
Rad-140 / Ostarine log

excellent addition with mk677... your sleep quality will be the best it can possibly be... thats so awesome to hear the results with RAD... RAD can absolutely cut you up and drop fat... it will also increase strength and endurance... its a damn strong compound for sure... .
Just got blood drawn today – and will post results back by mid next week. Stay tuned - [emoji1377][emoji1594][emoji382]

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So what do you think? Screw the bloods... well of course you need them, but what was your experience ?

Overall quite pleased. Gained about 1/2 inches on the arms and lost 1.25 inches off the waist in a little over a month. Strength and muscular endurance was very noticeable. Note that I
only upped the Ostarine to 25 mg ED last week or so and I'm still running Rad pretty mildly - 7.5 mg and was only 2.5-5 before that.

I added Mk-677 a little over a week ago but stopped it (10 mg / day). Great sleep, well being and recovery but I felt bloated and my waist went up 1/2 inch and gained water weight. After two days of stopping it it all came off.

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That Water retention was just temporary, you would have loved it if you stayed on

That's what I've heard – and I'll probably run it solo after my PCT for this cycle. It was just getting to be somewhat of an annoyance – seeing my waist increase and smoothing out my gains. I guess this is only temporary and would allow for greater gains going forward.

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Overall quite pleased. Gained about 1/2 inches on the arms and lost 1.25 inches off the waist in a little over a month. Strength and muscular endurance was very noticeable. Note that I
only upped the Ostarine to 25 mg ED last week or so and I'm still running Rad pretty mildly - 7.5 mg and was only 2.5-5 before that.

I added Mk-677 a little over a week ago but stopped it (10 mg / day). Great sleep, well being and recovery but I felt bloated and my waist went up 1/2 inch and gained water weight. After two days of stopping it it all came off.

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Very impressive run bro. You had some incredible results for sure.

The MK677 definitely can cause water retention if you don't have the potassium and water intake high enough. When you do I can assure you that you won't have water weight. I never did myself

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Very impressive run bro. You had some incredible results for sure.

The MK677 definitely can cause water retention if you don't have the potassium and water intake high enough. When you do I can assure you that you won't have water weight. I never did myself

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

Yeah but lets say you run 3 or 4 month of mk677 and during that time you gain water, but you still burn fat and build muscle, then and when you go off, the water will dissapear right ?
Yeah but lets say you run 3 or 4 month of mk677 and during that time you gain water, but you still burn fat and build muscle, then and when you go off, the water will dissapear right ?
Yes. Exactly right. Even if you do retain water it's completely temporary only while on it.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Yeah but lets say you run 3 or 4 month of mk677 and during that time you gain water, but you still burn fat and build muscle, then and when you go off, the water will dissapear right ?

yes, its just water bro... it will absolutely come off...
Overall quite pleased. Gained about 1/2 inches on the arms and lost 1.25 inches off the waist in a little over a month. Strength and muscular endurance was very noticeable. Note that I
only upped the Ostarine to 25 mg ED last week or so and I'm still running Rad pretty mildly - 7.5 mg and was only 2.5-5 before that.

I added Mk-677 a little over a week ago but stopped it (10 mg / day). Great sleep, well being and recovery but I felt bloated and my waist went up 1/2 inch and gained water weight. After two days of stopping it it all came off.

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excellent work bro! those are very nice gains in a short period of time...
Need help Brothers. Bloods came back and total T was 72 (down from 600). Based on this should I drop the cycle and start PCT and would I need anything stronger than Clo? Will post when I get all the results. Doc just called me.

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damn son are you sure about that? what cycle are you on exactly just the rad and osta? that shit cant be right bro im calling shenanigans
damn son are you sure about that? what cycle are you on exactly just the rad and osta? that shit cant be right bro im calling shenanigans

Yeah. Just got the screenshot from the doc. My cycle was rad 10mg Ed and Osta 25 Ed. Oddly - I feel great otherwise and was making great gains.

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Those didn't come in yet. Hopefully this doc requested it (I specifically asked for it). He said not all results were in only Test and some others. Lipids not in yet. Liver values fine. Very strange - I guess people react differently to different compounds. I'm going to go on DAA plus the PCT for a month or so and then retest to see how everything turns out. Do you think I should throw in an aromatizer with the Clomid?

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And surprisingly my Doc, who is also a very good friend of mine from college and current Sarms user - basically just told me to stay on and finish the cycle and keep the gains going - then just run the Clomid and it will bring things back. I'm not too concerned about this - just mixed feelings between having the T level so low (making me want to stop) and getting some really awesome gains – which makes me want to finish strong.

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ya I think it may be a flawed test man it happens especially if you feel good and those usually aren't sides of the products you are on.. but I guess anything can happen
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