
Sarms and suppression

you can take any test booster you want or stack them... that is perfectly fine... its great to be precautionary... i am that way on everything i do...
The bloods I posted was not to say "this is how YOU will react". This was a single persons values that happened to be suppressed. I have seen bloods from others that show suppression is all but non existent.

Pm me for Robolics GAINS!
The bloods I posted was not to say "this is how YOU will react". This was a single persons values that happened to be suppressed. I have seen bloods from others that show suppression is all but non existent.

Pm me for Robolics GAINS!

for sure brother... your posts are very much appreciated...
Here is two weeks after and 7 (I think) weeks after a lgd, gw, my-2866 run from a friend. That was all he took as that's what he got from me lol.

FSH did raise after a while. But neither were "low" either time.

Pm me for Robolics GAINS!
Thanks for posting bro. Everyone clearly responds differently now that weve seen multiple panels... some get mild suppression whereas others get alot. But the most important part is LH and FSH remain within range. Sure having suppressed test levels when you're on a sarms bridge/cycle sucks if you're not on TRT and you may feel some lethargy and side effects related to that... But that's a side effect I personally am willing to deal with if it means continuing to improve my physique after each cycle.

I actually may expirament by running a solid test booster along with my upcoming bridge to see how it effects lethargy and mood while my test gets suppressed.

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Ya but when your test level goes from 600 to 80 in 6 weeks and you feel so bad you want to jump off a bridge, the other #'s don't mean much to me...
Bloods available upon$0.02
I hear you man to me personally I don't get lethargic even when suppressed on cycle it's more of a mental thing for me. So I don't mind the suppression, but clearly for some people like yourself it can make or break your cycle and results. Perhaps maybe expirament with a test booster next cycle and see how it impacts your mood and energy levels. That's what I plan to do with my upcoming lgd/s4 bridge.

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I hear you man to me personally I don't get lethargic even when suppressed on cycle it's more of a mental thing for me. So I don't mind the suppression, but clearly for some people like yourself it can make or break your cycle and results. Perhaps maybe expirament with a test booster next cycle and see how it impacts your mood and energy levels. That's what I plan to do with my upcoming lgd/s4 bridge.

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very wise move bro... i wish i had a good option of a test booster to give you but i became so disgusted with them in previous years i never used on again... im looking forward to your results and great points made on your initial post
High suppression should never be an issue with sarms at all. Everybody is different and some get more,suppression than others, but a lot of the extreme cases are those that were running prohormones advertised as sarms and not actual sarms at all

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

I don't want to get into a pissing match Rick but you have ignored what people are saying!!!!


I'm...We are taking Sarms from SarmsX and IMO this needs to be addressed on here and not blown off

600 to 80 is suppressed no matter what you say
I don't want to get into a pissing match Rick but you have ignored what people are saying!!!!


I'm...We are taking Sarms from SarmsX and IMO this needs to be addressed on here and not blown off

600 to 80 is suppressed no matter what you say

im not in disagreement... SOME have shown suppression but MANY have not either... ive been around this for so many years bro and this is not common at all... im on your side and you know that... ive been supportive with you and will always continue to be but you cant say WE are suppressed because there are not that many... i cant figure out why this happened and i wish i had an answer but you cannot make it sound like its a common thing either because it is not... it is something that needs addressed for sure but like i said, its rare...
very wise move bro... i wish i had a good option of a test booster to give you but i became so disgusted with them in previous years i never used on again... im looking forward to your results and great points made on your initial post
Thanks bro. I have a test booster on hand which I am excited to see how it effects mood and energy on my bridge...

Check out the profile

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im not in disagreement... SOME have shown suppression but MANY have not either... ive been around this for so many years bro and this is not common at all... im on your side and you know that... ive been supportive with you and will always continue to be but you cant say WE are suppressed because there are not that many... i cant figure out why this happened and i wish i had an answer but you cannot make it sound like its a common thing either because it is not... it is something that needs addressed for sure but like i said, its rare...

I know you are on my side Dylan and I appreciate it big time!!
Rick has not even acknowledged it to say the least...

I'm more disappointed in the way I'm reacting to Sarms, just when I'm onto great gains I get kicked in the nuts!
If it is rare it's no wonder it effects me as no drugs work on me the way they should, I'm very different when it comes to these matters.
I.E....novacaine does not numb me....vicodin does nothing for me...... caffeine puts me
I just tossed the towel in myself, but I think adding S4 to my stack is what did me in. I was suppressed in first cycle, but fine. Thought I'd head it off with daily clomid, and maybe thats why I'm in a little better shape than you are.

