
Pure Essence Bulk Stack


New member
Hey guys
I'm on day 10 of my bulk stack from Pure Essence so I thought I'd give a quick update.
The stack consists of
S4 50mg daily/split
Lgd 10mg daily
Mk 25mg daily
Finally getting used to the taste of the product haha! Anyway I've certainly noticed some changes going on in my body already! The main one is recovery... I work away from home and just finished a tour of 4 night shifts 11pm to 9am. Got home yesterday at 1:30pm and didn't get to sleep until 10pm last night. In total I was awake for 30 hours straight that's including the 3 hour drive home. Slept for 11 hours and right now I feel fully recovered! I even just completed a full body kettle bell workout. Guys I've been doing this shift work for 8 years now and I've never recovered so quickly like this...totally unheard of! And as I'm typing this post my muscles still feel pumped from the workout before. Fantastic!

I've gained 1.5kg in weight so far. My appetite has increased quite a bit too. Definitely gotta watch what I eat from now on (more healthy). No sides yet from the S4 yet either. Back to training on Monday (MMA) cannot wait to see if I notice the difference there!
Cheers guys
Moeman said:
Hey guys
I'm on day 10 of my bulk stack from Pure Essence so I thought I'd give a quick update.
The stack consists of
S4 50mg daily/split
Lgd 10mg daily
Mk 25mg daily
Finally getting used to the taste of the product haha! Anyway I've certainly noticed some changes going on in my body already! The main one is recovery... I work away from home and just finished a tour of 4 night shifts 11pm to 9am. Got home yesterday at 1:30pm and didn't get to sleep until 10pm last night. In total I was awake for 30 hours straight that's including the 3 hour drive home. Slept for 11 hours and right now I feel fully recovered! I even just completed a full body kettle bell workout. Guys I've been doing this shift work for 8 years now and I've never recovered so quickly like this...totally unheard of! And as I'm typing this post my muscles still feel pumped from the workout before. Fantastic!

I've gained 1.5kg in weight so far. My appetite has increased quite a bit too. Definitely gotta watch what I eat from now on (more healthy). No sides yet from the S4 yet either. Back to training on Monday (MMA) cannot wait to see if I notice the difference there!
Cheers guys

Wow, that's incredible brother! Thanks for the awesome update. I'm glad you are really enjoying that quality of pure essence. One of the awesome benefits of sarms are their ability to aid considerably for recovery, as you are experiencing on top of all the great performance and body changes. Keep us updated on how everything continues to go for you, and great job so far!
Moeman said:
Hey guys
I'm on day 10 of my bulk stack from Pure Essence so I thought I'd give a quick update.
The stack consists of
S4 50mg daily/split
Lgd 10mg daily
Mk 25mg daily
Finally getting used to the taste of the product haha! Anyway I've certainly noticed some changes going on in my body already! The main one is recovery... I work away from home and just finished a tour of 4 night shifts 11pm to 9am. Got home yesterday at 1:30pm and didn't get to sleep until 10pm last night. In total I was awake for 30 hours straight that's including the 3 hour drive home. Slept for 11 hours and right now I feel fully recovered! I even just completed a full body kettle bell workout. Guys I've been doing this shift work for 8 years now and I've never recovered so quickly like this...totally unheard of! And as I'm typing this post my muscles still feel pumped from the workout before. Fantastic!

I've gained 1.5kg in weight so far. My appetite has increased quite a bit too. Definitely gotta watch what I eat from now on (more healthy). No sides yet from the S4 yet either. Back to training on Monday (MMA) cannot wait to see if I notice the difference there!
Cheers guys

That is great to hear bro! That has to be shocking to you to finally find something after all this time that brings such relief and alleviation right?!? I LOVE IT... that's what its all about! You are just getting started too bro... Just wait as the best is yet to come!
Thanks guys
Happy to keep going with the updates. Hopefully it'll help people with some decisions and give an insight on what to expect. I cannot say enough about how great I feel right now. Pure Essence is definitely legit!!
Moeman said:
Thanks guys
Happy to keep going with the updates. Hopefully it'll help people with some decisions and give an insight on what to expect. I cannot say enough about how great I feel right now. Pure Essence is definitely legit!!

Very awesome to hear man, and we are happy you are having such great results. We truly appreciate the feedback :)
Moeman said:
Thanks guys
Happy to keep going with the updates. Hopefully it'll help people with some decisions and give an insight on what to expect. I cannot say enough about how great I feel right now. Pure Essence is definitely legit!!

Yes, it is helpful to everyone trying to learn as well as providing motivation and guidance on what to possibly expect... Not only that, but it really helps you personally... Seeing how you progress, what works more than other things you have done etc... It will always be a reference for you... There is a multitude of reasons for you run it...

