
Pray for Paris

<Peeking thru window blinds>
Isis is threatening DC now.
I live too close for this shit.
Im stuck between the Guetto riot wars and Isis.
Fuck me

Don't let them scare you man. That's the whole point. So we beg them to tighten up surveillance and put military on the streets, TSA poking you in the asshole on every street corner, etc. "please take away my rights so I feel safer!!"

Create the problem and then sell the solution. That's our government in a nutshell

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[email protected]
This politically correct shit is for the birds. France responded almost immediately after being attacked when the dropped 20 bombs like outkast's bombs over Baghdad. We need to do the same or at least grow a pair.
Here is the bottom line folks. These fucks don't know anything but violence you cant fight them with negotiations. The road to Peace will require violence and I am ready like a mother fucker whoever the enemy foreign or domestic. But if we keep rolling out the red carpet for these fucks to come here it will continue to escalate. IMO its by design by the likes of Geroge Soros and company, but I don't wanna get into my politics about this bullshit.
Why pray for people that let their guard down thinking that Islam is a religion of peace? biggest bunch of bullshit. until the Quran is rewritten it will be the religion of violence against "the infidel's" Im your huckleberry raghead come down to Florida and pull that shit.
Don't let them scare you man. That's the whole point. So we beg them to tighten up surveillance and put military on the streets, TSA poking you in the asshole on every street corner, etc. "please take away my rights so I feel safer!!"

Create the problem and then sell the solution. That's our government in a nutshell

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[email protected]
Exactly spot on. And exactly why the government orchestrated 9/11 created the Patriot act, taking away more of our rights as citizens
Exactly spot on. And exactly why the government orchestrated 9/11 created the Patriot act, taking away more of our rights as citizens

And of course its the media but TSA has let about 90% of fake bomb tests go thru, TSA is a fucking joke. They want us in a divided state of panic all of the time so we react unwittingly to craziness. I will admit that this is the only country left with our Freedoms as of now, but we the people need to take this shit back.
And of course its the media but TSA has let about 90% of fake bomb tests go thru, TSA is a fucking joke. They want us in a divided state of panic all of the time so we react unwittingly to craziness. I will admit that this is the only country left with our Freedoms as of now, but we the people need to take this shit back.

They also allow Saudis to go through unchecked... At least the rich ones.

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[email protected]
well it is a bunch of don't give a shit people working there with the "new generation" all I have to say is when I fly I profile like a mofo and I mean mug anyone that is suspect. I will go down fighting immediately there wont be no damn crashing in a field they can only cut the first person
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