
Results of 1st Cycle

So I started a log for my first ever steroid cycle, but got caught up with a family emergency in the midst of the log and never finished it. So I'm gonna post the results of the log here as well as what I ran.

Test E 350 mgs 1 to 12 wks
Aromasin 12.5 mgs eod

Standard PCT protocol (Clomid, Nolva, GW, MK 2866)

The cycle was intended to gain mass, however I started cutting 2 weeks into the cycle due to being close to my first show. However, there were still awesome results none the less. I made strength gains in the gym, and with the cut I lost tons of bf with minimal muscle loss. I started at 220lbs and my bf percentage got a little higher, probably due to the stress of the emergency however, I stuck to a clean diet.

I dropped down to 10% bf and people say I still look like I weigh 215lbs lol, but I'm currently sitting at 195lbs. I know it's all about results and not weight, which there were def results. Unfortunately I do not have the blood work as it got loss in the mess.

I would like to throw out a thank you to Dylan, Rick, and the others who helped give info, and make sure I was on the right track for this cycle. The only side I had was acne, but that was it.



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Very nice results bro! You made a pretty dramatic transformation, and it's evident right there in the pics. What did your diet look like during this cycle? You did a fantastic job at dropping bodyfat. That back pic really shows how much you've brought in that midsection. Nice job buddy!
Very nice results bro! You made a pretty dramatic transformation, and it's evident right there in the pics. What did your diet look like during this cycle? You did a fantastic job at dropping bodyfat. That back pic really shows how much you've brought in that midsection. Nice job buddy!
My diet started off around 4,000 to 6,000 calories a day based on the day. I had 2 low cal days, 3 med cal days, then 2high cal days. Then when I started cutting I dropped to about 2000 cals a day except on my high carb days which only got me to maybe 2800 to 3000 cals a day. So low carb days mon thru wed, high carb day thur, low fri and Sat, high carb on Sun.

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good job bro. back pic is on point, waist trimmed down and lats widened. also traps grew. looking nice keep up the progress
there is definitely no question on your results.. thats a complete transformation... really great work brother, im very proud of you
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