Im so happy to see your enjoying everything bro and remember... IT ONLY GETS BETTER... that is why Pure Essence is here bro... They are the best you can find...
Hey guys
Well I've just finished week 3 of my bulk stack.
I haven't put on any extra weight since my first 1.5kg. However I am certainly noticing a slight change to my physique. Especially around my shoulders and arms, even my fiancé noticed muscles in my back when she was hugging me haha! I thought that was pretty cool :D

Again the recovery is amazing, the soreness I usually get after training doesn't last long. It's like as soon as I notice that I'm sore the next day, that afternoon it's almost gone. cardio has definitely increased as well.

I've increased my S4 dosage to 60mg with no sides at all. However I've decided that I won't increase it any more than that due to the type of work I do which is underground mining. Plus a lot of night time driving. Don't want to risk it.

I have a question though...
Any thoughts on the gut microbiome or the good and bad bacteria in our gut? I take probiotics every day and have been for the last month and I definitely feel that it helps with metabolism. Would love to hear your thoughts on this one guys. :D
Well I'm in my fourth week of this cycle and I'm really starting to see the benefits of this stack. I've lost 3cm around my stomach and gained 2 Kgs. Before this cycle I could not budge the fat from my stomach once I got to a certain size. I'm now 84kg (6ft tall), 89cm around my waist, still a way to go but it's nice to see the results coming along!
Getting some size in my shoulders now too, this was also a struggle for me. Big strong legs with little torsoe haha!

I just finished a pretty decent strength and conditioning training session this morning. Again I'm definitley noticing the stack kicking in now! Recovery is out of this world! I could go again right now! Before the stack I was walking out of the shed not knowing wether I wanted to vomit or shit myself :shock: and then I'd be completely wrecked for the rest of the day. I'm kicking myself now that I didn't go the 12 week cycle and opted for the 8. However after the mini pct I'll be going the super stack for the 12 weeks. Excited about it already! Very happy with the results so far :D
Moeman said:
Well I'm in my fourth week of this cycle and I'm really starting to see the benefits of this stack. I've lost 3cm around my stomach and gained 2 Kgs. Before this cycle I could not budge the fat from my stomach once I got to a certain size. I'm now 84kg (6ft tall), 89cm around my waist, still a way to go but it's nice to see the results coming along!
Getting some size in my shoulders now too, this was also a struggle for me. Big strong legs with little torsoe haha!

I just finished a pretty decent strength and conditioning training session this morning. Again I'm definitley noticing the stack kicking in now! Recovery is out of this world! I could go again right now! Before the stack I was walking out of the shed not knowing wether I wanted to vomit or shit myself :shock: and then I'd be completely wrecked for the rest of the day. I'm kicking myself now that I didn't go the 12 week cycle and opted for the 8. However after the mini pct I'll be going the super stack for the 12 weeks. Excited about it already! Very happy with the results so far :D

EXCELLENT work brother... you realize the holy grail of bodybuilding is to add size and drop body fat and that's exactly what your doing... i love to see this... its just amazing to see unfold right in front of your eyes... Keep up the good work... you should have gone the full 8 weeks but that's okay because you will still see mega results, run your mini pct and jump on the super stack...

your probiotics that your taking are just fine as it is... its unnecessary to add more to that bro... keep up the good work and keep the updates coming
DylanGemelli said:
Moeman said:
Well I'm in my fourth week of this cycle and I'm really starting to see the benefits of this stack. I've lost 3cm around my stomach and gained 2 Kgs. Before this cycle I could not budge the fat from my stomach once I got to a certain size. I'm now 84kg (6ft tall), 89cm around my waist, still a way to go but it's nice to see the results coming along!
Getting some size in my shoulders now too, this was also a struggle for me. Big strong legs with little torsoe haha!

I just finished a pretty decent strength and conditioning training session this morning. Again I'm definitley noticing the stack kicking in now! Recovery is out of this world! I could go again right now! Before the stack I was walking out of the shed not knowing wether I wanted to vomit or shit myself :shock: and then I'd be completely wrecked for the rest of the day. I'm kicking myself now that I didn't go the 12 week cycle and opted for the 8. However after the mini pct I'll be going the super stack for the 12 weeks. Excited about it already! Very happy with the results so far :D

EXCELLENT work brother... you realize the holy grail of bodybuilding is to add size and drop body fat and that's exactly what your doing... i love to see this... its just amazing to see unfold right in front of your eyes... Keep up the good work... you should have gone the full 8 weeks but that's okay because you will still see mega results, run your mini pct and jump on the super stack...

your probiotics that your taking are just fine as it is... its unnecessary to add more to that bro... keep up the good work and keep the updates coming

