
Quick Test level question

I'm lost here Dylan, he was taking sarms, so why osta and aromasin in PCT?? I thought those were for an AAS cycle?

its because his test is quite low and i have no clue what it was before... he is wanting to get strong levels back up and that's why... aromasin is going to increase igf levels by up to 70% which contributes to a strong recovery... mk2866 will be present to keep strength up and help with cortisol which was absolutely spiked and could still be...
im sorry but 400-475 even 500 is pretty damn low ESPECIALLY at his age so you want to be aggressive in getting it kickstarted the right way... i dont care what he ran, it was months ago and noone knows what the previous levels were so he needs to be aggressive with it, not just run clomid...
alright well thank you for the quick response i am going to have think it all over before i buy that stack for pct i know its what ur suggesting just gotta figure out money wise/ am i ready to use all that . Thanks again i did start the clomid today i know u said it wont do much but it is what i have on hand.
alright well thank you for the quick response i am going to have think it all over before i buy that stack for pct i know its what ur suggesting just gotta figure out money wise/ am i ready to use all that . Thanks again i did start the clomid today i know u said it wont do much but it is what i have on hand.

just let me know if you need any further help bro...
alright well thank you for the quick response i am going to have think it all over before i buy that stack for pct i know its what ur suggesting just gotta figure out money wise/ am i ready to use all that . Thanks again i did start the clomid today i know u said it wont do much but it is what i have on hand.
Give us a new update on bloodwork when you get it bro. I'm curious if your values go up

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
here is the link to get the entire pct... you would want to get 2 of them and run this 8 weeks... this is the best and most aggressive approach...

clomid 50/50/50/50/25/25/25/0
nolva 0/40/40/40/40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day

Hello Dylan, can you please just explain the theory of not taking nolvadex the first week of a 8 weeks pct ? And also why taking 20mg of nolva and 0 of clomid for the last week ?

Thank you very much, I know you wrote a lot this particular protocol and I never understood the theory with the 1st and last week of the 8 weeks pct, thanks bro
Hello Dylan, can you please just explain the theory of not taking nolvadex the first week of a 8 weeks pct ? And also why taking 20mg of nolva and 0 of clomid for the last week ?

Thank you very much, I know you wrote a lot this particular protocol and I never understood the theory with the 1st and last week of the 8 weeks pct, thanks bro

it is not necessary to take 8 weeks of either.. there comes a point when you want to slowly cycle off of it and by dong so you can avoid any adverse effects..
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