
Approved Log New Cycle RCS sarms Log

you are looking very lean
stomach looks flat good job
are you still doing time restricted eating
and sticking to one meal a day?
keep up the good work Buddy
can you be more specific on what you're eating
Added more meals and take lunch and snacks with me to work now. After PWO shake eat a small breakfast. Then some protein oatmeal/overnight oats/yogurt as mid morning meal...take a sandwich and snacks for lunch...then eat usual big dinner of protein and carbs like meat and potatoes, chicken and potatoes or rice, baked wings, and a shake before bed
keep working on stomach vacuums
you gotta get that stomach tucked in better
Added them on ab days...sometimes before bed
it's always impressive to see a v-shape
that type of physique is hard to achieve
Always been big on pull-ups and weighted pull-ups plus back workouts. Just need my legs to grow. I'm strong AF but don't have size. Can deadlift 505, squat 425... I've tried everything high rep, low rep, high volume, low volume....but they just won't grow
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