This time, seriously no bueno. If thats what an almost shutdown feels like, I never wanna have this again and feel for anyone with low T more than I ever have in the past.
Thanks bro. I have a test booster on hand which I am excited to see how it effects mood and energy on my bridge...

Check out the profile

Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk

well on paper it looks good brother for sure... hopefully it has what it says! let me know because i like the extra boost you get from one that actually works...
I just tossed the towel in myself, but I think adding S4 to my stack is what did me in. I was suppressed in first cycle, but fine. Thought I'd head it off with daily clomid, and maybe thats why I'm in a little better shape than you are.

This time, seriously no bueno. If thats what an almost shutdown feels like, I never wanna have this again and feel for anyone with low T more than I ever have in the past.

Now ya know why I wanted to be held by Mom....LOL

80 test Brother is BAD I had 75 year old men drivin the golf ball further then me, and I needed a cart just to play!!
I know you are on my side Dylan and I appreciate it big time!!
Rick has not even acknowledged it to say the least...

I'm more disappointed in the way I'm reacting to Sarms, just when I'm onto great gains I get kicked in the nuts!
If it is rare it's no wonder it effects me as no drugs work on me the way they should, I'm very different when it comes to these matters.
I.E....novacaine does not numb me....vicodin does nothing for me...... caffeine puts me

see that just fucking sucks and that's just dumb luck man... i feel really bad for you and i wish there was a way to change things... i cant believe fucking caffeine puts you to sleep LOL thats fucked up man! you know how it is though, i have that with different things to... i mean for fucks sake, im allergic to bananas.... who the fuck is allergic to bananas??? LOLLL we are just all wired differently... i just wish in your case it was not effecting you like this because i know how good you were doing... i think in the future if you do use sarms, only use the three non suppressive ones... if not, then i would understand that as well but at least you could still get some great gains without suppression... you know im here for you on anything you need
What do you think about ruling out certain ones?
maybe start back with RAD only and see how I feel in 6 weeks..or mk-2866.
I need to bounce back first, I am improving but very slowly
I don't want to get into a pissing match Rick but you have ignored what people are saying!!!!


I'm...We are taking Sarms from SarmsX and IMO this needs to be addressed on here and not blown off

600 to 80 is suppressed no matter what you say
I don't disagree at all man. That's why I said some will have more suppression than others and you are definitely one of the extreme cases I've seen. I haven't ignored anything brother. I see everything that is being said and I hear it. I wish I had a good explanation for you on things or had some advice I could offer to help, but I honestly don't know what to say. It's rare to see that degree of suppression from sarms, but guys like you have definitely shown it can happen. It does seem to hit the older guys harder than the younger ones. I've noticed that much

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
well on paper it looks good brother for sure... hopefully it has what it says! let me know because i like the extra boost you get from one that actually works...
I trust it has exactly what is listed on the bottle as its from a reputable company with plenty of user logs and feedback bro. But I know what you mean most of these companies cheap out and use shitty quality ingredients or don't even have any of the ingredients listed on them! I'll let you know how this works for sure.

Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
What do you think about ruling out certain ones?
maybe start back with RAD only and see how I feel in 6 weeks..or mk-2866.
I need to bounce back first, I am improving but very slowly

even rad can be suppressive.

Myself, I'd only do ostarine and gw. I'm rather gun shy right now though. Rad might be ok to add as well.
I trust it has exactly what is listed on the bottle as its from a reputable company with plenty of user logs and feedback bro. But I know what you mean most of these companies cheap out and use shitty quality ingredients or don't even have any of the ingredients listed on them! I'll let you know how this works for sure.

Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk

yes, please do brother
What do you think about ruling out certain ones?
maybe start back with RAD only and see how I feel in 6 weeks..or mk-2866.
I need to bounce back first, I am improving but very slowly
personally, i think lgd is what really did you in... for some reason, thats the one that some people get hit with... not everyone does but it seems that if there are any issues, lgd is always involved... i would still take it slower... i really feel mk2866 would be your best choice to start with and stack it with gw and thats it unless you want 677 or sr9009 in there, depending on your goals but that would be where i would start and go from there... obviously keeping an eye on everything which i know you will...
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