sloppy nutrition. If you had just competed then of course you will not maintain that ultra low body fat level . but going from 10 to 17 on your bulk means you were just eating any and everything with no regard for quality gains . so contest prep is going too be very difficult getting down too low single digits is very difficult especially without drugs.

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You really need too focus on nutrition and diet . during a bulk if you have never competed you should actually get leaner by adding lean body mass and not gaining much fat. The fact you body fat percent went up so high on your bulk means it was very sloppy nutrition. If you had just competed then of course you will not maintain that ultra low body fat level . but going from 10 to 17 on your bulk means you were just eating any and everything with no regard for quality gains . so contest prep is going too be very difficult getting down too low single digits is very difficult especially without drugs.

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Thank you for your concerns sir. I just dropped my bf to 10% for a photoshoot. After that day, I couldn't stop eating. I was eating around 10,000 calories a day and still didn't get satisfied. I was swole for the first 15 days and had a heck lot of water retention. And after that, it turned to a dirty bulk. I still have 4 months and within that period, i think i can get to where I want to be. It would be a great help if you could suggest me Sarms or other advice.
There are some here that will chime in on sarms I don't have a lot of experience with them as I've been using anabolic steroids for years . and I'm not gonna recommend what I would have you run in prep at your age . And I would recommend getting a coach who really understands nutrition . anybody can diet down too 10 percent body fat. The binge eating response and massive water retention tells me your body was in a very deprived state and you did it wrong causing the rebound you can really destroy you metabolism and develop thyroid issues doing that . balanced nutrition stategicaly removing calories and increasing energy out put in stages as necessary too maintain steady fat loss . especially if you going too only be using sarms . when you get very low body fat your testosterone levels drop very low cortisol is increased your in a very catabolic state and starvation types diets will leave you looking like an anorexic twig not a bodybuilder . don't look at the diet methods of most competeors because with steroids you can get away with a lot more.

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There are some here that will chime in on sarms I don't have a lot of experience with them as I've been using anabolic steroids for years . and I'm not gonna recommend what I would have you run in prep at your age . And I would recommend getting a coach who really understands nutrition . anybody can diet down too 10 percent body fat. The binge eating response and massive water retention tells me your body was in a very deprived state and you did it wrong causing the rebound you can really destroy you metabolism and develop thyroid issues doing that . balanced nutrition stategicaly removing calories and increasing energy out put in stages as necessary too maintain steady fat loss . especially if you going too only be using sarms . when you get very low body fat your testosterone levels drop very low cortisol is increased your in a very catabolic state and starvation types diets will leave you looking like an anorexic twig not a bodybuilder . don't look at the diet methods of most competeors because with steroids you can get away with a lot more.

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I myself dropped my body fat to 10% without anyone's help. I was doing intermittent fasting and it really worked. I had no loss in muscle mass and strength. But this time, I am planning on doing a Keto diet for first 6 weeks and then I am going to follow a carbcycling diet without dropping my calorie very low as it slows down the metabolism. And sir, I know that AAs can destroy the natural test production and after a cycle, i can lose all my gains because of high cortisol. But is it the same case with Sarms for a teenager?
You are just way too young right now for even sarms. You're going to need patience at your age. Building muscle takes time, and I can tell that you have issues with patience if you are throwing 10,000 calories (which I highly doubt you are actually doing) or more into trying to gain. You can eat like that unless you want to turn into a sloppy fat ass. You need a properly structured diet. Gaining a quarter pound of actual lean muscle tissue per week is excellent. That's a pound a month. This is a,a ration and not a sprint! Sarms are just there to aid you, but you need to wait until you are about 20 or so before you can use them
And as you have competed, can you share your ideas on how to look dry on stage. Because when i did photoshoot, I didn't drink water for last two days, depleted all my glycogen stores and carb loaded for those last two days after giving up on water. Is that what you professionals do or I did it all wrong? Layne Norton has a unique way,, like drinking water normally and also loading carbs for a week. I didn't try that strategy.
You are just way too young right now for even sarms. You're going to need patience at your age. Building muscle takes time, and I can tell that you have issues with patience if you are throwing 10,000 calories (which I highly doubt you are actually doing) or more into trying to gain. You can eat like that unless you want to turn into a sloppy fat ass. You need a properly structured diet. Gaining a quarter pound of actual lean muscle tissue per week is excellent. That's a pound a month. This is a,a ration and not a sprint! Sarms are just there to aid you, but you need to wait until you are about 20 or so before you can use them

Sir, I was eating 10,000 for the first few days after the shoot. Now I am eating dirty food under 5,000. I will surely be on a diet after some days as my final exams will be over. I will post my diet plan here and would really appreciate it if experts like you could help me with it. Thank you.
Sir, I was eating 10,000 for the first few days after the shoot. Now I am eating dirty food under 5,000. I will surely be on a diet after some days as my final exams will be over. I will post my diet plan here and would really appreciate it if experts like you could help me with it. Thank you.

