
Sarms and suppression


Just wanted to clear up this topic since i have been doing some reading on it and there have been multiple people who complain about getting quite "suppressed" from sarms.

We have now seen multiple bloodwork panels from users here showing their total testosterone as well as free testosterone take a big hit while on a sarm cycle. So we know sarms can supress testosterone levels significantly yes... However, we are overlooking arguably one of the most important parts of the panel which always stays within range... LH and FSH!

After a steroid cycle, LH and FSH are nearly non existent In most users. This is REAL suppression... the fact that sarms have little to absolutely no effect on LH and FSH levels is quite amazing and people always seem to overlook that fact.

So in conclusion, testosterone being suppressed on a sarm cycle is quite normal and people should not be overly concerned about it as we can see from multiple bloodwork panels, LH and FSH are still functioning properly and this is why recovery is much easier with sarms...

Just my .2 cents!

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Here is two weeks after and 7 (I think) weeks after a lgd, gw, my-2866 run from a friend. That was all he took as that's what he got from me lol.

FSH did raise after a while. But neither were "low" either time.

Pm me for Robolics GAINS!
Ya but when your test level goes from 600 to 80 in 6 weeks and you feel so bad you want to jump off a bridge, the other #'s don't mean much to me...
Bloods available upon$0.02
I assume the top is 2 and bottom 7. His Liver is really high at 2 compared to 7, didn't think they had an effect on that. Was he on some type of estrogen blocker? Not sure how that works as it is low at 2 weeks compared to 7 weeks, not sure if that usually fluctuates at any given time, so not sure if it is normal to do that?
I assume the top is 2 and bottom 7. His Liver is really high at 2 compared to 7, didn't think they had an effect on that. Was he on some type of estrogen blocker? Not sure how that works as it is low at 2 weeks compared to 7 weeks, not sure if that usually fluctuates at any given time, so not sure if it is normal to do that?

Correct. The suppressed test was at 2 weeks. My only guess is that since Test was suppressed, so was estrogen. Because there wasn't any test to convert.
He was only taking lgd, gw, mk2866. Well other than protein, fish oil, and BCAAs.

Pm me for Robolics GAINS!
Correct. The suppressed test was at 2 weeks. My only guess is that since Test was suppressed, so was estrogen. Because there wasn't any test to convert.
He was only taking lgd, gw, mk2866. Well other than protein, fish oil, and BCAAs.

Pm me for Robolics GAINS!

Can I ask what is your Friends age?
Can I ask what is your Friends age?

28 years old. 5'9". 185. Definitely a little higher on bf% which is why I said sarms and these are what I had on hand to give him. I suggested a PCT and stuff but he didn't go for it. His mistake and said he'd take more consideration in my words next time lol.
I bet if he took yet another blood draw, his test would again be higher. But he won't because he doesn't want to pay another $60. So now he is back to just OTC supps for a while.

Pm me for Robolics GAINS!
28 years old. 5'9". 185. Definitely a little higher on bf% which is why I said sarms and these are what I had on hand to give him. I suggested a PCT and stuff but he didn't go for it. His mistake and said he'd take more consideration in my words next time lol.
I bet if he took yet another blood draw, his test would again be higher. But he won't because he doesn't want to pay another $60. So now he is back to just OTC supps for a while.

Pm me for Robolics GAINS!

Ya...he's pretty young, I thought maybe the suppression was worse in guys over 45, but this proves my theory
I'm a Month on 50 mg's of clomid/GW and feel about 20-25% better, although it is still too early to do a 3rd round of bloods I'll continue for the full 8 weeks and then retest
Going to a full blown sarms cycle (lgd, S4, SR, rad, osta and gw) kicked me in teh nutsack., I havent gotten numbers yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll know what they say.

I didnt get hit as bad as Monty, but I may likely throw in the towel as well and go into full pct. I've even considered a 100mg of test cyp just to see how I feel. But I need to get bloods first, in case is/was an estrogen crash
Just wanted to clear up this topic since i have been doing some reading on it and there have been multiple people who complain about getting quite "suppressed" from sarms.

We have now seen multiple bloodwork panels from users here showing their total testosterone as well as free testosterone take a big hit while on a sarm cycle. So we know sarms can supress testosterone levels significantly yes... However, we are overlooking arguably one of the most important parts of the panel which always stays within range... LH and FSH!

After a steroid cycle, LH and FSH are nearly non existent In most users. This is REAL suppression... the fact that sarms have little to absolutely no effect on LH and FSH levels is quite amazing and people always seem to overlook that fact.

So in conclusion, testosterone being suppressed on a sarm cycle is quite normal and people should not be overly concerned about it as we can see from multiple bloodwork panels, LH and FSH are still functioning properly and this is why recovery is much easier with sarms...

Just my .2 cents!

Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
Great post bro. So many look at test levels only, which is not a representation of HPTA function at all. Your LH and FSH is what tells your body to produce test, and when those are still within normal range your body is good to go for producing test, and recovery will be a,breeze

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Can't we take a natural testbooster along with the sarms to increase the testosterone levels .
So there wld nt be any suppression?
Correct me if m wrong

Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk
Can't we take a natural testbooster along with the sarms to increase the testosterone levels .
So there wld nt be any suppression?
Correct me if m wrong

Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk

A natural test booster may give you 50-80 points. It's not enough to keep suppression aside. It's to help but I don't think it would be enough.

Pm me for Robolics GAINS!
So u say that the suppression will be way higher while on sarms .
Even taking a natural testbooster wldnt help.
So what if stacking test boosters for better results

Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk
Can't we take a natural testbooster along with the sarms to increase the testosterone levels .
So there wld nt be any suppression?
Correct me if m wrong

Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk
I think taking a test booster can certainly help, but not to a discernable degree. Since sarms don't affect LH levels a test booster won't have as high of an impact as it would with someone with low LH levels. Just my thoughts though.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
So u say that the suppression will be way higher while on sarms .
Even taking a natural testbooster wldnt help.
So what if stacking test boosters for better results

Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk

suppression will not be way higher with sarms.. we are talking some extreme cases here and these are not general results... ive been around sarms since before people even knew they existed and i have RARELY seen any sort of suppression like this... im not saying its impossible or anyone is lying but its not common either...
High suppression should never be an issue with sarms at all. Everybody is different and some get more,suppression than others, but a lot of the extreme cases are those that were running prohormones advertised as sarms and not actual sarms at all

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Can't we take a natural testbooster along with the sarms to increase the testosterone levels .
So there wld nt be any suppression?
Correct me if m wrong

Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk

I took test booster, and 50mg of clomid daily. Still got kicked in the nutz.

Its all genetics, I tend to be very sides prone
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