
Rad-140 / Ostarine log

And surprisingly my Doc, who is also a very good friend of mine from college and current Sarms user - basically just told me to stay on and finish the cycle and keep the gains going - then just run the Clomid and it will bring things back. I'm not too concerned about this - just mixed feelings between having the T level so low (making me want to stop) and getting some really awesome gains – which makes me want to finish strong.

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I agree with your doc. I'd finish it the cycle, espically since you feel great. It's entirely possible you got a bad test or something. It hard to believe your test would be that low from sarms, and not have some type of low test symptoms
And surprisingly my Doc, who is also a very good friend of mine from college and current Sarms user - basically just told me to stay on and finish the cycle and keep the gains going - then just run the Clomid and it will bring things back. I'm not too concerned about this - just mixed feelings between having the T level so low (making me want to stop) and getting some really awesome gains – which makes me want to finish strong.

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ive never seen anything like that bro... not at all but listen to your doctor... i would run a larger post cycle just to be sure... probably the entire pct...

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
ive never seen anything like that bro... not at all but listen to your doctor... i would run a larger post cycle just to be sure... probably the entire pct...

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day

Thank you - I will pick some up right away. Does it make sense to throw in a little supplemental testosterone – even something like Androgel – in the last few week of the cycle – or is that only going to make things worse when I come off and do PCT?

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Thank you - I will pick some up right away. Does it make sense to throw in a little supplemental testosterone – even something like Androgel – in the last few week of the cycle – or is that only going to make things worse when I come off and do PCT?

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I wouldn't recommend that at all man. Why would you want to completely shut yourself down at the end of our cycle before starting recovery? That makes no sense to me
Thank you - I will pick some up right away. Does it make sense to throw in a little supplemental testosterone – even something like Androgel – in the last few week of the cycle – or is that only going to make things worse when I come off and do PCT?

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bro that literally makes no sense whatsoever... absolutely not

Still feeling great and rocking out the last 3 weeks of the cycle. I added Sr9009 4 days ago and all I can say is - Wow. Seemed to have shed some fat/water.

I'm going to finish this cycle strong - PCT to get things back - and then look forward to Round 2

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Still feeling great and rocking out the last 3 weeks of the cycle. I added Sr9009 4 days ago and all I can say is - Wow. Seemed to have shed some fat/water.

I'm going to finish this cycle strong - PCT to get things back - and then look forward to Round 2

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Looking great man!! I'm glad you are enjoying the Sr and having excellent results. Thanks for the feedback and keep up the great work

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Hey man just wondering you feel any sides using the RAD ?

Nothing really. I had some intermittent muscle cramping issues around week 6 but it could have been from the increased training load - but they were nasty. Took potassium and magnesium and they all went away.

I had some lethargy after 4 weeks or so - nothing major and I can't even say it was directly related to the compound.

No testicular shrinkage that I could tell.

Libido generally up the whole way but started to decline a bit in week 8. I started DAA supplements since I'm prepping for pct and it came back.

My testosterone levels dropped considerably, which I assume was from the Rad or the combination of the compounds - but I have none of the symptoms of Low T. I am waiting the full blood test back which I will post. The only other bloods I got back were liver - which were perfectly normal.

Strength went up quite a bit in a very short time.

I think Rad and Sr9009 would make a great stack. The introduction of SR dropped another 1/2 inch off of my waist in less than a week -diet and training staying the same.
Nothing really. I had some intermittent muscle cramping issues around week 6 but it could have been from the increased training load - but they were nasty. Took potassium and magnesium and they all went away.

I had some lethargy after 4 weeks or so - nothing major and I can't even say it was directly related to the compound.

No testicular shrinkage that I could tell.

Libido generally up the whole way but started to decline a bit in week 8. I started DAA supplements since I'm prepping for pct and it came back.

My testosterone levels dropped considerably, which I assume was from the Rad or the combination of the compounds - but I have none of the symptoms of Low T. I am waiting the full blood test back which I will post. The only other bloods I got back were liver - which were perfectly normal.

Strength went up quite a bit in a very short time.

I think Rad and Sr9009 would make a great stack. The introduction of SR dropped another 1/2 inch off of my waist in less than a week -diet and training staying the same.

Pretty impressive to say the least bro. Nice job!
Nothing really. I had some intermittent muscle cramping issues around week 6 but it could have been from the increased training load - but they were nasty. Took potassium and magnesium and they all went away.

I had some lethargy after 4 weeks or so - nothing major and I can't even say it was directly related to the compound.

No testicular shrinkage that I could tell.

Libido generally up the whole way but started to decline a bit in week 8. I started DAA supplements since I'm prepping for pct and it came back.

My testosterone levels dropped considerably, which I assume was from the Rad or the combination of the compounds - but I have none of the symptoms of Low T. I am waiting the full blood test back which I will post. The only other bloods I got back were liver - which were perfectly normal.

Strength went up quite a bit in a very short time.

I think Rad and Sr9009 would make a great stack. The introduction of SR dropped another 1/2 inch off of my waist in less than a week -diet and training staying the same.

thank you for the update... very very nice work... your making a lot of progress bro! keep the updates coming!
Here's the bloodwork with some other cycle info and overall thoughts.

In summary – this was my first cycle of anything in over 25 years.

I lost 2 inches off my waist, gained three quarters of an inch on my arms and would conservatively estimate that I gained at least 8 pounds of muscle in 10 weeks.