Eating dirty food at all is not constructive towards your goal at all. I'd be curious to see what your diet looks like
Eating dirty food at all is not constructive towards your goal at all. I'd be curious to see what your diet looks like

I was planning on doing a keto for 6 weeks and then carb cycling for last few weeks as I will be more fuller and vascular on carb cycling diet than on keto. I am also thinking to do either only keto or combine keto diet with Intermittent fasting. I would love to hear your thoughts.
And I also get confused a lot because I read a lot of articles. There are many people who have their different opinions. Some say that you shouldn't ingest anything immediately after workout as your Test and GH is maximum during that time. Then there's other people who say you have to immediately eat some fast digesting carbs and protein after workout. Some say eating only protein after workout over eating protein+Carbs has no special benefit. And some say you have to immediately replenish your glycogen.
Don't restrict water for days that's stupid . water load 2 gallons a day starting 10 days out increase you potassium intake and lower sodium but not eliminating it and start carb depleting reducing carbs by 10 percent daily 3 days out do a full body routine and cardio completely depleting glycogen . then the next two day reduce water to 1 gallon then half a gallon and start slow reintroducing carbs 20 grams a meal then 40 the last night pull water and add 50 grams fats digesting carbs at each meal and 200 mg of sodium in each meal from sea salt . only use fast carbs last day white rice sugars no fiber or veggies or your gut will be distended you need water too digest that type of food .

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This is what I do except there is some insulin usage and Dyazide but your not ready for that yet.

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Don't restrict water for days that's stupid . water load 2 gallons a day starting 10 days out increase you potassium intake and lower sodium but not eliminating it and start carb depleting reducing carbs by 10 percent daily 3 days out do a full body routine and cardio completely depleting glycogen . then the next two day reduce water to 1 gallon then half a gallon and start slow reintroducing carbs 20 grams a meal then 40 the last night pull water and add 50 grams fats digesting carbs at each meal and 200 mg of sodium in each meal from sea salt . only use fast carbs last day white rice sugars no fiber or veggies or your gut will be distended you need water too digest that type of food .

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Thank you so so much sir. Really appreciated. I needed these types of information and help. Thanks a lot again. I will surely do what you said if I compete this time. I will keep you updated with my progress in the future and would love to hear your opinions and suggestions.
Pick a later show 4 months is not long enough too drop from 17 too 6 percent body fat properly unless you want another nasty rebound

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Pick a later show 4 months is not long enough too drop from 17 too 6 percent body fat properly unless you want another nasty rebound

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Sir really.. Isn't even four months enough to drop just 6%? Please don't hate on me,, i don't want to say anything against you because you are sharing information that's good for me. But I think its easy. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Drop 6 percent your at 17 for bodybuilding you need too be at 6 percent that is 11 percent too drop and I promise you the road from from 9 too 6 is harder than you can imagine that's where it gets tricky

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You get on stage at 10 percent with no striations and week abs and soft glutes your gonna look redicuous

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You get on stage at 10 percent with no striations and week abs and soft glutes your gonna look redicuous

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Ok sir. I will focus on another show after some more time. And can I please hear your thoughts on Ketogenic dieit or its combo with Intermittent fasting?? Can i build as much muscle and still lose fat than on other diet? I know I can lose fat but gaining significant amount of muscle is also important right now. Or do you think i should stick with carb cycling? Thank you ..
Keto sucks for bodybuilding especially without drugs . your glycogen is depleted and your training will suffer . carb cycling is the ticket for athletes keto is for sedentary fat fucks that don't exercise and no imtermitant fasting either spread out nutrion you have no storage mechanism for protein and excess when at an time its unneeded will just be turned too glucose and once that happens it can not be turned back too amino acids and has too either be burned or stored as fat . protein macros should be evenly divided through the day. There are a million studies that contradict each other . don't go by biased research go by proven methods when the keto fasting group gets on stage in Vegas I will listen too there opinion but as long as the top pros still use these methods so will I cause there proven too work

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