
Pure Essence Bulk Stack

Moeman said:
DylanGemelli said:
Moeman said:
rockmfhudd said:
Moeman said:
[quote="rockmfhudd":1mr4k0bl]Nice work and log bro, I am on the triple stack and am in week 10 or 11 shit I lost track to be honest my work is about as crazy as yours sounds. But I have def noticed an increase in cardio and strength and endurance and recovery and all of the above. people notice as well I work around dudes so when a dude tells you they either are gay or telling you the truth and I don't work with any gay guys. LOL anyway I will be following this and am excited to see what you feel and see in ur pct. I too am anxiously awaiting the PE release of the new shit!!!! hurry up guys I cant stand it any longer

Thanks bro, appreciate it.
I get the "have you lost weight?" Question a lot now...they look at me funny when I tell them no I've actually put on a couple of kilo haha!
And yeah extremely excited about the new shit!!

Yes im down 20 or so pounds 5 or 6 inches in my waist (whatever that equates to in the metric system) LOL. This shit is magical!! that is all I can say, its good to know it is working for so many people, not to take away from the busting it you have to do in the gym or workouts because I have done that as well. The GW has really increased my cardio time and endurance as well. Week 10 or so

That's some very impressive results bro! Well done! Will you try another cycle after this one? Actually just answered my own question then. You're waiting for the new stuff to come out haha What I mean is will you do it straight after your break from pct?

after your mini pct, you only need 2-3 weeks off and you can jump right back on another sarms stack...

Awesome! In the process of ordering the 12 week super stack! Couldn't resist the August special.[/quote:1mr4k0bl]

you are in for a big treat with the super stack bro... you are going to absolutely love it!
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