Thanks mate
Definitely doing the 8 week cycle still not the 4. Must have got our wires crossed. So 4 weeks left on this stack then I'll do the mini pct. I'm hoping that my timing for the next cycle will coincide with PE releasing new products that I've been reading about. And then I'll be doing a 12 week cycle! :D
One week left of my 8 week bulk cycle. I've lost another 2.5cm around my stomach and maintained my current weight of 84kg. Very happy with the results! I've grown muscle around my abdomen that I never knew existed. Certainly a long way off to what I want (already excited about the next cycle) I have a pair of shorts that were tight on me at the start of this cycle (muffin top tight!) I put them on today and Holy Crap! They are loose as! not even worth wearing a belt with them. Even my fiancé said it might be time to buy some new clothes haha

I noticed around the 6 week mark a dramatic increase in my strength. it really was out of the blue, something I've never experienced before but enjoyed very much! Endurance definitely increased too.

Just a question on the mini pct
This will be my first time taking Clomid...what can I expect whilst on it?

Thanks guys!
Nice work and log bro, I am on the triple stack and am in week 10 or 11 shit I lost track to be honest my work is about as crazy as yours sounds. But I have def noticed an increase in cardio and strength and endurance and recovery and all of the above. people notice as well I work around dudes so when a dude tells you they either are gay or telling you the truth and I don't work with any gay guys. LOL anyway I will be following this and am excited to see what you feel and see in ur pct. I too am anxiously awaiting the PE release of the new shit!!!! hurry up guys I cant stand it any longer
rockmfhudd said:
Nice work and log bro, I am on the triple stack and am in week 10 or 11 shit I lost track to be honest my work is about as crazy as yours sounds. But I have def noticed an increase in cardio and strength and endurance and recovery and all of the above. people notice as well I work around dudes so when a dude tells you they either are gay or telling you the truth and I don't work with any gay guys. LOL anyway I will be following this and am excited to see what you feel and see in ur pct. I too am anxiously awaiting the PE release of the new shit!!!! hurry up guys I cant stand it any longer

Thanks bro, appreciate it.
I get the "have you lost weight?" Question a lot now...they look at me funny when I tell them no I've actually put on a couple of kilo haha!
And yeah extremely excited about the new shit!!
Moeman said:
rockmfhudd said:
Nice work and log bro, I am on the triple stack and am in week 10 or 11 shit I lost track to be honest my work is about as crazy as yours sounds. But I have def noticed an increase in cardio and strength and endurance and recovery and all of the above. people notice as well I work around dudes so when a dude tells you they either are gay or telling you the truth and I don't work with any gay guys. LOL anyway I will be following this and am excited to see what you feel and see in ur pct. I too am anxiously awaiting the PE release of the new shit!!!! hurry up guys I cant stand it any longer

Thanks bro, appreciate it.
I get the "have you lost weight?" Question a lot now...they look at me funny when I tell them no I've actually put on a couple of kilo haha!
And yeah extremely excited about the new shit!!

Yes im down 20 or so pounds 5 or 6 inches in my waist (whatever that equates to in the metric system) LOL. This shit is magical!! that is all I can say, its good to know it is working for so many people, not to take away from the busting it you have to do in the gym or workouts because I have done that as well. The GW has really increased my cardio time and endurance as well. Week 10 or so
Moeman said:
One week left of my 8 week bulk cycle. I've lost another 2.5cm around my stomach and maintained my current weight of 84kg. Very happy with the results! I've grown muscle around my abdomen that I never knew existed. Certainly a long way off to what I want (already excited about the next cycle) I have a pair of shorts that were tight on me at the start of this cycle (muffin top tight!) I put them on today and Holy Crap! They are loose as! not even worth wearing a belt with them. Even my fiancé said it might be time to buy some new clothes haha

I noticed around the 6 week mark a dramatic increase in my strength. it really was out of the blue, something I've never experienced before but enjoyed very much! Endurance definitely increased too.

Just a question on the mini pct
This will be my first time taking Clomid...what can I expect whilst on it?

Thanks guys!

you will be fine with clomid... its a very low dose at 25 mg per day and you should be using gw-501516 along with it and you will be just fine... then you only need a few weeks off and you can right back on them!
Moeman said:
rockmfhudd said:
Nice work and log bro, I am on the triple stack and am in week 10 or 11 shit I lost track to be honest my work is about as crazy as yours sounds. But I have def noticed an increase in cardio and strength and endurance and recovery and all of the above. people notice as well I work around dudes so when a dude tells you they either are gay or telling you the truth and I don't work with any gay guys. LOL anyway I will be following this and am excited to see what you feel and see in ur pct. I too am anxiously awaiting the PE release of the new shit!!!! hurry up guys I cant stand it any longer

