
Pray for Paris


Active member
I would like to send a prayer[emoji120] for all the lives lost in Paris! rot In hell for the cowards who attacked these innocent people.
The great people of Paris have had to endure yet another wave of terror from animals not fit to walk this condolences to the families of the people who lost their lives in that dastardly attack.
Terrorist attacks...some with AK-47s, some with bombs strapped to them. They attacked sites throughout the French Capital and at the stadium where the soccer match was underway. Very very sad...I just read that there's at least 153 people dead. Bataclan concert hall took the worst hit.

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What the heck happened now?


Looks like 120+ people died in a night from gun/bomb attacks. All innocent people at bars, restaurants, stadium, etc. They deployed military across the city trying to get things under control. There are some fucked up people in this world...
Terrorist attacks...some with AK-47s, some with bombs strapped to them. They attacked sites throughout the French Capital and at the stadium where the soccer match was underway. Very very sad...I just read that there's at least 153 people dead. Bataclan concert hall took the worst hit.

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Wow 153 now. What the hell is wrong with people... Unfortunate time for Paris.
Definitely praying for everyone. This is what it looks like when you have open borders, no guns allowed to defend yourself, a carefree style government, and radical Muslim beliefs filling your streets.
So heartbreaking to hear about this. I'll be praying for Paris. Just shows what the world is coming to and the type of corruption it's filled with
Terrorist attacks...some with AK-47s, some with bombs strapped to them. They attacked sites throughout the French Capital and at the stadium where the soccer match was underway. Very very sad...I just read that there's at least 153 people dead. Bataclan concert hall took the worst hit.

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What the hell is wrong with people. Thats terrible

What the hell is wrong with people. Thats terrible


Unfortunaley people respond with peace signs, instead of outrage and demanding that extremist be rooted out. In Middle Eastern culture this exact response is a sign that Western society is week and ripe for the taking. Huge PR victory for ISIS on the audience there trying to capture. Expect attacks to continue to accelerate and become more deadly.
I really envy you guys, living in the US, that you still have the right to arm and protect yourselves and your families. We, Europeans, are now pretty much dead meat...
I really envy you guys, living in the US, that you still have the right to arm and protect yourselves and your families. We, Europeans, are now pretty much dead meat...

I live in Europe brother, yes the feeling of being totally defensless and at the mercy of local authorities protections is not comforting at all. Years of being taught the state is the only one capable of defending you and providing has taken its toll in Europe. We are mere sheep to the slaughter here.
It's a very unfortunate time for Paris. My heart and prayers go out to them. Guns were banned there and in my opinion these people didn't even have a fighting chance. Such a tragedy that the world has come to this with the extremist groups out there.
This attack goes to show that Gun control and open borders are helpless for innocent people. America needs to see that we need the right to bare arms so we can protect ourselves so to all that are against the right to bare arms may want to think again. I feel really bad for the lives lost and the families that lost love ones.
I will always bear arms.regardless of the government.none of mine are registered

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Me too I'm from and live in NYC where the laws are tough on guns. But I have to protect my family as I do live in a rough neighborhood
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