
Quick Test level question


Hey just wondering about my levels i had blood work done. I am 26 years old around 15% body fat 150 pounds 5'7

My total test was 474 on a range from 250 to 1100 my free test was 86.9 on a scale from 35.0 to 155.0

Just wondering if thats too low i know it is in range but I dont feel right even down there doesnt stay up like it use to even having problems lasting long.. which i hate to admit but sure gets to my head... and i am not that old.. The last sarms cycle i ran was a shred cycle around 6-7 months ago even a proper pct all from Sarmsx so i know it was all legit. Just wondering what you think about those levels and anything you suggest doing? I thought about just some DAA to see if it helps.. i also have a recomp cycle still waiting to be used just dont wanna suppress more .. Thanks
Mine were just a bit lower than yours. Lower 400s. It wasn't ok with me. Went to a few docs. They offered a few things to try out. All said and done, I decided to do TRT. Not that it is an easy decision at our age. But it was the one I made due to life circumstances.

Pm me for Robolics GAINS!
Yeah my doc didnt really offer anything said it was in a good range but I dont fully agree but i am also no dr. So was wondering what other things could be said on here.. where I am from TRT places are just opening up so I may have to consider that if they even feel its that low to use it.. I was wondering if another PCT or just DAA would help before going the trt route at 26..
You can dose with Clomid to raise it abit. And then see how you feel. If you feel better, you might need to go on TRT. Thats a huge life altering decision at your age.
how much clomid would u suggest? Also why would i have to go on TRT after the clomid, i know the clomid will possibly bring the levels up a bit wouldn't they stay there that i wouldn't need the TRT? Just wondering because all ive ever tried was sarms so i don't know why it would be that low never touched anything else and ran properly with the proper pct... was hoping for dylan or someone to chime in too see what they say.
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Well doctors are fine with in range. Even if you arnt. They really dont understand test levels to feel you ger better. But you are 26. Have u used steroids before? If not. Then you may have low t for your age and go see a trt clinic when u can
never used steroids before only thing ive ever touched was sarms from sarmsx ran two cycles first one ever was super cycle did proper pct and everything then waited months and did shred stack.. proper pct again. So 474 is low? should i see another DR .. not really looking foward to TRT at my age.. idk why else it would be low like i said this just recently came on that i felt this way.. I mean everything works just not like it use to not to the fullest..
I wouldnt say low but if you arnt feeling quite right it shud be adressed. Wheres the printout so we can see the other values
how much clomid would u suggest? Also why would i have to go on TRT after the clomid, i know the clomid will possibly bring the levels up a bit wouldn't they stay there that i wouldn't need the TRT? Just wondering because all ive ever tried was sarms so i don't know why it would be that low never touched anything else and ran properly with the proper pct... was hoping for dylan or someone to chime in too see what they say.

clomid can be used as a diagnostic to bump up test abit, to determine if low T is an issue. I'd go 50mg daily and see how you felt in a week.
I am going to take pics of the printout the blood work came all on separate sheets so its a pain but i will post in a bit thank you for the advice so far. Going to try the clomid most likely after i hear more i have it on hand
That is in range but low for your age. No reason you need to be happy with that if you don't feel right. I'd try some Clomid for 4 weeks at 50/25/25/25 and see if that helps you out, then retest
would a DAA help with the clomid or just a waste of time? I am going to start the clomid tonight and go from there hopefully helps..
truthfully its been a while since the last bloodwork so i really have no clue.. I wish i had work to go off of. But i am going to try the clomid and go from there.. really more concerned about down there being off haha i mean everything hangs normal.. and are not shrunk i have the drive but once i start its either too fast or i dont get as hard.. even my gym drive has been off a bit. just concerned me
truthfully its been a while since the last bloodwork so i really have no clue.. I wish i had work to go off of. But i am going to try the clomid and go from there.. really more concerned about down there being off haha i mean everything hangs normal.. and are not shrunk i have the drive but once i start its either too fast or i dont get as hard.. even my gym drive has been off a bit. just concerned me

i just wanted something to compare to because its really impossible to say what could be the cause if you didnt do pre cycle bloods to compare to...

i would go wtih clomid for now... 50 mg per day for the next 4 weeks, then drop to 25 the next 2-4... you can add daa in there as well... it can add a bit to this as well... you may just want to do an all out 8 week pct at this point... the 8 weeker has shown time and time again to be extremely helpful... did you want the layout for it?
a layout will help i have just clomid on hand right now so I will start that but i will look at the layout if this does not help.. going to use DAA also
a layout will help i have just clomid on hand right now so I will start that but i will look at the layout if this does not help.. going to use DAA also

here is the link to get the entire pct... you would want to get 2 of them and run this 8 weeks... this is the best and most aggressive approach...

clomid 50/50/50/50/25/25/25/0
nolva 0/40/40/40/40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
I'm lost here Dylan, he was taking sarms, so why osta and aromasin in PCT?? I thought those were for an AAS cycle?
yeah never took any AAS it was a sarms cycle months ago tho good 4-5 months already after the PCT .. why would i need the aromasin and osta ? I will try the clomid for now most likely and see how it goes.. before jumping into all that.
Hey just wondering about my levels i had blood work done. I am 26 years old around 15% body fat 150 pounds 5'7

My total test was 474 on a range from 250 to 1100 my free test was 86.9 on a scale from 35.0 to 155.0

Just wondering if thats too low i know it is in range but I dont feel right even down there doesnt stay up like it use to even having problems lasting long.. which i hate to admit but sure gets to my head... and i am not that old.. The last sarms cycle i ran was a shred cycle around 6-7 months ago even a proper pct all from Sarmsx so i know it was all legit. Just wondering what you think about those levels and anything you suggest doing? I thought about just some DAA to see if it helps.. i also have a recomp cycle still waiting to be used just dont wanna suppress more .. Thanks

that is not too bad honestly. the free test matters more then Total Test. your total test is a little lower then optimal BUT its not like rock bottom your world is over. and like I said your free test is pretty good

DAA would be a nice little boost for you to try. you can also try Clomid like others suggested.

PM me if you want a price list for pharmalady clomid
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