
Rich Piana INSANE

Hard to believe this dude is still alive with all the shtuff he's put in his body, it would've killed a horse by now. Not to mention the synthol abuse and all the other crap. He drives with no seat belt doing 100mph on the freeway. In case of an accident there is going to be a huge oil spill is all I'm saying.
Rich Potato is so full of fucking shit, that he believes his own lies

Exactly, he plays reverse psychology on people by what he calls "telling the truth" and "telling like it is". BS all he's doing is getting reviews and selling his product line to suckers who don't know the real Piana.

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Hell no. Fuck that. That's the kind of mentality that gets you fucking killed. Fuck Rich and his dumbass 5% mentality.

lol i know. it's one of his sayings. it's called a joke...

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lol i know. it's one of his sayings. it's called a joke...

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Ya I know it is bro. His "Whatever it takes" slogan is so pathetic, and what's sad is there are so many young guys out there following him that are really going to fuck themselves up with that mentality.
i just get really bothered seeing this be preached to others that follow... he has a huge following and what encourages is exactly what gives steroids a bad name... it encourages people to do everything wrong, which in turn causes serious problems and then of course media and other outlets begin their bashing and their "ever so insightful" findings on steroid use that are complete bull shit.. so not only does he hurt others but he hurts our communities too.. its pretty fucked up
i just get really bothered seeing this be preached to others that follow... he has a huge following and what encourages is exactly what gives steroids a bad name... it encourages people to do everything wrong, which in turn causes serious problems and then of course media and other outlets begin their bashing and their "ever so insightful" findings on steroid use that are complete bull shit.. so not only does he hurt others but he hurts our communities too.. its pretty fucked up

There's always those people that fuck it up for everybody else.

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There's always those people that fuck it up for everybody else.

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Both of you guys are on the money with this. He lies and lies about what he does to achieve his look and then runs with his bullshit "whatever it takes" slogan to sell his crap to uninformed and young people. Someome is going to end up dead or very fucked up following him. He really thinks his team of 5%ers are kings when in reality, they aren't. He sponsors a young MMA fighter and that dude immediately will lose all credibility if he starts to go anywhere just having that 5% logo on his shorts. Oh, and I'm sure he'll be getting hit by USADA weekly for the rest of his career.
i would never seek council from something so unaesthetic..
if i was him id be a little embarrassed presenting myself as a "guru" with really nothing to show for all this drug use he relishes in.
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