
Sarms and suppression

I got rather suppressed with LGD on previous cycle, but was fine, this time I think adding the S4 along with lgd did me in.
What testosterone booster are you using if you don't mind me asking?
Olympus labs test1fy. I'm actually thinking of running it after my sarms bridge now instead of during the bridge. I don't think any test booster will have signicant impact on keeping test levels normal while on sarms to be honest with you.

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Olympus labs test1fy. I'm actually thinking of running it after my sarms bridge now instead of during the bridge. I don't think any test booster will have signicant impact on keeping test levels normal while on sarms to be honest with you.

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it will to an extent... you can test it both ways and see what happens but it can definitely help on cycle...
Olympus labs test1fy. I'm actually thinking of running it after my sarms bridge now instead of during the bridge. I don't think any test booster will have signicant impact on keeping test levels normal while on sarms to be honest with you.

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There can be some benefit, but obviously less benefit while on suppressive compounds

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
you can leave it off cycle and test it by just using after and see what bloods show then and then next time try it on cycle and compare the difference...
Yea I guess I might as well try it on the cycle this time. I have an 8 week supply so I will run it the last 8 weeks of the 12 week bridge

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Yea I guess I might as well try it on the cycle this time. I have an 8 week supply so I will run it the last 8 weeks of the 12 week bridge

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sounds good bro, im very interested to see your results when using it on cycle....
sounds good bro, im very interested to see your results when using it on cycle....
I'm very interested as well I've never used ashwaganda before... would have stuck with DAA as a test booster, but I always seem to get gyno flare ups on it and it gets really fkng annoying lol.

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I'm very interested as well I've never used ashwaganda before... would have stuck with DAA as a test booster, but I always seem to get gyno flare ups on it and it gets really fkng annoying lol.

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ashwaganda is supposed to be very promising... i didnt notice a damn thing when i used it but hopefully you do bro
ashwaganda is supposed to be very promising... i didnt notice a damn thing when i used it but hopefully you do bro
Sorry to hear it did nothing for you man... that's too bad. I've read great things about it but anything can look good on paper right? So I'll have to put it to the TEST (pun intended)

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Sorry to hear it did nothing for you man... that's too bad. I've read great things about it but anything can look good on paper right? So I'll have to put it to the TEST (pun intended)

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yes, i was disappointed... i had done a very informative video on it, was looking forward to it etc. and really got nothing from it but i do hope that you do brother
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