My cycle was as follows:
Rad 2.5/2.5/2.5/5/5/5/10/10/5/5 (will taper last 2 weeks)
Osta - started week 2 (12.5 for 5 weeks then bumped to 25 weeks 6-8) tapering 12.5 to end
Sr9009 30 mg dosed 5 every 2-3 hours last 1.5 weeks and will continue though pct

Pre cycle bloods were (taken December 2015)
HDL 95
Ldl 77
Total cholesterol 165
Total test 660
All other values normal and I did not check Fsh/ LH

Week 8 bloods are below (only showing lipids and Lh Fsh ). All other values including liver PSA kidney etc all perfectly normal or improved.

As you can see the cycle lowered HDL values a lot and as I posted previously total test was 72 and free was 35.

On the positive side - LH and FSH are in the low normal zone - which shows that it did not shut me down. Regarding the lipids – this is pretty much what I expected since all research that I've seen had a dose dependent HDL lowering effect - which is common with androgens. My doc buddy (who happens to be a Cardiologist and a Sarms and former roid user) said that the HDL values would come up normally within a few weeks.

The Clomid / Nolva combo should take care of the testosterone.

Overall – I'm very please with the cycle. So far I have had none of the negative effects from AAS. I will finish the cycle for another two weeks at the doses I laid out above – run the PCT – and then will post final bloods after a month or so which I expect would be all normal.

Thanks for all your help support and feedback brothers.


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Here's the bloodwork with some other cycle info and overall thoughts.

In summary – this was my first cycle of anything in over 25 years.

I lost 2 inches off my waist, gained three quarters of an inch on my arms and would conservatively estimate that I gained at least 8 pounds of muscle in 10 weeks.

My cycle was as follows:
Rad 2.5/2.5/2.5/5/5/5/10/10/5/5 (will taper last 2 weeks)
Osta - started week 2 (12.5 for 5 weeks then bumped to 25 weeks 6-8) tapering 12.5 to end
Sr9009 30 mg dosed 5 every 2-3 hours last 1.5 weeks and will continue though pct

Pre cycle bloods were (taken December 2015)
HDL 95
Ldl 77
Total cholesterol 165
Total test 660
All other values normal and I did not check Fsh/ LH

Week 8 bloods are below (only showing lipids and Lh Fsh ). All other values including liver PSA kidney etc all perfectly normal or improved.

As you can see the cycle lowered HDL values a lot and as I posted previously total test was 72 and free was 35.

On the positive side - LH and FSH are in the low normal zone - which shows that it did not shut me down. Regarding the lipids – this is pretty much what I expected since all research that I've seen had a dose dependent HDL lowering effect - which is common with androgens. My doc buddy (who happens to be a Cardiologist and a Sarms and former roid user) said that the HDL values would come up normally within a few weeks.

The Clomid / Nolva combo should take care of the testosterone.

Overall – I'm very please with the cycle. So far I have had none of the negative effects from AAS. I will finish the cycle for another two weeks at the doses I laid out above – run the PCT – and then will post final bloods after a month or so which I expect would be all normal.

Thanks for all your help support and feedback brothers.


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Veeu very nice results bro. You really made some significant progress on this cycle. I know some of the bloodwork numbers are a bit out of range, but you are still in relatively good ranges compared to if you would have ran steroids which would wreck havoc on this levels. Besides that as you said, all those things will fall back into normal ranges very soon. LH and FSH look great which means your body is producing test at a good rate still and your HPTA is not shutdown. Very nice. HDL Cholesterol is a little low but still not bad and that will come up into range in no time

Very well done bro!
Here's the bloodwork with some other cycle info and overall thoughts.

In summary – this was my first cycle of anything in over 25 years.

I lost 2 inches off my waist, gained three quarters of an inch on my arms and would conservatively estimate that I gained at least 8 pounds of muscle in 10 weeks.

My cycle was as follows:
Rad 2.5/2.5/2.5/5/5/5/10/10/5/5 (will taper last 2 weeks)
Osta - started week 2 (12.5 for 5 weeks then bumped to 25 weeks 6-8) tapering 12.5 to end
Sr9009 30 mg dosed 5 every 2-3 hours last 1.5 weeks and will continue though pct

Pre cycle bloods were (taken December 2015)
HDL 95
Ldl 77
Total cholesterol 165
Total test 660
All other values normal and I did not check Fsh/ LH

Week 8 bloods are below (only showing lipids and Lh Fsh ). All other values including liver PSA kidney etc all perfectly normal or improved.

As you can see the cycle lowered HDL values a lot and as I posted previously total test was 72 and free was 35.

On the positive side - LH and FSH are in the low normal zone - which shows that it did not shut me down. Regarding the lipids – this is pretty much what I expected since all research that I've seen had a dose dependent HDL lowering effect - which is common with androgens. My doc buddy (who happens to be a Cardiologist and a Sarms and former roid user) said that the HDL values would come up normally within a few weeks.

The Clomid / Nolva combo should take care of the testosterone.

Overall – I'm very please with the cycle. So far I have had none of the negative effects from AAS. I will finish the cycle for another two weeks at the doses I laid out above – run the PCT – and then will post final bloods after a month or so which I expect would be all normal.

Thanks for all your help support and feedback brothers.


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Shouldn't the Rad kept you from almost shutdown. I would have hoped to seen your test levels not even move much.
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