Thanks bro, appreciate it.
I get the "have you lost weight?" Question a lot now...they look at me funny when I tell them no I've actually put on a couple of kilo haha!
And yeah extremely excited about the new shit!!

that's the beauty of sarms and they are a recomposition dream! excellent results brother!
rockmfhudd said:
Moeman said:
rockmfhudd said:
Nice work and log bro, I am on the triple stack and am in week 10 or 11 shit I lost track to be honest my work is about as crazy as yours sounds. But I have def noticed an increase in cardio and strength and endurance and recovery and all of the above. people notice as well I work around dudes so when a dude tells you they either are gay or telling you the truth and I don't work with any gay guys. LOL anyway I will be following this and am excited to see what you feel and see in ur pct. I too am anxiously awaiting the PE release of the new shit!!!! hurry up guys I cant stand it any longer

Thanks bro, appreciate it.
I get the "have you lost weight?" Question a lot now...they look at me funny when I tell them no I've actually put on a couple of kilo haha!
And yeah extremely excited about the new shit!!

Yes im down 20 or so pounds 5 or 6 inches in my waist (whatever that equates to in the metric system) LOL. This shit is magical!! that is all I can say, its good to know it is working for so many people, not to take away from the busting it you have to do in the gym or workouts because I have done that as well. The GW has really increased my cardio time and endurance as well. Week 10 or so

That's some very impressive results bro! Well done! Will you try another cycle after this one? Actually just answered my own question then. You're waiting for the new stuff to come out haha What I mean is will you do it straight after your break from pct?
I plan on a pct after these sarms see where my bloodwork is and bf% and go from there i dont have specific goals as far as competing or bulkingjust needed to lose weight and feel better about myself. but i am so excited to def do a cycle of whatever is safe and what the guys here suggest i do. I do want to try the lgd, an new shit coming from PE but phurious has some tren storm i wanna try as well.
Moeman said:
rockmfhudd said:
Moeman said:
rockmfhudd said:
Nice work and log bro, I am on the triple stack and am in week 10 or 11 shit I lost track to be honest my work is about as crazy as yours sounds. But I have def noticed an increase in cardio and strength and endurance and recovery and all of the above. people notice as well I work around dudes so when a dude tells you they either are gay or telling you the truth and I don't work with any gay guys. LOL anyway I will be following this and am excited to see what you feel and see in ur pct. I too am anxiously awaiting the PE release of the new shit!!!! hurry up guys I cant stand it any longer

Thanks bro, appreciate it.
I get the "have you lost weight?" Question a lot now...they look at me funny when I tell them no I've actually put on a couple of kilo haha!
And yeah extremely excited about the new shit!!

Yes im down 20 or so pounds 5 or 6 inches in my waist (whatever that equates to in the metric system) LOL. This shit is magical!! that is all I can say, its good to know it is working for so many people, not to take away from the busting it you have to do in the gym or workouts because I have done that as well. The GW has really increased my cardio time and endurance as well. Week 10 or so

That's some very impressive results bro! Well done! Will you try another cycle after this one? Actually just answered my own question then. You're waiting for the new stuff to come out haha What I mean is will you do it straight after your break from pct?

after your mini pct, you only need 2-3 weeks off and you can jump right back on another sarms stack...
DylanGemelli said:
Moeman said:
rockmfhudd said:
Moeman said:
rockmfhudd said:
Nice work and log bro, I am on the triple stack and am in week 10 or 11 shit I lost track to be honest my work is about as crazy as yours sounds. But I have def noticed an increase in cardio and strength and endurance and recovery and all of the above. people notice as well I work around dudes so when a dude tells you they either are gay or telling you the truth and I don't work with any gay guys. LOL anyway I will be following this and am excited to see what you feel and see in ur pct. I too am anxiously awaiting the PE release of the new shit!!!! hurry up guys I cant stand it any longer

Thanks bro, appreciate it.
I get the "have you lost weight?" Question a lot now...they look at me funny when I tell them no I've actually put on a couple of kilo haha!
And yeah extremely excited about the new shit!!

Yes im down 20 or so pounds 5 or 6 inches in my waist (whatever that equates to in the metric system) LOL. This shit is magical!! that is all I can say, its good to know it is working for so many people, not to take away from the busting it you have to do in the gym or workouts because I have done that as well. The GW has really increased my cardio time and endurance as well. Week 10 or so

That's some very impressive results bro! Well done! Will you try another cycle after this one? Actually just answered my own question then. You're waiting for the new stuff to come out haha What I mean is will you do it straight after your break from pct?

after your mini pct, you only need 2-3 weeks off and you can jump right back on another sarms stack...

Awesome! In the process of ordering the 12 week super stack! Couldn't resist the August special.
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